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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. Something just doesn't sounds right here, i mean, even if we know that thai wives never lies and cannot do bad things, ever, as we can see from the countless stories of these bad farang husbands which just want to clear up their innocent wives of all their belonging and are up to no good, what about having a chat directly with him?

    Maybe you will discover a whole new story?

    If your old flend refuse to tell you how you can get in touch with the dutchie, i would start to smell a rat........and a big one too

    Waiting for your updates on the whole matter :biggrin:

  2. 2 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:



    No Ayjaydee, it's not "special" at all, that's what "normality" should really be all about, but unfortunately the so many disturbed people around, sort of reverted those views with their own sick actions and opinions, so the minority that still behave properly just look kind of strange to them and something to fight against.

    I just hope (for yourself), which you didn't meant that "special" thing, as the common slang being commonly used into a certain part of the world, because if you meant to say that doing real good deeds toward someone or something else makes you less "masculine" in any ways, then i am sorry for you but you need even more help than this poor puppy, to deal with your personal insecurities.... 

  3. Thanks QuietMan, 

                                        i really don't mind if they'd like the puppy back, once it will hopefully restart to become autonomous again, in fact, i was the only person there, mentioning willing to give it back once she was ok again, but they insisted on keeping it, however it wouldn't surprise me if they will pretend it back if they seen it walking around on her legs, i just hope they would not try to extort money from me because i kept it for so long, unfortunately that would not be a first either, once you do a courtesy to anyone, often they'll just show up again pretending it with more things added to it, sometime asking you even for money for your privilege to being able to offer something of their likening to them, however that would requires a whole new thread to discuss, what i care about, is that a life will not be lost because of the laziness and cruelty of some other individual, i already rescued a couple of strays years back, but i wasn't really planning to get some more, hopefully they'll give it the care it deserves once they seen it as an "handsome asset" again.....

  4. A few days ago, i went to one of those typical "mom & pop" shops, to buy some of those random stuff that always seems to slip out of the shopping list.
    The village i am in, it's one of those places were people are REALLY attached to their temples and religious customs, lots of "money's trees" sprouting out all around, people shawing their heads and dressing in white robes, monks walking their walks on the main road, no matter what's the weather like, every single morning, with people waiting on their knees to donate something to them, etc...
    There seems to be even a competition between the different families every year, on whom makes the biggest party with fireworks, the loudest music ever heard in my whole life, i bet not even a professional disco can compete with it, and rivers of alcohol which flood the place till the very last person just crash down on the floor.
    These local villages, are far from being the "poor places" described by westerners, even if many people keep dressing down and looks as almost being starving, there is not a single household which can't show up a shining new car, or the latest farming vehicles, so, far from being "poor".
    Anyway, that was just an introduction to better understand the local environment, let's get back to the shop.
    So, i went there, then the shop's lady, told me to have a look at one of her dogs which had being hit by a car the day before, the poor puppy (apparently 7 months old), had lost the use of her two back legs and could not move, then she said to me that it was about to start raining and that the dog would die, i asked to her, why she would not move the injured dog under some shelter or something, then she replied that she would not do it because otherways the dog would relieve itself there.....
    You really got to love these hardcore religious people, bragging off the entire year with their proofs of (supposed) good deeds, and then leaving to die their own pets because they could not be bothered by their sufferences.
    So i took it with me (the dog, not the lady), and after just a couple of days, you can't imagine the joy of seeing it restarting gaining back, control of her tail and hind legs, when i first checked, it couldn't move them at all, but now it can even lift one leg when having a pee, still too early for standing up, but it all looks as we are slowly getting in there.
    Every times i get asked of what religions am i a "fan boy", i have no problems to tell i do not follow any of them, while this inevitably ends up with the other part giving me some bad look or it change completely their attitudes, making them all of a sudden cold and uninterested, i don't really care, that's their issue and they better start to deal with it, i have no interest into all these fake "holier-than-thou" kind of people, much more interested into real positive actions, as if i wanted to follow some sorts of illusionary belief, i would rather create a more creative one than these boring senseless movements, or even join the rosey's lenses movement here on TV....
    Here is Rosy for you



  5. IMO, that's just a revisited "good cop/bad cop" technique, where the two officials (TAT & IMMY), are simply playing a game together to get a result, which in this case are not information, but cash out of you (all of it and possibly even more), the funny thing it's that both of them would not exists without foreigners coming here...


  6. Foam = Really cheap, easy to find, quick and effective, then plasterwood on top or whatever else makes you happy.

    If you do it by yourself, with the money you save you could do another apartment, or delegate someone else if you want to soundproof their apartment too with your money (you never know, they might have the same problem at home).


  7. Sorry but you are a big spender. 

    You could spend as little as the money required to pay for your Visa, invest on a tent and some solar powered equipment, go native, many people around here eat the fruits and edible plants growing spontaneously almost everywhere, there are also fishes almost everywhere, some of them even walk on lands as the rivers are overpopulated. Drinking the raining water might be an overkill, bring your own bottle and you can refill it for free into so many different places, hospitals, food courts, etc.

    If you are in a hurry to recharge your devices, there are plenty of public places with power outlets that seems to be craving for you to just use them.

    If you need free transportation, just wear orange clothes, also, if you made a walk the early morning into an area were locals live, you might be able to get lots of free treats.

  8. 3 hours ago, futsukayoi said:


    Well if you are English your Thai wife cannot even get in unless you can prove you are earning a decent salary.  Most countries make it much harder for foreigners to live or work than Thailand does.


    That's probably a reason why many Brits would use the EU laws to do that rather than the local laws...thanks Cod (& the chips too) for Brexit :cheesy:.

    Yes in some other country might be much harder, but let's not forget that once you are "accepted", they will not treat you and let you feel as just an annoyance till your very last day, how's that???

  9. 3 hours ago, Thian said:

    If i had a gun i would relieve the animal out of it's misery...what a shame for a budhist country to treat animals like that.


    I feel you bro!, if i had it too, i would feel so tempted to relieve humanity of such a shame, as i don't really want to be compared to such elements on society, how miserable, but then the brain takes over, and let me tolerates even those without compassion

  10. 3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    The veterinarian said correctly that "kind people" are the source of the problem that sees more and more strays on the streets of Thailand.


    Maybe he's training to become a politician, you know, those who blames the existence of poor or the less advantaged in some way, by blaming it all to the ones helping them out, it really says a lot about him or the people who listen to his guidance.....




    3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Frightening is, that in and around Pattaya and Rayong there are dozens of "unbusy" bored alien retiree residents following in these Thai footsteps.
    Some cook upto 40 kgs of dog food daily for those canine, go over the moon that in Sakorn Nakorn dog meat is on sale while complaining over piles manure and tilted garbage bins. 


    Bloody aliens, coming over here and stealing all our show!

    Why do they take all attention away from us busy whoremongering and getting drunk on the bar stools, so we can eventually get started one of those glorious fist fights with no rules??? How disgusting these well wishers really are?!....sorry chaps i got to catch my baht's bus to the brothel, c ya later on TV...ohh and maybe (just maybe), the garbage's bins are getting tilted because someone was scavenging for food? Naaa, really? Can't be that


    3 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    in Sakorn Nakorn dog meat is on sale while complaining over piles manure and tilted garbage bins. The same jury verdicting over Northeastern meat choice has no problem munching on meats of other origin (chicken, pork etc.) but once it comes to stray street dogs the brain function goes into crazy overdrive. Pathetic! 


    Same here, sometime i really wonder why people should have issue slicing up a few steaks from people as you, aren't you made of meat too? How pathetic!!!


    No TV member was hurt or it will ever be during the preparation of this comment, it might contain some nuts, if you are allergic to it, please skip this post and keep reading other comments instead.

  11. 49 minutes ago, newnative said:

    I would be making a big fuss, too.  The resident owners need to get organized and demand some action from the condo committee.

    Don't be rude to our chinese cousins, what about some "kung fuss" instead? I mean, the condo committee could organize a big party for all where everyone would be feed prawns, delivered by some martial art move by the chef...if you can't beat them... 

  12. 13 minutes ago, BaiLao said:


    Why a dog, any dogs, should be trained in a way to accommodate a behavioral problem that it's not their own?

    People whom have problems with dogs, are the same ones which very likely will have many more problems with anything else, dogs do not simply troubleshoots things as security's issues or lacks of affections, but will also points out at the members of our society which are dysfunctional, but it's up to the personal's intellect of each individual to give a correct interpretation to what they are trying to tell you....   

  13. Am i the only one thinking that the only reason that keep this country openly supporting Buddhism, it's because they haven't yet realized that the idol they adore was a foreigner???

    And what about "Thailand", the "land of the free", when someone tell you "I am Thai" what are they are try to tell you exactly? ...that they are "free" from what? Nationalism??? Maybe time for a couple of additional crackdowns out there and update a few things in between, perhaps they should rename the place as the local language equivalent of "in denial" or similar, can you imagine it? "Hey mate where are you from?"....."I am In Denial, what about yourself?"

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