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  1. Usually in that situation the Thais will leave you alone but mouthing off and chatting up one of the guys gf is a good way to get a kick in the head. That said sounds like they too were quite drunk and went way overboard
  2. Like no one saw this coming. What's next.....sentence commuted down to 30 days due to medical hardship or general unhappiness LOL
  3. No one seems to want to ask where in the hell did they get the guns?
  4. Whoever is saying there's no Chinese tourists should come hang out around my place LOL
  5. Pattaya or should we say the new Bang Saen? Unfortunately i've seen a few examples of kids locally going this way and can honestly, knowing the families, terrible parenting!
  6. Somewhere between a panic attack, a ploy, and a ruse
  7. In all fairness most tourists don't stay in one country for 90 days. It does make it easier for those that do have boots more planted on the ground here and can't meet what are ridiculous vis requirements.
  8. Why wasn't i invited lol
  9. Was time for somtam. The noodle carts were farther away 555
  10. If anyone thinks a new law in place will correct this problem i don't want whatever it is they are smoking. How about s proper a** kicking to our kids so they don't grow up like this and have some manners and respect?!
  11. OMB a brawl on Walking Street in the wee hours ? Say it isn't so! LOL Yeah extend the drinking time!!! LOL
  12. i don't mean to stereotype at all but people create their own reputations. i lived on soi yen sabai for 6 months and there is a reason why i moved. and that was 20 years ago before it got much worse. While Pattaya is supposedly looking for quality tourists maybe it should try thinking about quality rather than airport arrivals to report!
  13. Going after transnational organized motorcycle clubs?? They can't even stop the Kuwaitis in Pattaya LOL
  14. He's lucky the police got to him before the ladyboys LOL. Another one of those quality tourists they keep talking about 555

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