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Posts posted by burman

  1. As a non Thai I would not answer such a question as it has nothing to do with me, nor would I be happy to read such a Post if I was a moderator !! Best keep your nose and everything else out

    You wouldn't be happy to discuss another country's politics even when it effects you?

  2. agreed- i have never watched big brother but after taking a look at that video dantilley posted i think you would have to be an idiot to sit through it. the girl is totally annoying and embarassing to thailand.

    The English contestants are usually an embarrassment to England so it's all quite fair.

  3. But misquoting her in that way was wrong imo as she never said the girls were gold digging

    Fully aware she never said the word gold digging Boo. If you go back to the post you will actually noticed I quoted her perfectly.

    I also misquoted her in a very obvious fashion, and that was to make a point. I did mention this earlier, a couple of pages back. :D

    just that they were taught to look for a good provider. So yes, doing that was offensive as you implied that a western women, made a comment about thai women being gold diggers, when that clearly wasn't the case.

    I assume Sylvia understood it, as I noticed she isn't as bothered to comment it on as the other seem to. As I say, I fully agree with comment she made.

    I will also say, from previous experience of posting in the ladies forum that Kat and SBK would be the first ones to jump on me and cast aspersions that I was sexist. SBK never says too much, because I think she just flares up quickly and understands I'm not. Kat jumps right in and attacks with her sexist rants. :D

    And no matter what you may say next, the wise and diplomatic Boo I know as you are reading this you are nodding your head, and I know that SBK is half agreeing too, but Kat is in a rage of red mist thinking of new insults to demonize me, her face never to be lost to one of these Thailand expat men. :D

    Kat is a complete fruitcake and we all know it (and I say this is the nicest possible way). As soon as a man makes a comment about western women behavior he might have noticed she is in his face talking about his hate for western women. It's completely mad.

    I must say though, I find Kat and SBK to be two of the nicest women on this forum, good hearted people. but for gods sake give it a break with all the 'western men hate all western women' and the 'western men put Thai women on a pedestal' style talk (and all the rest of it Kat).

    You make us sound like a naive bunch of fools who have been twisted into psychopathic western women haters. when we are just trying to express an opinion on a sub forum of this site that we might actually take an interest in because we like to chat to other western women with Thailand experience. :o

    Ok, I am off to buy milk and biscuits so my rant is over.

    None of the above is meant with any hate, it just tires me to get this from Kat again. :D

    Enjoy your night ladies, and you too Kat! :D

  4. Touched a nerve did I Kat. :o

    Sylvia's comments reflect more of what hundreds of journals, research reports, and objective discussions of SEA culture and gender politics say and know about themselves.

    Yes I quite agree! I agree with Sylvia's comments also! Most Thai women are taught to catch a high earning man.

    I don't need to read papers and get second hand information to know this, I talk and discuss these things with Bangkok girls all the time. I never in fact said I disagreed with it, thought you seem to have read otherwise.


    If a western woman approaches a Thai woman and says what Sylvia said.

    What do you think the Thai woman will think?

    Will she agree that this is an indisputably researched truth?


    Will she think 'bloody western women looking down on us Thai women' and start giving some bad attitude back?

    Honestly Kat, what do you think a Thai woman's response to Sylvia's comment would be?

  5. However, she has almost always been taught that her ability to "catch" a high-earning man is her greatest strength. Thus, a conflicting mix of feelings.

    When western women say things like "Most Thai women have been taught that gold digging is their greatest strength" I think you can understand the problem comes from both sides. :o

    First of all, that's not what she said, and you quoted her out of context.

    Yes I quoted her and changed a word. It's quite obvious to everyone here that it is not what she said because I quoted her also.

    But it is very similar don't you think? Catching a high earning man could very easily be confused with the accusation of gold digging. Do you not think young Thai girls might misinterpret this attitude also?

    I think when Western men put Thai women or anyone else on a pedestal and need to demonize others to maintain their fantasy, it's really about their resentment and so much more.

    I think you need to address what I have said without trying to counter attack what you mistakenly think is a derogatory statement towards all western women. It once again demonstrates you'd obvious dislike for many men in Thailand and your need to ironically play the 'discrimination card' at every turn.

    I never put my Thai women on a pedestal, the only woman in fact I do keep on a pedestal is my Mother, a fine western woman.

    as an aside...

    Can I ask a question of the some of the ladies here?

    As a man, do I need to make a statement of non sexism before I post here?

    There is obviously going to be some generalisation about western women and Thai women in this thread, it is named 'young Thai girls' after all and has become a discussion between the problems Thai women and western women have.

    It can be difficult to get my point across without overly sensitive posters accusing others of sexism, or favouritism towards the Thai women. Why must we be demonized when we try to make a point?

    it's really about their resentment and so much more.

    Now I am being called a 'hater' for making a comment on a western woman's post. :D

    Please make relevant comments to the discussion Kat, rather than making yet more assumptions about western men and our thinking just because you disagree with what one of them has said. We are no all western women haters, duped by Thai women, and mentally scarred by the sex industry of Thailand.

    Some of us are still quite normal.

  6. Was this the point?

    As for the following you around the shop issue, well I was told by a shop owner that he orders his staff to follow customers around to cut down on the shoplifting as it is a serious problem.

    Yes, agreed, and such an obvious truth (around the whole world in fact) I didn't think it worth a comment on.

  7. Apologies for missing part of your post SBK, it was late last night, I was near to bed and I didn't realise there was anything to comment on and missed it. :o

    Rather than throwing more accusatory comments at me regarding my selective reading perhaps you could let me know which point I missed out and I will happily comment on it here. :D

    There is a level of decorum needed in any debate SBK.

  8. funny, I don't know any Thai girls that think that way. Not saying you don't but that I know many many Thai women quite well, including ones in service jobs and they don't have that attitude.

    I don't think it's 'funny' in any way. You know mainly Thai women that live on an island, I know mainly Thai women in Bangkok. I imagine they do think differently about many things. I know many many Thai women very well as well. Not all think that way of course, but I have heard it and thought it might be a factor.

    You must also appreciate a Thai woman may not want to criticise western women as much to you, as you are a western woman yourself?

    the women who work for my husband and myself in a small bungalow resort ask us specifically to not let Thai people stay there as they tend to expect far more service than the position or the place implies. And, often, those with the worst attitude towards our staff are other Thai women.

    And this in fact backs up a point I wanted to make earlier but was far too scared to in this forum. :o

    Now I appreciate I may well be wrongly shot down in flames for sexism here, but its my observation that women are far more hostile to other women than men are to other men in the service industry.

    So, in my experience, I do not know Thai women who have told me or behaved towards me in a manner that implies they think I think I am superior. But then, I don't think I am superior, just luckier, so perhaps that belief comes out in my behavior and that is why I rarely encounter a snotty attitude

    Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself is a rule of thumb I live by as well. I never seem to encounter the problems other people have with Thai's or westerners because of this attitude. :D

  9. Yes, many men say it also SBK. And lots on this forum I quite agree.

    You say my point was 'interesting' and posted the whistling smiley, but do you actually agree with it or not?

    I posted an observation, not an attack so no need to counter attack... :o

  10. However, she has almost always been taught that her ability to "catch" a high-earning man is her greatest strength. Thus, a conflicting mix of feelings.

    When western women say things like "Most Thai women have been taught that gold digging is their greatest strength" I think you can understand the problem comes from both sides. :o

  11. I think that what tends to get my goat is when a farang assumes that just because you both happen to be foreigners, you're automatically going to hit-it-off, a sort-of "Thank goodness; you're the first friendly face I've seen all day" and then proceed to tell you their life-story and generally run the place down. I had the great misfortune to be sat next to one of these knob-jockeys on my last flight back from England. Still gives me nightmares... :o

    On the spot.

    Absolutely. I live in a remote village that we deliberately picked as there were no other Falang. But, guess what, there is one. Some Swiss bloke who pitches up for a week every year. The trouble is that all the villagers, bless em, assume that 'cos he's Falang I/we'll want to meet. Cue very embarrassing 15 minutes as we stood outside my place wondering what the heck to say to each other. I offered beer, tea, coffee but to no avail.

    Could you really not find something to say to another European in a remote village in Thailand? Seems you both have a social ineptness.

    Or was you trying to make a point to the villagers 'bless em' that farangs are ot so alike (especially not a village expat and a tourist!), they can't even find a word to say to each other. The Thais must have thought you was both mad.

  12. Remember the poor lady in Texas who drowned her 5 kids because the doc hadn't got the meds for her PND figured out yet.

    Er, I'm sorry but I don't think PND is a sufficient excuse in that case. Surely meds help, but also surely she could have figured that out herself before resorting to murder.

    Fully agree GirlX (and I don't say that to you much :o ).

    Has this world become so PC that we are now allowing people to mass murder children because of PND?

    I also agree that the OP's girl may have acquired a drug habit.

    Disagree here though. I personally don't think she a drug habit or PND to excuse her behavior.

    I would say the baby has given her the proverbial 'inch' to take the extra 'mile' though.

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