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Posts posted by burman

  1. I have no "bottom draw" attitude, if you are referring to me. I just tend not to believe the numerous B.S. stories woven together, by the local lovelies, such as the OP has so extensively described. The truth usually bubbles to the surface eventually, if one is astute enough to recognize it.

    Didn't you catch one girl hiding a guy under her bed?

  2. Actually thinking on it now, I was at the cowboy last night playing pool. I went with a friend to country bar (?) bcause they had decent enough tables but I was going to go spice bar because I recall them having a nice table upstairs. As I looked at Spice bar I noticed the upstairs looked closed, and the main display neon light outside was off, though downstairs I think it was open.

    I didn't think on it much at the time, but it did strike me as something not being quite right. This must of been about 9:30-10 pm.

    Maybe just a coincidence?

  3. Don't you know all Thai women are virgins? AND they don't have now and never had any boyfriends AND don't have sex out of wedlock. Pretty much the standard story from them. How old was this lady, by the way?

    She was a 25 year old 'student', he is 53. Sound familiar...? :o

  4. I'll admit also that my Thai friend told# her that she woulkd not get sh*tloads of money.

    Without wanting to offend your judgment further Intumult...

    I have to say your Thai friend seems suspicious too. He/She would have known what was going on to a certain degree at least, because they have either seen it all before or just because they have experience with this kind of thing. Much the same way many a long term expat could probably have seen it.

    The fact that your Thai friend made that comment to her shows that he/she knew what kind of girl she was doesn't it?

    Make sure this 'Thai friend' has your best interests at heart. I myself am doubtful.

    And don't be soured on Thai women, plenty of good ones out there.

  5. Doza..., you are a 'chakwow'

    Do people actually speak like this and think they are clever?

    This surely has to be a very good troll, no one could be this naive, could they?

  6. He behaved like a gentleman and was framed.

    Well, not quite the gentlemen. He started a thread on here the other day about the girlfriend being in Chiang Mai so he was going on a date with another girl.

    It was a deleted thread, I assumed the mods considered it a troll.

  7. You've been warned about this girl since your first post about her here....

    No Kissing

    ...and she's come out with constant lies since then. What happened to her not being able to kiss someone because she was attacked by a dog when she was a child? Seems she has been doing more than just kissing. Her sick relative is no doubt her husband or bf. You are no doubt being reeled in like the big fish you are.

    Get out now and save yourself time and money.

    O - Telling me her boyfriend had left her for another woman. She got my number and we went out on a date. The next day her manager told me she has a husband living at home!

    I assume this is the girl you dated when your fiance was in Chiang Mai? :o

  8. I still remember the first big screw up I made, during my first trip to Thailand back in '93. Sitting at a bar and someone asked where the bathrooms were. Not thinking (or knowing), I used my foot to point in the general direction of the public toilets. I still remember the looks of shock on the faces of the wait-staff (who explained my grevious error afterwards).

    Did you have to come to Thailand before you learned that pointing out directions with your foot was rude?

    It would be considered rude in England too.

  9. My initial thought when reading the OP first post was that he was jealous.Jealous of farang speaking better thai than him and also jealous that farang stay Thailand longer than him when he has to return home.And whats this "genuine article" crap,i think your getting yourself worked up over nothing.

    Did you manage any other thoughts after the initial one?

    I do appreciate you may be worn out by now and we may have to wait until tomorrow for it.

  10. I notice a couple of people have mentioned about not bringing her to Thailand and I just wanted to mention a friend of mine. He was a heroin user in the UK, and come to Thailand to give it up. He did this (several years ago) and now lives a very nice life here and has made a real success of himself.

    Part of the reason was that he saw a new way of life over here, not experienced in his up bringing in the UK which changed his way of thinking. Another reason was that the people he met here were not heroin users whereas at home most of his friends were. I think the third and most significant reason was heroin was not so easily available here as it was in his hometown in Northern England.

    A more recent story is from a friend who has been using crack/heroin regularly in the UK for the last couple of years. He visited Thailand and Laos for 4 months this year and stayed away from drug use. He's hoping to come out here again in 6 months and live in Laos for a year which I know will be a major change in his life for the better. I got an email from him the other day, as soon as he got back to London, within an hour or so of putting his bags down and seeing a friend drugs were put on the table for him and he was using cocaine again. It's quite a contrast from when he visits me here and instead of hard drugs gets some beers and a few plates of good food.

    I was into drugs in the UK myself before I moved here, and should I have stayed in London and never visited Thailand there is a good chance I too now would have been using crack at some point.

    My point is quite obvious, that although Thailand is a country with significant drug problems it's not nearly as available as it in in many big cities in the west, especially if all your friends are into the same scene.

    So just wanted to give another side to the story regarding drug users coming to Thailand. Make of it what you will, and good luck!

  11. Put on a Helmet; you have to wear one at home and there's more a chance of head trauma here.

    And of course all expats wear helmets. :o

    Put on a shirt; you don't shop at your Tesco top-less at home do you?

    I can't honestly say I have seen many shirtless tourists shopping at Tescos on their holiday. Is it a common occurrence?

  12. The backpackers hate the package tourists, the package tourists hate the sex pats, the long term expats hate the short term expats, the non teachers hate the teachers, the teachers hate the backpackers etc.

    Ok, quite a generalisation, and of course not everyone is like that, but overall I think we can safely say a lot of farang hate other farang here for the stupidest reasons.

    Even on this forum you can be ridiculed for meeting your wife in a bar, or living in too small an apartment, teaching English, your choice of holiday destination (think Phangan/Pattaya), choosing to eat farang food daily instead of Thai food etc.

    The farang that are generally most negative towards other farang usually do so out of some need to compete against them and/or to try to win brownie points from the Thais.

  13. DistortedLink, you asked Nignoy where he got his information from, and he told you.

    So why call him a liar just because it wasn't the answer that you wanted to hear? :o

    Sounds impressive but anyone of the anonymouses on these forums can make these claims.

    Nignoy throughout the years on this forum has mentioned his zoo keeping past. I appreciate he has upset you but there really is no point asking someone a question and then calling them a liar when they answer.

    Nignoy, next time tell him you are an electrician from Hounslow, he'll believe that because it will help him win the argument. :D

  14. Absolutely no consideration. At my old apartment there used to be a few guys that had a friend that came along with his car, complete with mega wattage stereo and park it outside with the music turned on at full volume. Right outside a residential apartment block full of people that had to work the next day. I was tempted many a time to throw a brick at the car.

    But really, what can you do about it?

    Just hope they stop soon or just shove some cotton wool in your ears.

  15. I think Nignoy used to work in the Zoo trade in some capacity.

    England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments

    I wouldn't agree with this after seeing the big cats in cages in London Zoo. Pathetically small. Birds of Prey section is pretty awful too. Come to think of it, even the Penguin enclosure was a concrete unnatural mess. Actually the Gorilla and Apes cages were terrible. If England is a world leader in it's natural environments, lets hope London Zoo isn't the flagship.

    Excellent conservation work though as far as I am aware.

    And certainly a lot better than any Thai zoo/animal attraction I have visited.

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