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Posts posted by burman

  1. Though a non native I read recently Plecostomus have become quite a pest in some Thai waterways.

    I remember several years ago seeing a large plec get fished out the Chao Phaya River, and thinking "Hold on a minute, this doesn't look like the Amazon!' :o

  2. In a serious note, I've no clue why farang girls would travel halfway across the world to bed one o' these Thai beach boys. I can understand the guys coming here, but the girls? I might not have met the right people, I guess, but Thai guys aren't exactly the personification of what you'd be looking for in an ideal mate, no matter how you cut it.


    I read into this you understand why men come here because Thai women are better than farang women. And I also read into this that you don't understand why women come here because farang men are better than Thai men?

    Is that about right? Or have I misinterpreted your post?

  3. It could be a panaque, peckoltia or plecostomus (all very similar looking) and the size could vary from 3" fully grown to 2 foot.

    I would guess it's a plecostomus because they are commonly sold and the panaques and peckotias are more expensive and harder to find in your run of the mill fish shop.

    The only thing that makes me think it might not be a plec though is the colour patterning on it. Most plecs are a dull brown and without stripes.

    Another clue would be the price, plecs would generally be very cheap and panaques that bit more expensive. Though the price difference may be so minimal depending on what species you have it's not conclusive.

    Besides the point really, as they all behave the same way and eat the same kind of food and will not bother the Koi.

    Couple of pics of a fairly common found species (in Thai shops) of a panaque for the OP.



  4. And with the story posted all over the web, if it is him, it is only a short time before he goes into hiding. Reporting him should be something that was done immediately if you thought the pictures looked just like him.

    He wasn't sure if the children were willing or not. :o

  5. By posting what information he has on one of the widest read web forums in Thailand the OP has already reduced his options regarding doing his own private detective work and getting further confirmation on the identity of this man.

    There is not time for a poll, or pages of moral dilemma, it would not surprise me if the information on this topic is not already on it's way to him. And if it isn't today, then it will be with him tomorrow.

    The OP has forced himself into making a quick decision, and it needs to be taken with some immediacy.

  6. I remember reading a thread on here about a guy who got bitten by a venomous snake, and he posted a topic asking other posters whether he should go the doctor or not.

    I thought that was the stupidest question I've ever read on here.

    Now it seems people have to rely on other posters to decide whether they turn in a suspected peadophile. :o

    It might also be worth remembering that if the guy is reading this thread he will up and dissappear whilst you are still twiddling your thumbs UG.

    Turn him in, if he's innocent and you cause him an inconvenience then I would say it's worth the risk.

    Of course be as sure as you possibly can be first and do it anonymously.

  7. What do you really expect on these kinds of VR…service? safety, comfort…you are paying cheap price for cheap service

    ***flame removed***

    Someone gets shouted at and hit by a driver of a bus, complains about it and then told by you that he should have expected it because it was a cheap service.

    And why shouldn't someone take a bus instead of a flight?

  8. My grandparents struggled for food whilst there were bombs dropping on London during the blitz.

    We can all thank ourselves lucky really. And let's not forget that there are many people in this world still starving to death everyday.


  9. From the mouth description it will be a vegetarian algae eater of some description and should not bother your koi in the pond.

    Ok, choose a fish. We might be able to name it or at least get closer to what it is.





  10. We married in the States, have joint bank accounts there and here and she has her own cards for full access, I put everything we purchase (house, land, car, motorbikes, chopper) in her name and own absolutely nothing myself but my own clothing.

    But, why is everything in her name? Any particular reason you don't have joint ownership of all your worldly goods?

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