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Posts posted by burman

  1. If it wasn't me sitting in this area it would be someone else

    Fair point. And you are saving those customers from a similar fate, almost providing a service in fact by taking the heat.

    Enjoy guilt free knowing you looked at the alternative. :o

  2. I say you don't take his seat next time, but take the seat next to it.

    When he comes in, he is happy and gets his seat. The mangeress is also happy because she's not getting stressed out by 'two little boys fighting over a seat in class' which she doesn't need or deserve.

    And you can ask him why he is obsessed with getting that seat everyday. Maybe he's a really nice guy.

    I wholeheartedly admit that I would probably also be playing the childish game. :o

    But I'd like to think I'd try the alternative as well.

  3. I think it's a juvenile Red Necked Keel Back snake.

    Snakes in Thailand

    It says on this site, it does have some poison, but I believe it's a rear fanged snake which makes it far less dangerous than it's front fanged cousins. Like all snakes, best left alone and avoided.

    Rhabdophis subminiatus (Red-necked Keelbeck Snake)

    Thai: ngoo lei sam

    Length: Up to 130 cm

    These snakes are usually a lot smaller. The average length is approx. 70 cm.

    Occurrence: Throughout Thailand


    Rhabdophis subminiatus is an adaptable snake which is at home in the woods as well as in residential areas and gardens. It prefers life near to water. The snake is active during the day. Their food is made up of frogs and fish. If threatened, they spread out their red neck area and erect themselves.

    Danger: Bites can lead to severe poisoning in humans.

  4. To be honest, I'd be scared of getting my head blown off if I stopped the car.

    could get your head blown off if you tried to escape too , a motorcycle can usually out accelerate a car and they are easier to manoever too.

    i'd wait until they come alongside , brake sharply thereby allowing them to move ahead and then speed up and mow them down , but in a panic situation i'd probably mess it all up.

    Sounds like a tricky maneuver to me Tax. On second thoughts I'd try to swerve into the biker with the gun. But really, stopping would be the last thing on my mind.

    I will have to get down to Thailand's top tourist destination sometime soon and give Death Race 2008 a try. :o

  5. Steve has been spot on with his posts in this thread. Bottom line is mid east tourists have a lot of money to spend, they are the high quality tourists that TAT is aiming for.

    A lot of white foreigners will be disappointed by this, no doubt fearing their lesser spending power will not be able to keep them the 'top dogs' which they always seem to think they are.

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