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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 14 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    It's the airlines. They have never been good business. Too many risks.  Amazon basically functions as the de facto medical, food, and essential goods distributor. Google and Apple... will have more money than the government soon if this keeps up.


    Here is what one of the greatest CEO of all time said about the company he ran American Airlines.


    “I’ve never invested in any airline. I’m an airline manager. I don’t invest in airlines. And I always said to the employees of American, ‘This is not an appropriate investment. It’s a great place to work and it’s a great company that does important work. But airlines are not an investment.’”


    -Robert Crandall


    Agreed on Amazon's packaging however these days it is made out of very young trees. We have more wood pulp than you can shake a box at these days and it's sustainable.



    For this maybe the government should get involved airlines will always have problems weather, war, disease, economics, fuel prices... 



    The airlines have to be bailed out that isn't even in question.


    Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owns stock in 4 different US airlines. They are currently sitting on $122 Billion in cash. He could have taken preferred stock and/or warrants in lieu of cash infusions to gain much larger positions in these airlines at huge discounts. He has done this many times in the past. That said, there's still no better investment or ROI than money spent on politicians. Grants! He's come a long way since Benjamin Graham. Intelligent Investor indeed!

  2. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Biden has been running for president for about 30 years. 


    Of course he wanted to run and win. 


    Predicting his life span I'll leave to the Gods but I do think his VP will be seen as a probable next president. 



    If that choice is not Yang, which every indication suggests it will not be, then (if Biden is elected) both he and his VP will become a tiny footnote of history. Ideas are far more important than people. I don't think Joe Biden ever had an idea in his life, nor Trump for that matter. They're very similar really, save for their demeanors.

  3. 2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    So can you show me a list of health insurance companies with the total of their net bookings that amount to more than than the number I cited? And keep in mind that any figures should not include profits made on investments.


    I could show you my $2,100/mo crappy healthcare insurance bill, but I'm sure you wouldn' be convinced, because I know you love data and eschew aecdotal evidence. Still I'm going to give you an anecdote which was the best advice I ever got.


    My first job out of the maritime academy.  I'm 3rd Officer on the Alaska Ferry running up through the Inside Passage to Alaska. My first watch I'm the watch officer as we transit a narrows against a 6 knot current with the bow swinging 30 degrees in each direction. There is a downbound ship transiting the narrows at the same time with it's bow swinging similarlrly. Out of an abundance of caution I'm punching bearings and distances into the collision avoidance system, I'm checking the fathiometer, I've got my head buried in the radar. That's about the time tha Master came up from behind and clipped me in the back of the head and asked why the hell I wasn't looking out the window.  He was so right, and I never forgot it. Or, as Yogi Berra said, "You can see a lot, just by looking".

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  4. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Why pick any when you can get the relevant information in one go?


    Frankly, I don't believe your data , as the companies i showed you control a major portion of the market. I can show you more. You'd have to show me a number of companies that lost money during the same period to make the numbers you presented square.

  5. 9 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    I give it 50/50 that Trump will find a way to suspend or cancel the election.  I know that he lacks the authority to do so, but if he were to issue an order to that effect, several Republican governors, who actually conduct the elections, might decide to go along with it and then, poof, the results have weakened legitimacy. 


    In that scenario, who would stop Trump?  


    That is certainly one plausible scenario.

  6. 17 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    Nope.  It will be a white female.  Biden already has the black vote who come out for him in numbers.   Putting a black on the ticket might cost him some Republican votes.  Warren is the only one of the wannabes capable of being president.  But Biden won't forgive her for attacking him, so it will be someone else.


    It'll be Warren or Klobuchar. As you say, why pander Black if you already have them? Klobuchar helps in upper midwest, very important. Warren may help with progressives if they buy she is a progressive, which most people don't.

  7. 1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


    Sadly, where I live there is 1 healthplan to choose from and that precedes Trump.


    1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


    Sadly, where I live there is 1 healthplan to choose from and that precedes Trump.


    But seriously, check out a few charts of some major healthcare insurers like Molina (MOH) and United Healthcare (UNH). Note the increases and from where they come from.

  8. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The ACA's major provisions went into effect in 2014. In 2013 the health care industry was 17.2 percent of the American economy. In 2016, the year the ACA was highest it was 18%. It then started to decline despite states, including Republican ones, adding Medicaid coverage for low income Americans. 

    I spent $24,800 last year on healthcare insurance that neither my wife or myself used. Is our not using it good for GDP (profits for insurer) or bad for GDP (that we didn't spend an addition $6,500 each in deductibles plus copays)? It occurs to me that sickness is good for GDP. Not pandemic sickness, but just your average complaints.


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