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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Future POTUS Joe Biden performed brilliantly. 


    Plus no gaffes. 


    Bernie clearly sees the writing on the wall and is only staying in the contest to advocate for his issues. 


    Which is more than OK as the majority of Americans are on board with his issues to a large degree. 


    Future POTUS Joe Biden can't become current POTUS soon enough! 



    I watched it. Sanders was much better than Biden in the debate where Joe's main talking points were that he was going to create policies to clean up the mess policies he helped create previously have created. It looked like an old Republican vs Democrat debate from years ago with Joe playing the part of the Republican.


    Joe intransigent on healthcare, yet insisting he wants what Bernie wants, but you can't get it through Congress. If not during a global pandemic that exposes the horror of the US healthcare system then when? His words ring hollow.  Still the corporations and media have spoken and are not going to let this crisis go to waste.

    • Haha 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Trump pressured the fed to cut rates because in his pea-brain, he thinks the Stock Market would love it.  He doesn't see how this will cause further panic in the markets as this is a signal the economy is collapsing.  And now the Fed has used up all their bullets and when the recession does come, they've got nothing left. 


    I think Trump is just trying to give the impression that he can pressure the Fed.  He jawbones them, then creates the catostrophic condition that requires them to act on his jawboning. Todays action by the Fed is not representative of what we know now, which means there's something we don't know yet. I expect we'll know it very soon, in a day or two. There's a big shoe waiting to drop out there. A hocky stick graph in new virus cases, Martial Law, forced quarantines on a regional or national scale, suspension of primaries leading to the General election? Something. We are doing both too much and too little. It doesn't jibe, so something big is coming.

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  3. 9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Did you read the articles?


    There is ample room for legal action if the season is cancelled. 

    'It would leave the Premier League open to claims, in my view, from a relegated club in particular who would have an arguable claim against them on the ground that they have breached their own rules by ending a season before all the fixtures have been fulfilled,' James Severn, sports and litigation partner at Penningtons Manches Cooper.”


    Legal actionable to end a season before all fixtures completed. 

    It is hard to imagine that there is not a "force majeure" clause in whatever contractual agreements the league has with the various clubs. It is inserted in the commonest of contracts these days.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Depends on the test. Antibody based tests will give this indication. The preferred test in the USA, will not. 


    The USA is currently relying on the CDC supplied Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, that finally became available February 28, 2020. This test identifies the presence of the virus. hence, the term Real Time. These are the tests that rely on the swabs.


    Supplementing this test is the long used and reliable ELISA antibody test that uses a  blood sample. If you have ever had blood work done for testing of HIV etc. it is the same approach.


    Other test options are available, primarily outside the government distribution system. These can be the quick antibody tests. They typically detect both early marker and late marker antibodies in human finger <deleted> or venous blood samples. These are the  public screening tests that the Chinese and South Koreans deployed to manage and to contain their epidemic.



     i) The CDC has been the predominate source of test kits for public health agencies. First infections appeared in the USA in early January and the WHO offered test kits to the USA  at the time, but the USA declined to use, insisting on its own test kits.


    ii) The CDC has the position that the preferred test is the RT-PCR.  The CDC position is that since antibodies continue to circulate even after the infection is cleared, serology tests will continue to be positive for individuals who have been previously exposed and developed an immune response which means a positive test may not indicate an active infection.      Although  a valid statement,  the  position  has been criticized because it  minimizes the extent of the infection. The advantage of the quick screens is that they can identify patients who are either symptomatic or asymptomatic. As we know, many of the infected are asymptomatic, showing no clinical symptoms of the virus, but infecting others as they circulate. The antibody tests identify those who have been exposed to the virus and facilitates tracking and identification of clusters. They also identify a greater number of people who have been exposed to the virus.


    The CDC position is that the anti body blood tests should  be used for surveillance and/or investigational purposes only, while the molecular test methodologies should be used to diagnosis active infections.


    Time will tell whether this has been a strategic error or not.


    IMO, the CDC may have the realization that the  epidemic is widespread and that the best strategy now is to use the limited testing capability and limited  resources to identify active cases. 


    Thank You very much. Very informative. That is exactly what I wanted to know.

  5. 2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Oh please.... the Democrat party couldn't even manage a simple caucus vote in a small state without completely screwing it up. How could they possibly manage something this complex?????

    Mail in voting is the opposite of complex. The system in place now, where people have to show up in very specific polling places and wait hours is overly complex. Not to mention, states with mail in voting have much higher rates of voter participation. 

  6. Not only is the development of a vaccine that is for the exclusive use of one nation reprehensible, but it begs the question "would you have any confidence in a vaccine that was the result of a Trump (Art of the Deal) ham handed intercession"? The only thing you could be confident of is that he or his family will try to profit from it.



    • Sad 2
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  7. On 3/13/2020 at 8:33 PM, TopDeadSenter said:

    I think uber capitalist Trump being POTUS is the only thing that is stopping markets from pure freefall at this stage. I can certainly say if there is even a whiff of Trump not winning the election, and for the US to embark on a socialist revolution with open borders and free healthcare for all comers I will dump the entire portfolio, and start shorting. Trump = stability, like it or not!

    It was a short squeeze. Could run a few days.

  8. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The original article reported on the  emotional state of some people and referenced  specific examples. There was a wave of anger in the forum: Not true, lies, click bait etc.   When I  supported the initial report, I was ridiculed, insulted and  dismissed.  Then, when I provided some specific examples that substantiate the original article, some angry respondents  doubled down on their insistence that because they do not see it, it does not exist.


    No one has said that every part of the USA is gripped with terror. However, there are a growing number of locations, where people are scared and behaving accordingly.  One would not expect locations where there are no cases, no state of emergency declared, to be  as stressed as people in Seattle or Boston or NYC.


    I expect that as more cases are reported, more economic loses incurred  and more deaths reported, the deniers here will see many more examples. Let's revisit in 2 weeks.



    Do you happen to know if a test given to someone who had the virus but has recovered from it would test positive for the virus or negative?

  9. 33 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Hello "stuck in states".  Did you know you can drink water out of the tap in most all 50 U.S. states?  I did for 59 years in Arizona, Washington, and Alaska

    Also, you can easily get a 3 way valve for your toilet and install a "bum gun" and reduce your toilet paper usage down to nothing (if you wash then use a towel)


    Good luck - big challenges means thinking outside the box




    If you install a bum gun in the states, bear in mind average water pressure is much higher than in Thailand and Thai style bum guns don't work well there . Order a "handheld bidet" and one with a ceramic valve, otherwise it will leak.

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  10. 2 hours ago, SABloke said:

    DId the architects of the model state that it was indeed the leadership of Trump that resulted in their bizarre model. I say bizarre, not as a a scientist, just as someone working in China (the eipcentre of the virus, with almost 20% of the world's population, and currently likely to end with less than 5000 deaths), who thinks that a "low" figure of 160,000 deaths is consequently absolute BS.


    The model was developed using  the data that exists at the time the model was made. Presumably more data will inform a better model. It will only be after the fact that those seeking political advantage against Trump and those seeking seeking to minimalize Trumps accountability will skewdata for their own ends. All we know about Trumps end of it is that he is not out in front of anything but only reacts when he has no choice but to react. That he places corporate interests ahead of human interests. And that his first instinct is to lie. I don't know how that kind of leadership will affect the data or future models, but I'd guess it will show up somewhere. It will all be deconstructed afterwards, of that I'm sure.


    Here's just one of thousands of his lies:



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  11. 32 minutes ago, Chiphigh said:

    You just can't help yourself. What a sad thing to go through life with. 


    Anyway, there are fda changes as well. 


    If you had a shred of objectivity, getting rid of the red tape will be a good thing for everyone. 





    Of course it's a good thing. Should have happened 2 months ago.

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