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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I have never had a problem with any farang in Thailand, save for 2 Brits. Neither was a "Lager Lout". What they shared in common was a sense of entitlement and an air of condescension towards everyone; farang and Thai alike. I had the sense they thought the empire might still be intact.

  2. Just finished sacking today. Only 4 rai this year, but we'll increase next year(may even do a second season). Got 42 bags (45kg) sticky rice, and 56 bags of jasmine rice.

    That's 1,100 kg per rai if the bags actually weighed 45 kg and you actually only grew 4 rai.....that's pretty impressive.....especially considering that it seems that over half of your land was in jasmine rice. Around here you would be a star for getting such good results. Around here 600 kg per rai is considered par for kou gniew and kou chow yields less. 1,100 kg per rai would be considered phenomenal.

    What varieties did you grow and how much of what kind of fertilizers did you use per rai? Did you transplant once or twice? How old were the seedilngs when you transplanted. Are you sure that the area planted is correct and the weight of the harvest?

    Good work lannarebirth!!!!


    Well. ity's a 17 rai piece and I'm kind of eyeballing the paddy size. It might be 4 1/2 -5 1/2 rai. I weighed a couple of the 45kg (going from what my worker told me) sacks today. They averaged about 36kg apiece. Still it's a good bit more than we got from the adjacent paddies last year and our experiment of hill farming rice. We used no fertilizer save for the cow manure that had been accumulating in the fields for the 2 prior years these paddies lay fallow and about 1 1/2 meters of grass we cut and plowed under.

  3. These power elites hold an iron grip over available land in Thailand, more than any foreigner could ever do. Opening the market would lead to pressure that these land holding elites would not only have to implement a long overdue landreform, but also would be forced to to their dealings according to the law and not the usual crony corrupt way.

    So, yes, the ones who argue here against the opening of the market are really the ones who have stolen almost all the available land from the majority of the Thai population.

    Agree... except that I'd substitute the term "stolen" with 'purchased.' Stolen sure does sound dramatic though.


    I accept your substitution and would add that sometimes they even pay top dollar

  4. I hope this stays in the general topic forum since the answer might come from any of a number of areas of experience.

    I just bought a pump which is powered by an engine which is identical to the engine which powers my weed cutter. The specs for the weed cutter call for a 20:1 mix of two stroke oil to benzene and it came equipped with a one litre mixing bottle marked for 20:1 mixing. The pump specs are confusing and call for a 25:1 in one place and a 30:1 in another and it came with a bottle marked on one side for 25:1 mixing and 30:1 mixing on the other side.

    I don't know why the difference and I must decide what to use for the pump. My idea is to use the 20:1 mix. My reasoning is that too much oil will only cause the spark plug to foul (possibly) and this is not an expensive problem to fix....while using a 25:1 or 30:1 mix would provide less oil for lubrication and would either wear out the engine prematurely or even possibly burn it up for lack of lubricant.

    Can anyone advise me as to why they would have different mixes for the same engine and also if my reasoning about the problems associated with too much or too little oil is correct?


    Both my weedwhackers and pumps call for a 25:1 ratio. I made sure my worker understood this and knew the proper way to mix the fuel. So last week I show up with some petrol and mix 200ml of 2cycle oil with the 5 liters of petrol per the directions. Both weedwhackers are fouled now as apparently they don't really like that much oil. It seems my guy has been doing 150ml per 5 liters and he uses the machinery everyday and has had no problems heretofore.

    SO, based on my own observations, I would think a little less oil would be OK.


    Not my weedwhacker but maybe you need a retune.

    If you insist on running lean on the oil, you better have done your homework !

    One thing I do know... the worst thing that's going to happen to your engine at 20 to 1 is a fouled plug.

    Too lean and $$$

    Good Luck


    I reckon you're right c-sip. The thing is, he's agot about 2,000 hrs on it using his method, which is the manufacturers suggested lifetime of the unit. Still haven't had to rebuild the engine yet, but it's good to know that only costs 790 baht when the time comes.

  5. I hope this stays in the general topic forum since the answer might come from any of a number of areas of experience.

    I just bought a pump which is powered by an engine which is identical to the engine which powers my weed cutter. The specs for the weed cutter call for a 20:1 mix of two stroke oil to benzene and it came equipped with a one litre mixing bottle marked for 20:1 mixing. The pump specs are confusing and call for a 25:1 in one place and a 30:1 in another and it came with a bottle marked on one side for 25:1 mixing and 30:1 mixing on the other side.

    I don't know why the difference and I must decide what to use for the pump. My idea is to use the 20:1 mix. My reasoning is that too much oil will only cause the spark plug to foul (possibly) and this is not an expensive problem to fix....while using a 25:1 or 30:1 mix would provide less oil for lubrication and would either wear out the engine prematurely or even possibly burn it up for lack of lubricant.

    Can anyone advise me as to why they would have different mixes for the same engine and also if my reasoning about the problems associated with too much or too little oil is correct?


    Both my weedwhackers and pumps call for a 25:1 ratio. I made sure my worker understood this and knew the proper way to mix the fuel. So last week I show up with some petrol and mix 200ml of 2cycle oil with the 5 liters of petrol per the directions. Both weedwhackers are fouled now as apparently they don't really like that much oil. It seems my guy has been doing 150ml per 5 liters and he uses the machinery everyday and has had no problems heretofore.

    SO, based on my own observations, I would think a little less oil would be OK.

  6. In Asia the concept of the "Group" when doing business is very important. It's not hard to find people with money to invest, but it's often quite difficult to find people that bring anything more to the table.

    Our area of expertise has been finding the best examples of a given type of property (mountain, waterfront, view, etc), then finding the very best p9ossible cost of buying. This involves a lot more footwork than the typical farang is comfortable with, but yields exstraordinary results in the end. Our weakness is development and marketing. Consequently, while our returns are very very good, it is not unusual for the buyer to turn around and sell at a greater profit. IMO, if someone doesn'y bring any expertise or connections into a group, they are excess baggage.

  7. Hiya One eyed John. How's the VN750? Cured the vibrations yet?

    (No Harley riders e mailed you lately?!!)

    Re: Bang!

    English fellow, five doors down the road (TV thread t'other year)

    Knifed to death.

    Fellow four doors up.

    Shot someone through the mouth.

    Unfortunately was sitting in a bar talking about it (next to off duty policeman)

    - Not a neighbour anymore!

    We have a police supplied, and sanctioned, licensed pump action shotgun.

    It is there for one reason.


    Have dogs that run loose and tussle with neighbouring dogs.

    They might not look pretty, but nothing sets foot on their, or neighbouring dogs patches at night - without a great howling is triggered across the village.

    It is isolated, pitch black and up in the hills. Yet we all sleep soundly.

    Yes, on a per capita basis, there is much more violent activity in villages, not to mention the weekly funerals not so long ago as the AIDS virus swept through the north like an epidemic. Still, if one is respectful and stays closely connected to the puyai and others in the community who are respected it can be a very enjoyable life.

  8. Scott I don't think you understand ! The authorities would never let you

    do that i.e. " get much a feel for how it really works and how the people think "!

    In any case there wouldn't be that many work opportunities

    there -probably teaching English would bethe only one. On

    board the plane from Beijing to Pyongyang I was sitting next to an English teacher

    from Australia who was even staying in our hotel on a permanent basis -but he was even segregated from us in the hotel. He had had all his meals in a separate dining room !

    You cannot just freely interact with North Korean citizens and

    absolutely everywhere you go ( including the English teacher ! ) you

    constantly have to be with the North Korean government guides.

    You cant just decide to wander around outside on your own.

    So I'm afraid a slight glimpse inside this fascinating country

    is all you can ever hope to get ..............

    midas, you tell me that you would leap at the chance of going back to this fascinating country but then you remind us of how ridiculously controlled it is 'You cannot just freely interact with North Korean citizens and absolutely everywhere you go ( including the English teacher ! ) you constantly have to be with the North Korean government guides.'

    This kind of control scares me a little bit, why should they need to follow you around everywhere? Why do they need to be so paranoid?? Does anybody give a toss about what is around the corner on the next barren street?? This country needs to wake up a little bit.

    I suppose I would like to go to see for my own eyes, make sure that I wasn't the one being brainwashed by our own media and that the country really was in the state we see in the limited film and photos we get to see

    Nikkijah if you decide to go you must go with an open mind.......when you are there you will learn

    about " the Dear Leader " and his " Juche Idea " which is what North Korean communism is based on. Of course you can be cynical and disagree with all of it ( but of course never ever criticise any of it particularly to your guides ! ) - or you may even agree......but ultimately the North Koreans firmly believe THEY have the right answer to proper living - well at least those who don't keep trying to escape. Most North Koreans who strictly abide by these principles believe they are actually superior to the rest of the world ! This is the reason the authorities want to keep them segregated from us. I must say they are very well-educated and obviously extremely well disciplined.

    In other words they don't want us to contaminate the thought process of their citizens...........

    No matter what you think about all this - you still come away realizing the Americans have got a lot to answer for. There are lots of of paradoxes and contradictions but I'm sure you'll come away from North Korea having had an experience that will stay with you long time. Most other travelers say exactly the same thing.


    I've never flamed anyone on this forum before, but all I can say is " what a dope " you appear to be. A friend of mine is an administartor of the World food Program in Pyongyang. He says thousand die every month as military leaders steal the rice rations donated from the US, Japan and other nations. Sometimes they rebag it and sell it on the black market at wildly inflated prices, or sometime they export it back out of the country. Try a Google search on " North Korea Gulag ".

  9. Been past it many times and been meaning to try it out, good to hear that they have good pizzas. That's the one diagonally opposite the Shell station?

    Me too. Usually no one in there. Always walk past on my way into Taiwan Restaurant for the best noodles anywhere. I'll give it a try next time I'm near there.

  10. If the management is asking 1.5 mil, and the people who've already bought in are asking 1.1 to 1.3, it IS a safe bet those sellers are taking a loss.

    The Fly Fisherman

    True if the sellers bought their condo yesterday at 1.49999 million. If they bought 3-5 years ago or more, when prices were lower, then it is a safe bet that they will be taking a profit.

    My recollection is that the 45 meter studios were going for about 800k-900k about 12-18 months ago. About 600k 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. while I don't like the complex at all, one can't say it isn't a decent return on investment in that period.

  11. I have been to the Expo. It was not as good as it might have been, but far better than I imagined it would be. I think generally, people are enjoying the experience and I'm certain area businesses are, because every restaurants parking lot I see is full. Roads are packed but not impassable. Definitely need to take care whilst driving. Lots of crosstraffic and drivers unfamiliar with the area.

  12. If your friend knows where her ex-boyfriend works, she should have the police (in a small group) pay him a visit during office hours. She should pay them if she has to, but he needs tro hear the message that his behaviour carries risk to his employment, his continuing to remain in Thailand, and perhaps, even his physical well being.

  13. I have just received a email from a business broker in Pattaya, stating to me that he didnt think that myself and my brother would be able to survive in Pattaya from the profits of a business with a lease cost of around 8 million baht. We were looking at a guesthouse bar, and I have looked at numerous sites with businesses for sale and profits seem to be there, not great, but reasonable. It seemed to me that the cost of living was not that high there, the greatest cost being renting a house in Pattaya. Is he right in what he is saying or is he barking up the wrong tree. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    And for any aussies over there, Ian Thorpe at 24 years of age retired today from swimming.

    With the kind of money you're prepared to spend, I think you would be better off spending a year here learning as much as you can, identify a need and start your own business.

  14. Thais are brought up a) to be acutely aware of the effect of their behaviour on others and b ) to show respect to elder members of the family.

    I guarantee this bitch (sorry) is playing you. She is testing the limits in a new and strange environment for her i.e. with farang elders. This behaviour pattern must be corrected immediately. Or drop her.

    Someone's gonna slam me for saying this.

    I agree with some of that regarding respecting elders. I would also say the vast majority of Thai females have a streak of petulance in them. Another Thai cultural trait that doesn't get talked about much here, is the "Thai Whine". It absolutely drives me up a wall when I hear it. It's mostly women , but men exhibit this trait as well. I've talked to many Thais about this and they say it is indeed a part of their culture. Not the most attractive part IMO.

  15. Go to Wat Prathat Doi Kham on the hill behind the flower exhibition instead. It's like a smaller version of Wat Prathat Doi Suthep, also with a good view, and no cable cars or entrance fees, just voluntary donations.

    It is rather busy now since the start of the flower exhibition, but no busier than Wat Prathat Doi Suthep.

    ...and what a beautifu relaxing temple it is too. I often went there if I was passing and had some free time. The Abbot speaks extremely good english, and as you say, it's Wat Prathat Doi Suthep in miniature, truely a pleasure to visit....Oh yes, and the view is stunning...

    I visit this temple often and what a surprise last week when I visited there. Many tables set up hawking merchandise and lottery tickets with a monk standing by the lottery table ready to render assistance to those in needi of lucky lottery numbers. I won't be returning till after Royal Flora I think. I hope it's returned to normal by then. Much as I try to detach myself from concern over these kinds of things, it is disappointing sometimes.

  16. Invest in diversified small/mid cap value ETFs.


    IWS - 1 yr return - 19%, 3 years returns - 76%, 5 years return - 111%

    MDY - 1 yr return - 11%, 3 years returns - 51%, 5 years return - 75%, 10 years return - 234%

    Please explain these abbreviations ETF, IWS, MDY for the uninitiated.


    ETF is an abbreviation for " Exchange Traded Fund "





  17. If can not live together before marriage, it is a reason to break up.

    This is where you are actually putting the pressure on the girl. If you are really serious, why not ask her parents if you both can live together before you both decided to tie the knot?

    I asked already. The answer was if I did like that, I could do it with a girl who worked in a restaurent.

    OK, I see now. You asked and they said no.

    I'd still forego the expose of the girl's past. That's not going to help anyone IMO. Decide if you want to marry her, continue to date her, or move on.

  18. I understand sex or living together before marriage is a very bad thing in Thailand. It is often seen as prostitution and disrespect of the parents. This would cause the whole family to lose face. Thais also believe marriage should come before sex. Us forreigners are somewhat different. We want to try to live together before making bigger commitments.

    Now the case is this. The girl is from a conservative middle class family. Nobody in the family has disrespectful works. She has previously had a thai boyfriend for 5 years. All her family thinks she is virgin, but the truth is she lost her virginity many years ago.

    1) What does this mean in the thai culture?

    2) What will happen to the messenger who brings the news of lost virginity?

    3) Would all the family possible "ตี - Dtee" her and what does this exactly translates into?

    4) How should the message be brought:

    a. The girl herself bring the bad news

    b. The boyfriend be the person who informs the father/rest of family and what will happen if he does so?

    c. A respectful third person.

    d. Just ignore the case and marry before sex and living together.

    e. Other obtions?

    5) What do thais think of such a girl and what obtions does she have?

    6) There is somekind of nothern thai ritual she should make. Can anybody tell me more about this?

    7) Will the messenger be the person who will be fault of causing the social problems?

    8) Any other advice or things to consider?

    Both are 28 years old. It is in nobodys intention to have anybody lose face. But the truth is bitter. The westerness parents do stand strong. If can not live together before marriage, it is a reason to break up.

    Thanks :o


    I don't understand. Why would you want to bring up this issue at all with the parents? Who does it benefit? If your argument to the parents for living with the girl is "that she's already used goods", well I don't think that's a very good approach.

  19. We have the upvc double glazing units that open inside the house with roller screen nets on the outside and they work very well. The nets are easy to clean and we only use the nets on the widows we have open as you can just roll them up if you dont want to use them.


    If at all possible, could you post a picture or link to what type of window you're talking about? It sounds interesting.

    Well this is the best pic i have at the moment the company who installed them are A.R.C pattaya.post-15378-1163681892_thumb.jpgpost-15378-1163682095_thumb.jpg

    Thanks scotsman,

    I found their website:


    I'll give them a call.

    Just a quick note. I see from your profile that youre from Changmai, Try www.duro-products.com

    they have offices in Phuket Bangkok and CHANGMAI that offer exactly the same sort of stuff as ARC, (Im Guessing Pattaya to Changmai maybe a tad to far for them! ) ? Hope this helps

    I does indeed help. Thank You very much.

  20. As a summary:

    Elna branches in Tesco (North) and Carafour, main shop opposite Kad Suan Kaew, seems to be the only place selling any domestic sewing machines.

    Everywhere else is selling industrial machines.

    The Elna machines do not appear to be current models and those I can track down are markely more expensive than UK prices.

    I was recomended to try Bangkok but think I might get from the UK next time I'm there - they only weigh up to 11Kg.

    Thanks to all.

    There's another shop that sells sewing machines (not Elna, maybe Singer or something else). It's on the Chiang Mai/ Hang Dong Rd. a couple of hundred meters north of Airport Central Plaza on the opposite side of the street.

    Drove past this place today. Clloser to 100 meters north of ACP ob opposite side of road. It sells " Janome " brand sewing machines.

  21. Hi all.

    I have 2 million baht deposited in my girlfriend's bank account. We do plan on building or buying our house with that but not for the near future.

    Any ideas as to what to do to make the most of it? It's only a standard Bangkok Bank account and the interest paid is negligeble (sp!) so I would like to buy a business or invest in something.

    I do get sunbelt asia listings every week via email and there are lots of opportunities there.

    Or are there any good bank accounts/savings accounts which pay good interest? I think not but you may know otherwise.

    Hope to get your ideas.


    Why wouldn't the money be deposited in your own account? You're off to a bad start IMO. Good Luck.

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