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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. lannabirth I appreciate all your references coming from the very impartial ....CNN as it is well known!!!

    About the melting pot, after one or two generations, the way of thinking is very different from the origin, washed by very intellectual paper like USA today. If you are so clever, how have you been able to impose the Bush administration to the world?

    I guess that joke went over your head, sorry. Well, I don't read USA Today or watch TV, so I'm a poor one to ask. Well, I never voted for Bush , but I did see him speak a few times on TV several years ago and figured he was unelectable. Hey! Go figure.

  2. Mmm, this coming from a guy who ignored terrorist threat warnings along with recommendations from the previous administration on how to counter such threats and then lied his way to Iraq and still hasn't been impeached. I'd tell him to go <deleted> himself in Burma and have a second round at it using the other hand in Darfur.

    I can't believe these comments were honest, there just has to be another reason behind, like an FTA accord or some other possible endangered deal with the Thaksin regime

    Whatever their own misdeeds, the criticism regarding civil liberties here in Thailand is more than justified.

    But I didnt hear the Bush regime criticizing and withdrawing aid over the lack of civil liberties under the previous regime in Thailand which actually killed quite as lot of people, so criticism doesnt seem evenhanded.

    You just need to know where to look:


  3. Funny you asked: I tried some time ago to find out what the title of his submitted scription was... no way jose :o

    "An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Criminal Justice Educational Process and the Attitude of the Student's Torward the Rule of Law." Thaksin Shinawatra,

    Sam Houston College

  4. Thanks for your info.

    As I said, I have just finished a couple of his boks and like his style of writing quite a lot. He has a vert gentle way of expressing his thoughts and ideas. His idea of engaged buddhism sounds helpful.

    He comes across as sincere but I detected anote of cynisism from lanarebirth, d &d and chowdah. Any reason?


    Thich Nhat Hanh IS sincere. His "Peace Is Every Step" is the very first book regarding Buddhist practice I ever read. I'm sorry you detected any cynicism in my post. It most certainly was not intended. I find nothing at all wrong, and alot right with social activism, or as we're calling it here "engaged Buddhism". Everyone should do what their heart and mind call upon them to do. Myself, I tend to adhere more to what Mahatma Gandhi said:

    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

    In the following trainings, you can see that Thich Nhat Hanh takes a wider view to include what we would have others do. As I said, I find alot right and admirable with that; and if it can be done with no attachment to outcome, it is IMO in accordance with what the Buddha taught as I understand it.

    The Five Mindfulness Trainings

    (according to Thich Nath Hanh, www.plumvillage.org)

    -First Training-

    Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating compassion and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condone any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life.

    -Second Training-

    Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I am committed to cultivate loving kindness and learn ways to work for the well-being of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am committed to practice generosity by sharing my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in real need. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.

    -Third Training-

    Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to cultivate responsibility and learn ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without love and a long-term commitment. To preserve the happiness of myself and others, I am determined to respect my commitments and the commitments of others. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct.

    -Fourth Training-

    Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivate loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I am committed to learn to speak truthfully, with words that inspire self-confidence, joy, and hope. I am determined not to spread news that I do not know to be certain and not to criticise or condemn things of which I am not sure. I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family or the community to break. I will make all efforts to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, however small.

    -Fifth Training-

    Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivate good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by practising mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I am committed to ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being, and joy in my body, in my consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to use alcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other items that contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books, films, and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or my consciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, my parents, my society, and future generations. I will work to transform violence, fear, anger, and confusion in myself and in society by practising a diet for myself and for society. I understand that a proper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for the transformation of society.

  5. But I have to say I like the cut of his jib.

    Surayud asks for one week to name his cabinet

    BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Gen Surayud Chulanont said Sunday that he would need one week to name his cabinet, and that he would focus on the nation's happiness rather than its GDP.

    "I will take about one week to select the people to be cabinet ministers, and after that I will explain the government's policies," he told reporters in his first news conference, shortly after taking office.

    "After that I will explain the government policies to create more confidence for investors," he said.

    He said he is looking for ministers who are knowledgeable, politically neutral and willing to work.

    Asked about his economic policy, he said he would not measure progress based only on the gross domestic product (GDP).

    "I will not focus on GDP as the previous governments, but I will adhere to the sufficiency economy advocated by the king," Surayud said. "I will focus on the happiness of the people rather than the GDP."

    Surayud sworn in as the 24th prime minister after the military council deposed Thaksin Shinawatra in a bloodless coup on September 19.

    --The Nation 2006-10-01

    The press would have you believe that investors invest in Thailand for it's stability, but IMO they invest here because there's always a government "goto" guy.

    Your paper plant just killed off all marine life in the river for 200km? Well, " get **** on the phone". Your plant just burn down while the exit doors were chained shut killing 400 people? "Hey! Get me **** on the phone". Is the runoff from your mine causing birth defects in the local populace? "Hey, call the minister of **** on the golf course and muzzle the afflicted. Your workers have a labor dispute? Hey, get Senator **** on line one and have him send his goons in".

    In short I don't think there is major investment in Thailand because "global investors" give 2 shits about the "gross domestic happiness" of Thais. But Hey! I could be wrong. Let's see where they put their money over the next few weeks.

    Happy to see they're at least paying lipservice to his majesty's sustainable economy. I'd like to see them give it a go. Goldman Sachs probably won't like it, but I can live with that.

  6. Congratulations Bambi,

    If you and your friend haven't decided on where to go yet, maybe try Palm Springs east of LA. Big Bear or Arrowhead lakes NE of the city in the mountains. You can travel north aling the coast up to San Simeon (hearst Castle) and Big Sur. If you have even more time try San Francisco, where I'm from. Again, congratulations.

  7. OK then. WE need to find out how to buy bulk crude coconut oil by the tonne off of the world market or at least at world market prices.....this is assuming that the link I found which quoted 350 dollar US per tonne is in fact accurate....Anyone know where there is a coconut oil expelling plant in Thailand...or anywhere else for that matter?......

    I find this an extremely helpful site when searching for products throughout Asia. You can redefine the search more if you like.


  8. my wife is due in six weeks and it looks as though it's going to be a c-section.

    at the moment we are set for bangkok christian at 36,000 baht for the procedure and the room for three days.

    however, the costs are starting to mount with buying pushchairs, cots, stockpiling nappies etc and i'd like to know if anyone has experience of the govt places (good or bad).

    chulalongkorn is 200m up the road and looks ok but i'd rather have a recommendation or someone telling me it's no good before going to have a look......

    has anyone used bkk christian? i did a search on here and there were a few horror stories about costs spiralling out of control at samijtev and bumrumgrad. i need all the money i can save for when the baby is born so i need somewhere that is reputable.

    hope someone can help.........

    If there aren't really valid medical reasons for doing a C-section, consider scrapping the idea. It's very common suggestion here for running up the bill.

  9. Thanks for all the answers and advice,

    Since I posting my girlfriend has confronted the lady in question alone, the girl has admitted to coming in our home via the balcony on several occassions and stealing money, including 2300 baht from the handbag of one of our staff.

    The girl has agreed to pay all money back, with the threat of her mother in law and family being informed of whats been going on if she does not pay up immediately.

    My girlfriend also told her that I desperately wanted to go to the police and had to be talked out of it.

    In the mean time, I am going to review our security arrangments which will include the erection of spiked railings (I hate these things) , to deter people from climbing over the wall that seperates our balconies.

    I like the idea of a dog, but dont want one in the house,

    Next time I see her, I will certainly give her the gypsy eye

    Cheers all

    I'm happy you found a solution that works for you. Sadly, without being "found out" by her family, whose opinion of her seems to matter, she'll probably steal it from someone else to repay you.

  10. :o

    A few days ago I parked my motorbike unfotunately at a street with parking restictions.

    Found my bike half an hour later with lock, chain an police ticket.

    Well, bad luck, that what I thought.

    But what a surprise at the Mai Ping Police station, they charged me a 400,= thb. fine.

    Thais friends told me that the regular police ticket for such a ,,criminal parking misbehaviour,, is

    100 ,= thb. for the Thai.

    I went back to the Mai Ping station to complain. As I already expected a useless action and waste of time. The aswer was that I should not worry as long as the fine is not yet 400,= USD.

    Comming and living in Chiang Mai for over 20 years I see my sympaty for Thailand slowly melting away. Now it even looks like Chiang Mai police turns to Pattaya style. Thsi does not make it any better.

    Amazing Thailand.

    Try to keep your perspective. Last time that happened to me, back in the US, it cost me $USD 119. I was 30 minutes away from having the tow truck called , which would have been $USD 350 and the loss of a day. Things could be worse.

  11. "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither" "He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security" ...

    en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin - 73k - Cached - Similar pages

    I must say I agree with you, but I fail to see what liberty is being sacrificed by the modernization of identification methods in order to keep pace with the technology that may usurp it. We could go back to a non-digitized world I suppose, but I'll bet more people would be hollering about that than this.

  12. I remember back in the states I had a safety deposit box at the bank. The only security was they asked my mothers maiden name and my signature had to look "similar" to the one the had on file. For decades, that level of security was good enough. Times Change.

    10 years ago copy machine companies were putting out color copiers that could reproduce better looking counterfeit currency than anything to that time. Governments around the world scrambled to stay one step ahead of the developing technology.

    It's my belief that these new protocals aren't so much to spy on people as it is to keep up with criminals abilities to evade capture, given new technologies. And hey, if it gets me through the airport faster too, that's OK with me.

  13. It is scary to see how many of you dont give a sh** about big brother... it appears all you sheep have been brainwashed from 9/11 and given up cowardly all the liberties so many people died for - well, you just gave them bunch of terrorists a bigger victory they could ever have dreamt of... you sad <lacking printable words>!

    I think you need to understnd the difference between what is a right and what is a privelege. International travel is a privelege. Any country may at any time create whatever c riteria for entry they choose. You have the liberty to not go there if that disturbs you.

    I think you will have to revisit the declaration of human rights as in the charter of the UN Signed by all membership nations. !

    I did, and I see you make my point well:


  14. It is scary to see how many of you dont give a sh** about big brother... it appears all you sheep have been brainwashed from 9/11 and given up cowardly all the liberties so many people died for - well, you just gave them bunch of terrorists a bigger victory they could ever have dreamt of... you sad <lacking printable words>!

    I think you need to understnd the difference between what is a right and what is a privelege. International travel is a privelege. Any country may at any time create whatever c riteria for entry they choose. You have the liberty to not go there if that disturbs you.

  15. I'm not against Buddhists being active in improving society but did the Buddha ever teach that people should do this? Did the Buddha ever say that people should be active in supporting social agenda? Did the Buddha organize his monks to be a social activist corps?

    I think not....but I could be wrong.


    You're not wrong, but it doesn't need to conflict with Buddhism if non attachment to outcome of these activities exists.

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