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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. lannarebirth, I don't see where your source cited the fact that oil cartels set the price on oil. He asserts that oil prices are viewed as mystical leads, and that equities lag.

    In fact, Chavez is busily lining up a furtherance of the oil cartel paradigm with Iran and Russia.

    I'm not sure to which post you're referring ding. As far as I know Goldman Sachs sets oil prices. The day they were claiming that oil was going to $105/bbl was the day they took one of the largest short positions in history. I guess when they cover that position oil prices will rise again.

  2. I'm looking in the near future to build an eco house in Thailand for me and my family.

    I want to be as near to self sufficient as possible i.e own power water and food.

    Has anyone done this or in the process of doing it any comments or advice are most welcome

    I too, have hopes of building an off grid home, here in the north near Chiang Mai. The best Thai book I've read on the subject is: "Bio-Solar Home Powered By The Sun" By Soontorn Boonyatikarn.

    Here's an article referring to it:


    I'm still not decided about what I'll ultimately do, as the book utilises many modern materials to achieve the power savings, and I'd like to find a way to incorporate much traditional architecture as well. Also, thin film solar power is probaby about a year away, and promises greater efficiency at lower cost. I will be incorporating a wind turbine into electricity production. You can learn a lot about that here:


    One member of thisforum, "MaizeFarmer" manufactires wind turbines, and you may want to talk with him on the subject.

  3. What about for chemical and nuclear waste? Yes Thai industry is trying as hard as they can to damage the Earth as they can chemically, but I think that's yet another area that we're still playing catch up in. Who do you think has depleted more of the ozone layer?


    Each year in America, for many years now, the air is cleaner than the year that preceded it.

  4. The US stock market is robust and here is why;

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The budget deficit narrowed to $248 billion in the fiscal year just ended from $319 billion in 2005 in spite of record spending, as revenues were the highest ever, the Treasury Department said Wednesday.

    It was the smallest budget deficit since a gap of $157.8 billion in 2002.

    The 2006 figure compares to an estimate of $250 billion issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office on Friday. In its last budget forecast in July, the Bush administration had said it expected the 2006 deficit to come in at $296 billion.

    EDIT _ More;

    Revenues were $2.407 trillion, and outlays were $2.654 trillion, the Treasury said. The government's fiscal year ended Sept. 30.

    President Bush in February 2004 set a goal of cutting the deficit in half from a projected peak in fiscal 2004 of $521 billion, or 4.5 percent of gross domestic product, although the actual deficit for that year was $412.7 billion, or 3.6 percent of GDP.

    I think I'll keep my dollars. I really don't see the dollar collapsing. :o

    Bounce or bust time in Japan:


  5. Hi

    We are hoping to move to Phuket permanantly in july next year having hit the magical 50!

    My question is what is the fastest broadband you can get there? I have seen the 'superfast' signs and ASDL that are giving 512, it also seems very expensive for such a slow speed.

    For example I am on 10 meg for £25 per month her in the UK. I know that might not be possible in LOS but what is the quickest I can expect for a resonable price [less than £50 per month]

    Thanks for any advise. [it wouldn't bother me but the wife wants corry in real time :o

    The fastest I've heard of is about 80% slower than what you have now. About 2 MB in Bangkok. Everywhere else about 95%-98% slower. Pretty cheap though, if it's working.

  6. This thread seems to be coming true.

    From its start in July, we are now half way to Christmas, and what are we seeing?

    Dollar slipped 10% relative to the pound and baht (which are my income and expenditure currencies), US housing market stalled, corn futures up 30% and wheat futures up 40%.

    Presumably, next comes a lot of Americans realising they are in negative equity on their houses, and higher food prices pushing up the true inflation rate.

    What will the reactions be?

    I am staying to watch the second half of this performance, and meanwhile buying all the gold that I can afford whilst it is so cheap.

    Looks like we are in for bumper rice and sugarcane harvests here.

    Bangkok floods, but our crops thrive, and we have been getting fish for free just by picking them up from where the overflow from the storm drain comes along the side of the soi.

    Corn and wheat going up should help to raise the demand for rice and its price. But I have no faith in the sugar price holding up if times turn hard, as 60% of it goes into fizzy drinks and people can cut those out of their purchasing very easily.

    How do you figure that this thread has been coming true? The dollar has not slipped 10% versus the pound nor other major currencies since the start of this thread, in fact it has been flat against the pound and has strenghened slighthly against the Yen, Euro, and gold. The thread was started on July 9 when one dollar would buy you 114 Yen, 0.78 Euros, or 0.54 Pounds and an ounce of gold costs $629. Today one dollar will buy you 119 Yen, 0.80 Euros, or 0.54 Pounds and an ounce of gold costs $576.

    With perhaps, better days ahead. TWT:


  7. Here's my experience:

    I'm pretty happy with CSLoxinfoMaxnet. I switched from TT&T/Maxnet/Ji-NetCSLoxinfo mainly because service was so bad. Whenever my CSLoxinfo DSLMaxnet connection is having a problem, I can always get through on the phone and they can tell me what the problem is and how long they expect it to take before it's solved, plus they offer to call my cellphone when service is restored. They're also happy to send a technician out to my place quickly. With TT&TCSLoxinfo it was like pulling teeth to get someone to give me any solid info on the phone, and getting a tech to come out was difficult.

    CAT is the main problem, I think.

    I think this stuff depends on when you start. My troubles with Csloxifo were last year and I just had to quit. I was hitting walls and such. I didn't even know I had that stuff in me till I had CSLoxinfo. I'm breathing and smiling now. :o

  8. We are currently with TRUE, but finding that unreliability is an increasing problem.

    (Have wifi connection, oodles of memory on the pc, so that is not the problem).

    Our local guy tells us that the cable between Chiang Mai and Bkk is the issue, but whatever, the service is just not meeting my needs for consistent access.

    Does anyone in or around Chiang Mai have a consistently reliable provider? If so, I'd love to know.

    Hi fruittbatt,

    There is no such thing as a reliable ISP provider in Chiang Mai. There's only "what's working pretty good now" as far as I can tell. I've had a few ISP's here and when one becomes intolerable it usually precipitates a mass ,ove to other providers that work OK for awhile. I currently use TT&T's Maxnet service, which has already been through one slowdown in my tenure, but seems to have added enough capacity to right itself. get about 20% of the speed I'm paying for, but it's adequate, and I have 4 screens streaming all day long. You might give them a call, as this is the longest period I've enjoyed good internet service, and maybe it lasts. Good Luck to you.

  9. Hi techies.

    Is anyone aware of small two way GPS system available on the market? My girlfriends mother has Alzheimers and is forever wandering off . So far, between a maid, a personal minder, neighbors and moo ban guards we've been able to keep pretty good tabs on her, but she's quite independant minded and I fear she's going to give us all the slip one day and come to harm. I'd love it if I could slip a GPS wristwatch transmitter on her (if such exists) sending to a handheld receiver. Anybody seen anything like that? TIA

  10. This thread seems to be coming true.

    From its start in July, we are now half way to Christmas, and what are we seeing?

    Dollar slipped 10% relative to the pound and baht (which are my income and expenditure currencies), US housing market stalled, corn futures up 30% and wheat futures up 40%.

    Presumably, next comes a lot of Americans realising they are in negative equity on their houses, and higher food prices pushing up the true inflation rate.

    What will the reactions be?

    I am staying to watch the second half of this performance, and meanwhile buying all the gold that I can afford whilst it is so cheap.

    Looks like we are in for bumper rice and sugarcane harvests here.

    Bangkok floods, but our crops thrive, and we have been getting fish for free just by picking them up from where the overflow from the storm drain comes along the side of the soi.

    Corn and wheat going up should help to raise the demand for rice and its price. But I have no faith in the sugar price holding up if times turn hard, as 60% of it goes into fizzy drinks and people can cut those out of their purchasing very easily.

    The thing about the Pound is, it's got those 2 weekly gaps (circled) in it's chart. It's never not filled a gap in it's chart, at least for the 30 years of data I have. If it does, or how, is the question. Good luck.


  11. CHOWNAH - no, I am not saying there are non-native species in Thai streams - I was asking just how long would they survive if they got into Thai streams, and if the wild populations of Giant Prawns are anything to go by, then my guess is that a anything similar (that was tasty) woud never be able to reach any significant level - they would suffer the same fate and be fished out for food - just as the prawns have been.

    In other words it is unlikley that an exotic speicies could ever establish its self if it was a viable food scource for human consumption as well.

    NAWTILUS - no, I know nothing about the economics of this buiisness - nothing at all.

    Anyway, all the above fades into insignificance as the other half now confirms what she suspected - we have all missed the boat:

    - no restrictions on brining Australian Yabbies into Thailand - they are officialy diesease free

    (apparently even in the wild in Australia).

    - Yabbies have been farmed here in Thailand legally and commecially in the

    Chachongsao area by a a company called Lumtarn Tong International Company Limited who run a

    farm called Aquaculture Farm International.

    - lastly (Nawtilus) - yes, they are already in the Thai stream/rivier system - thats official and its

    recognised and no-one is worried about it as they present no risk to anything else.


    I understand the introduction of non-native species can be worriesome and perhaps an environmental risk, but if I know my Thais, if it can be put in the gaeng pot (and as far as I can tell, just about anything qualifies), it will not be allowed to establish itself in the wild to any great degree. I'm judging by the absolute dearth of life in the forests and streams that adjoin my land.

  12. And that's why the new fingerpint scanners:

    Two nabbed with fake US passports

    A team of Thai-US officials have seized 500 fake US passports and arrested a Thai man and a Pakistani in a joint sting operation in Bangkok, police said Wednesday.

    Intizar Hussain, 42, from Pakistan, and Thai Indian Pradit Dubay, whose age is unknown, were arrested at a department store in Thon Buri on Tuesday evening with 500 fake US passports and 432 fake US passport seals, used to cover the passport photo page.

    Lt General Viroj Chantarangsi, commander of metropolitan police, said he was contacted by US embassy security staff in February about a fake passport gang.

    After nine months of investigation, police went undercover and pretended to buy 500 fake US passports for Bt1.25 million, or Bt2,500 apiece at the department store.

    The two suspects later confessed that they had also falsified passports from Singapore, Britain, France, Italy and Malaysia.

    Police said the gang hired various printing shops across Bangkok to produce fake passports during the night.

    The Nation, AFP


  13. Yes - well your cooking advice tells me f'all about their commercial viability - but noted, it was a tongue in cheek reply.

    Can get as big as a lobster - hel_l, it would wreck havoc on the Thai ecology if it got into the stream/river system - it would have hardly any predators.

    How long to grow from juvanile to maturity?

    .........but back to the original question - lets say I wanted to earn Baht 200K per month - the question is what sort of quantity would I have to turn over - in terms of volume/weight and gross value in money - and again, ignore setup costs (ie tanks or dams), assume the business is up and running.

    I have no doubt these things would sell well at local markets.

    Can someone put some figures to this (in a Thai context)?


    Are we talking about ceayfish or prawns here? I posted this several days ago under another topic heading. It's not comprehensive, but it gives some references to check:


  14. It's an intersting topic, which doesn't belong here, in this forum. I hope the mods move it to the appropriate forum where more discussion could be had.

    "The Thai Canal will solve the problems in the 3 southernmost provinces softly, peacefully and permanently because the Thai Canal will create jobs, income, and prosperity throughout the southern part of Thailand. 3-4 million Thai citizens will move there to start a new generation of businesses by new generation citizens. These citizens will be a force stronger than an army that will protect the Kingdom of Thailand from any influences or obstacles.'

    (Lifted from: http://www.thai-canal.org/answer01E.htm#ans5E )

    As for the theory that Singaporean interests are actually funding the insurgency, I think it's a bit far-fetched.

    It's possibly farfetched to believe that Singapore may be meddling in southern Thai politics, but I might suggest you do a Google search of "the Malacca Dilemma and china string of perls ". It may add something to the context of the discussion.

  15. OOPs sorry, of course you have to read "3000 bahts for 4"...

    Oops indeed. Between original post and correction I rallied the gang and had them calling the neighbors to join us. Now, disheartened, we're going to take the 3,000 baht and do 3 weeks worth of grocery shopping instead.

  16. Before you lay the "beggars can't be choosers " line on him, make sure you'll know how he might react. If I were to say that to my girlfriend for instance, whatever I have been meaning to convey would be out the window and we'd immediately be discussing "oh, I'm a beggar am I?" "Is that how you see me, as a beggar?" It's a minefield out there. :o

  17. It may be stupid of me, but this morning I was browsing TV, when I saw a thread which stated that USA citizens can legally buy land in Thailand, and now, despite a search, I cannot rediscover the post.

    can anyone point me to the rightplace ?

    If I remember correctly, the purchase of land is possible because of a treaty between Thailand and the USA.

    I believe the assertion that the Amity Treaty allows for the freehold ownership of land by Americans is incorrect. You may judge for yourself here:


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