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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. First my apoligies if this topic has been covered before in this forum.

    I will be moving to Pattaya in Feb and will be buying a new truck (either a Triton or Vigo and have read the treads on this subject). My question is how much do car dealers discount for cash in Thailand. In the States you can wheel and deal and play one dealer against the other but what can I expect in Thailand.

    Thanks in advance,


    In my experience there is next to no discount for buying a vehicle with cash. Instead the dealer may acquiese to freebies such as bedliners, window tinting, bumperguards, etc..

    My dealer threw in some gold coins, of all things, but no actual discount.

  2. Some friends are coming over from the US and are trying to plan their flying schedule in terms of budget and time. If possible they'd like to try and redeem airmiles to cut the costs for the trip.

    One thing they asked was what international flights there are coming in directly to CNX from other Asian destinations, and I realized I don't have updated info anymore.

    Does anyone know the entire list? I tried searching but did not come up with anything useful.

    TIA :o


    Taipei, Kunming, Luang Phrabang/Vientiane, Rangoon/Mandalay, Singapore. I saw on an inflight magazine (I think 1,2Go) of future direct flights to Bangalore and Hong Kong, but I'm not sure if that ever came about. Don't know about Tokyo either.

  3. For the next couple of days there's a very nice art exhibition honoring Buddhadhasa Bhikku going on at the Chinag Mai University Art Gallery, near the corner of Nimmanhamin and Suthep Rds. in Chiang Mai.

  4. Tippaporn,

    I'm very sorry to hear of your difficult situation. Whatever the outcome, brighter days lie ahead I'm sure.

    Thee questions if I may. Does your father in law drive your truck when he visits you ? Has your wife granted the use of your truck to others on prior occasions that you're aware of? When would you ordinarily be returning from America?

    Hang in there.

  5. I think there should be some background checks in place but it will be so difficult to implement unless you come to thailand with a police check. No doubt KSR wil be doing fakes soon enough.

    Most thai schools dont plan far enough in advance to do checks. It can take weeks or months to get checks done in Uk. Even checking references could be a problem. May take a while for people to get back to them.

    It's a work in progress, but US not too far away from having a unified state/federal datbase for timely criminal background checks:


  6. What's a degree?

    It's a piece of paper that shows that one has wasted a significant amount of time studying for some theoretical stuff which he/she will never again put to use in his/her life, a time during which money could have been earned instead of being spent, a time during which practice could have been obtained instead of theoretical "knowledge".


    You have a point Khun Thanh, but how is a prospective employer who has to decide between hiring you and someone who has taken the trouble to become "qualified", per the employers specifications, to know that you could do as good or a better job? You're asking them to to take a risk. Risks are not what parents enrolling their children in school want. There's a better approach.

    I spent my career as a US Merchant Marine officer. There are three ways to become qualified to become a USMM officer. 1) One can attend a 4 year Merchant Marine academy, graduating with a BS degree and prepared to sit for licensing examinations as a Third Mate/Engineer. 2) One may have served sufficient time at sea (many years) as an officer aboard US Naval ships, and upon discharge or retirement may present their service history to the vetting agency, and if approved may sit for the appropriate officers licensing examinations. or 3) One may rise through the ranks from the lowliest Ordinary Seaman, (whose chief duties are mopping and painting), to Able Bodied Seaman( who may be a helmsman, lookout, posessing greater seamanship abilities). Upon spending sufficient number of years at sea in these unlicensed positions which require far lesser resposibilities and becoming qualified for many ship related tasks, an AB seman may sit for licensing examinations as Third mate(an incredible amount of technical self education involved).

    What's important is each type of officer aspirant payed their dues to get what he wanted, and the prospective employer could be assured that no matter how they got there, each applicant had ,in the end, passed the same rigorous time and academic standard that the career demanded.

    From reading many of the posts here, it seems that there is a dearth of qualified english teachers, here in Thailand. If that's so, I suspect qualified teachers can expect larger classes soon and likely higher wages. Perhaps a good suggestion to be made, might be to hire "teaching assistants" to aide the qualified teacher in the classroom. These assistants could be paid much less but would have to undergo the same criminal background checks. Through self education and this work experience, perhaps then these assistants might be able to sit for standardized tests that would give them the "qualification" to be a bonafide teacher. It's just an idea, and I don't know if such a way exists here, but I think it's a good idea and will separateout the riffraff from those who aspire to be genuinely qualified teachers.

  7. Call her. "I received an email from Thailand. I don't know who it's from. They said some very disturbing things, but I have no way of lnowing if any of it's true or not. I tried to contact them but they did not respond. It's hard for me to believe. I wish they would respond." Give a pause to give her an opportumity to think about what you've said. and maybe see if she wants to tell you something (if she's your correspondent).

    "Is everything all right at home?" Then if she volumteers nothing, wait ot see if you receive another email.

  8. As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), there is no central deity in Bhuddism. Who or what is it that is being prayed to?

    I have asked this question many times of many people. I get the same answer from everyone: "spirits". It is not in accordance with what the Buddha taught, but is very much a part of how most Thais practice Buddhism here. For a long time I used to shake my head at this and many other "corruptions" of what the Buddha taught, but ultimately I realized it has zero impact on my practice and may in fact provide benefit and comfort to it's practitioners.

  9. quote name='george' date='2006-08-22 22:19:00' post='860582'


    Foreign Ministry can help screen foreign teachers

    BANGKOK: -- To avert potential 'bad cases' from occurring, Thailand's Foreign Ministry is ready to cooperate with schools nationwide to screen prospective foreign teachers before they come to


    Interesting news. If they really check the home country before a teacher arrives in LOS perhaps there is hope for us non-degree holders with years of teaching experience backed up by Criminal Record Bureau checks and teaching qualifications!

    If you know teaching is how you want to spend your professional life, than why don't you just get a degree? There are all kinds of paths to obtaining degrees; online, night school, intensive summer schools,etc. I think it would provide you the work security you seek and likely far better compensation.

  10. one last thing about the dogs- if i can not find a home for my girl and decide it's time for her to sleep, does anyone know what is the most humane thing to inject and in what dose? bambina?

    also, do you think dogs can survive on their hunting skills alone? she is a pretty good hunter, she brings home something putrid and dead just about every day.


    Why are you still considering killing your dog? "Thaddeus" has very kindly offered to take it. Do you have that poster on ignore?

  11. Funny cartoon in Manager Online last week. Police were at the home of one of the EC commissioners, ready to haul him off to jail. The caption(paraphrased) was "just give me a minute to put my yellow shirt on".

    If wearing the yellow shirts is a means to draw attention to and initiate conversations about, the Kings many initiatives, and perhaps positive action, well then I'm all for it. If it's done so that people don't feel the need to show more tangible respect for the King, then it strikes me as only tokenism.

  12. Buddhism in a nutshell. 1. Stop doing bad things 2. Start doing good things 3. Purify your mind by freeing it of defilements.

    All these acts require volition or free will to undertake.

    I find many westerners look upon Buddhism as an intellectual puzzle to unravel; searching for hidden meaning or nuance in all things related to what the Buddha taught.

    He taught that dukkha was universal, that there was a way to not experience dukkha, and that way involved the conscious application of following the precepts he'd outlined, together with the Eightfold Path.

  13. Issan people are ethnic Lao. It formerly belonged to the Kingdom of Vientiane which used to have Korat as it's border. The territory was seized by Rama IV or V after one of the most ill advised army campaigns ever by the King of Vientiane. According to wich Thai you talk to it was because the Siamese Kings stiffed the Vientiane king by not paying for all the slaves used from Vientiane that dug the canals in Bangkok.

    White skin usually means one has antecedents from northern area. That's usually Chinese, but perhaps from hundreds or thousands of years ago.

  14. I really like the idea of Thailand banning Fox! Did that guest really trash the King? If so, that would be excellent grounds. I wish the USA could ban Fox too. Unfortunately, CNN wasn't much better on this story.

    no, in fact the monarchy was not mentioned. im insinuating - hey, if he can do it why cant i???

    but hey - it is the KINGDOM of thailand and by inference the king is allowing whatever o'lielly claims to be occuring here happen no??


    You may want ot look up the term "lese majestes". It is a serious crime here.

  15. I "followedthemoney" here.

    Finally starting to open up........... :D and a few more "facts"...?

    American millionaire shot dead by ex-companion

    Staff Reporter Chaing Mai Mail

    On July 2, police officers at Chiang Mai Police Station were informed that an American had been shot opposite the Whole Earth Restaurant, on Sri Don Chai Road near the Night Bazaar area. He was not killed immediately, but died later in hospital.

    He was identified as George Patrick Dubie “Daniel”, 56, an American citizen and who had been shot in the chest and left arm.

    Pratchaporn Monpeng, 30, the Thai wife of the deceased American informed the police that they had lived together for seven years, residing at a house in Hang Dong district, Chiang Mai. Before the fatal shooting, Daniel told her that Margaret ‘Gina’ Crane, 48, his former companion, arranged to meet him at the Whole Earth Restaurant on Sri Don Chai Road to discuss a private matter.

    Witnesses in the restaurant told the police that they had heard the couple arguing, after which they walked out to the parking area.

    The American hit the woman and threatened her with a pistol, but she grabbed theweapon.

    Daniel ran to the opposite side of the road, but she followed him and fired the weapon in his direction. She then got into a car and drove off.

    At the same time that the incident was taking place, Pratchaporn was waiting for Daniel at the Starbucks Coffee Shop on the Night Bazaar and received a phone call that her husband had been shot.

    She went to the scene and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

    Police officers immediately broadcast an All Points Bulletin (APB) for the vehicle. Police at Pa Tan Bridge noticed the woman’s car and observed the female driver get out and throw what looked like a pistol into the river. She returned to her car and drove off at high speed with police officers in pursuit.

    They finally managed to stop her in front of Weera Panich Co. on Chiang Mai-Lampang Road, Tambon Fah Ham.

    A witness at the scene of the shooting identifies Ms Crane as the person who shot Daniel Dubie.

    Officers took her into custody, but when questioned, initially the woman denied everything. Eventually, she confessed that she committed the crime in a fit of fury. Ms Crane told police that there had been a scuffle when Daniel dropped the gun, but she grabbed it before he could and chased him across the street where she fired the gun.

    Sineeporn Phantawong, Daniel’s personal lawyer and close friend said that Daniel owned many businesses in the U.S.A.

    He was also an advisor to the United Nations (UN) and a special news reporter of a foreign news agency.

    He was also involved with many organizations in the US providing support to those unfortunate people involved in the Tsunami catastrophe.

    He had planned to invest one billion baht in land and a home stay business in Chiang Mai and Phuket.

    He visited Thailand a couple of times a year and told officers that Daniel had been threatened many times by his former Ms Crane.

    From the investigation, police officers focused on the quarrel, which had accusations of adultery and violence.

    One of witnesses said that Daniel took care of six children.

    He had a house in Palm Spring Place Village in Muang Chiang Mai. Previously, they had often argued.

    Until this visit, Daniel had never visited his Ms Crane. She became furious which led to the fatal shooting. :o

  16. So let me get this straight ! According to the new laws they are 'going' to impose if you have qualifications,it means you are less likely to be a sex offender ? If you have a fake degree then you could be a danger to children ?

    Yes I agree a lot of 'Brits' do have fak credentials but this guys credentials were good but yet again...he is American !

    A person working with "fake" credentials ., regardless of nationality, has shown a willingness to deceive and engage in unlawful acts. It is criminal behavior. What parent would want their children exposed to these types of people? These very acts. if known, would exclude them visa entry from most countries.

  17. If I may, I would like to post a very interesting quotation from a sometime poster here on Thaivisa, Paully, quoted from another forum.
    But how are foreign teachers in Thailand to be vetted from their country of origin, Haltest?

    To take our country of origin, Britain, as an example, there is no way the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) would release details of a police record direct to organisations in Thailand. The data on the police records is clearly protected under the Data Protection Act in the UK - and quite rightly, too. If you try to obtain it yourself, how would the Thai school know whether the result was not forged? Would they know what a UK police record report looked like? As you're probably aware, if you're accepted for an education degree (eg a PGCE) in the UK or if you apply for a job as a teacher in the UK then you need to apply for a CRB check. But this is very much an exception (it took a change in the law to do it) and the CRB will only release details to UK colleges/schools on its approved list who have membership numbers at the CRB and the applicant and not to anyone else. To require the CRB to release details to other organisations, such as schools in Thailand, would take another change in the law. It's a non-starter, in reality.

    Even supposing it were possible to obtain a CRB check for a Thai school, who would pay for it (it's about 35 pounds a pop and is only valid for 6 months) and what happens about the delay? When I applied for a CRB check last year via my uni (I was doing a PGCE) I had to wait 2.5 months for the result. If the TES forum is anything to go by, I was pretty lucky - others were waiting 3 or even 4 months. Would the teacher be allowed to work temporarily before being sacked due to a 'negative' CRB result (this in itself opens a can of worms - who decides if, say, a speeding conviction should disqualify you from school employment) or should he have to wait 3 or 4 months before starting teaching? At that rate there would be no farang teachers for most Thai schools. Finally, the CRB has come under fire recently for giving a number of 'wrong' results - people have been banned from school employment/courses because of 'mistakes' on the CRB results and have then had, expensively and stressfully, to try to clear their names.

    Thanks for the info, Paully.

    {Link removed by Admin }

    In my previous working lfe I worked for employers requiring background checks from the FBI and Interpol so that I may det DOD clearances. I merely signed a third party waiver giving them permission to procure this information. I think they got it by wire or email with hardcopy arriving later. If there was any expense involved, my prospective employer payed it.

    My sister, who is a teacher in America, must furnish to her school district (at her expense) certified criminal background check and original fingerprint documentation taken by the police of her hometown. So, to answer your question "who will pay for it"? The applicant will pay for it. Hopefully higher salaries will come about as a result of the additional expense, but maybe not.

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