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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Take this with a pinch of salt, but I remember reading somewhere that some ladyboys are a result of gender roles of sons and daughters in Thai families, and that if there is no daughter in the family, one of the sons might take on the role in their stead. Has anyone else heard anything similar?

    There are a few books in English on the subject as well, I remember seeing them at Asia Books.

    I had not heard that, but I might look for a book on the subject. It sounds fascinating. One thing I think I've observed lately, is what appears to be a growing number of ladyboys joining the monkhood. I'd seen some before, but never as prevalent as I do now. You generally don't see monks looking in mirrors and fawning over each other. Am I the only one that's observed this? Sorry if it's OT.

  2. I have been following this court case and many others with great interest. This is really a great result IMO.

    I think the the non suspension of the jail sentences will aid in turning the convicted into willing informants against those who co=opted them these many years. Really great news.

    Positive change is purifying, whether it be in government agencies or elsewhere. Strikes a blow against those that think because something has "always been that way" things can't get better.

  3. A bar in Pattaya -- The night before a new girl came -- very young -- niece of bar boss wife --- lottery held in the bar -- fifty bt a ticket -- Six drew tickets out of hat with a number on -- Girl came about six pm and looked very young and was brought down to the bar where farange number one put bar fine on bar and took her upstairs -- he had to pay 5000bt as she had never been with a man -- she had to be stripped and held by her aunt -- that night she had to service five more men -- Good or no good

    Good or no good! Are serious man or just taking the piss!

    If you're serious then those guys are fcking rapists and need shooting, the bar needs naming and shaming and the 'family members' ought to be locked up. If you were there you need to report the place to the Boys in Brown.

    And before anybody says the've got XXXXX money, police won't do sht and they have connections just remember this, all it takes is for every decent falang to shun the place before it feels the pain!

    If your not serious then its not a very nice bar is it!

    Decent falang already shun places like that. Pull your head out of the sand. That shit goes on everywhere here.

  4. Bars have given Thai women the same thing that family courts have given women in the West.

    They have given them a way out of abusive relationships and a chance at a decent life without fear of being abused mentally and physically.

    yes lets all hail the beer bars where women can work without fear of being abused mentally and physically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you really see this vision of utopia when you walk around pattaya or Soi Cowboy?????? or is this a genuinely good wind up?


    You have to bear in mind that those are the opinions of a man who admits he'd pimp out his mother, sister and daughter if the price is right.

  5. There is a wonderfully common element in the descriptions of Chiang Rai that folks have offered that makes it sound like a great place to live!

    Maybe it is time for us to stop promoting Chiang Rai as the best place in Thailand to stay. We don't want it to be like Chiang Mai, do we?

    I expect in 10 years time Chiamg rai will rival or surpass Chiang Mai's poulation. As Chiang Mai inevitably upscales itself, I believe a lot of the backpacker element will choose to base out of the Chiang Rai area. I do agree there are some beautiful areas nearby up there, but the sprawl which is already evident, will IMO only get worse, as the free trade zone and China tourism takes off.

  6. I intentionally left some information out of my original post in order to protect both mine and my wifes privacy.

    Yes, I can understand why you might want to do that. Were any of the responses helpful to you? Have you decided how best to achieve your aims? I give you credit for returning to more than a few smart ass replies.

  7. We have purchased our land and were seeking a contractor for the construction. We were offered the services of two seperate contractors. The first was 4.5 million over the projected cost - the second was 2.7 million over the projected cost. Needless to say we did not accept these bids.

    We now find that the person who was offering these contractors to us just happens to be the very same person who issues the building permits in this area.

    We have since located another contractor who's bid is within out projected costs. We have now been informed by the local official who issues the building permits that we will not be issued a building permit until we come into his office and reach some understanding.

    This is of course is leading us back to the original point of this official not being able to reap the additional building cost and putting it in his pocket - as opposed to asking for a bribe - the inflated construction cost would be returned to this official vis the contractor.

    As I've just about had it up to you know where with this mental minded midget mentality - I would like to know if anyone knows where within the Thai government the office for corruption is located. As I intend to take this case directly to the appropriate government officials. And am strongly considering taking this to one of the Bangkok news papers as well.

    Can anyone tell me where to go to register a complaint with the proper government authorities.


    First, try to get your emotions in check. Think it through. See if there aren't some ways to get what you want without making an enemy that can mkake your life a living hel_l. This is the main corruption website.

    http://www.corruptionwatch.net/ Truth is, they're swampped and running months behind in checking out all the leads they receive. The government shut them down for a time. Some other organizations links on the left margin of the website.

    Try to stay focused on what you want. good luck to you.

  8. From what I saw going on in the currency market on Friday, I'm not that surprised at what I see as I turn on the screens today. The dollar has really moved higher, on the news of the Middle East fighting. Traders have forgotten about the awful data that came out on Friday... They have forgotten about the Fed's words of how the next rate move would be data dependent... They are focusing on the heated Tensions and fighting in the Middle East.

    On Friday, Retail Sales printed an unexpected decline of .1%... It was forecast to increase .4%... June sales were held back by slower sales of motor vehicles and parts, department store merchandise, building/garden equipment and electronics. Increased purchases at gasoline service stations and at furniture and food stores limited the June decline. The thing that caught my eye, as I reviewed the report is how much 2nd QTR Retail Sales fell from the 1st QTR... The 1st QTR Retail Sales grew at a mighty 13.3% annualized pace... While the 2nd QTR grew at only 3.6% annual pace

    The other piece of data last Friday that should have knocked the stuffing out of the dollar was the U. of Michigan Consumer Confidence for the first part of this month... While this data was expected to increase... It too fell to an 83 reading from 84.9 the previous month. So... Just to get my data scorecard up to date so I can keep track of what the Fed's watching... Last week, we saw Consumer Credit soar, The Trade Deficit widen by almost 1%, Initial Jobless Claims pushing higher, Retail Sales falling, along with Consumer Confidence... Hmmm... I wonder what Big Ben thinks about all this?

    Today, we'll see that dumb Empire Manufacturing report that's all over the board each month, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization for June. Later this week, we'll see CPI inflation data for June, and that's the Big Kahuna for the week... Right now, the "experts" have forecast Jun CPI to be weaker than May's.... I'll believe that one when I see it... No wait, I don't believe anything that CPI has to offer, so I have no idea why I said that! But seriously... CPI is expected to weaken... Somehow!

    Not trying to bore you with data... But, since the dollar is soaring because of Middle East tensions... I thought it to be important to show why it shouldn't be! Oh, and there's one more thing... Big Ben Bernanke is going to give us a report on the Economy and Fed Policy on Wednesday... That ought to be interesting!

    As one might expect, Gold has been well bid during the Middle East fighting, and Swiss francs has retained more of their value than other currencies... (that's currency parlance for it hasn't lost as much ground as other currencies!)

    Japanese yen has really taken some huge losses since the Bank of Japan removed the zero interest rate policy. Chris told you on Friday that there is a clear distinction between a currency's knee jerk reaction and the long term consequences for the currency... Yen is going to be the currency that is now shown whenever, someone looks up that thought! I really think that yen is cheap, cheap, fun, fun.

    The dollar is not soaring due to Middle East tensions. It is rising due to the fact it is in an up cycle. All financial instruments / land / commodities go through up and down cycles. Currently the Dollar is in a short and intermediate term up cycle, in the context of a long term down cycle. How much it can rise in this up cycle will be a strong indication of how far it wil fall when it's short and longer term cycles turn down in sync in a year or two. It's not rocket science and reading doomsday newsletters is, as always, risky to one's financial health.

    Follow the money:


    The blue line Commercial Traders are the so called "smart money". They are often early, but seldom wrong. As ever, past results are no indication of furure results, blah, blah.

  9. If it is an understanding of your household economics you wish your wife to have; why don't you raise her allowance and make her responsible for paying all the bills. Not only will she have a greater understanding, but perhaps she will find some ways to pare expenses.

  10. The thing about floorsafes is that you actually have to bolt them to the floor. :D

    I had to explain this to a freind of mine who brought one and out 650,000 Baht in it and left it in his room. :D

    To his astonishment when he returned just 15 minutes later the safe had dissappeared. :D

    Only joking...he went out to get the bots to attatch it to the floor when he found it missing, he should have hid the cash somewhere else till he had finished the job :D

    We live and learn :o

    The only "floor safes" that I'm aware of are cemented in place, with the body of the safe being subterranean, and the top being flush with the floor. Any safe sitting on top of the floor is just a safe, isn't it?

  11. I am going to buy a new LCD monitor and have read lots of reviews of differant manufactures but can't get any upto date info on what is available in Thailand can anyone advise me what to buy (8ms response or better) or does anyone have a link to a good web site (english prefered but not essental)

    It will be used for graphics and occational games so high definition is a must

    Thanks Tufty

    Try DELL Singapore:


  12. From my studying the question, observations, and experience the best ways for a foreigner to "own" land in Thailand would be ranked in this order.

    1) Be married to a Thai national.

    Sorry this does not give you the right to own land.

    2) Be American and set up company under Amity Treaty rules (that is if it's still in effect)

    It is still in effect but does not give you the right to own land

    3) Do a 30 year lease while holding mortgage from lessor.

    30 year lease is fine; you have the rights to be on the land then. No need to have the mortgage with a lease and could be construed you were circumventing the land laws.

    4)Properly setup Thai company (most of the scary stories one reads are improperly setup companies.)

    Companies with a majority of shareholders being Thai are allowed to register land. The only thing that has changed, some Land officers are looking at the Thai shareholders to determine if they have income to purchase shares. Foreigners are indeed seeking more sophisticated advice and sound structured companies for them to get the land purchase approved by the Land Dept. The holding company structure is a simple routine registration.

    In one province, they are no longer looking at the income of any Thais, as of July 9th they are allowing any Thai company with a 49% foreign shareholder wanting to register land to do so, as long as that foreigner is only a shareholder of one Thai company that owns land and if that company is looking to buy no more than one rai of land with up to one house. This is the solution to cut down on foreign property developers and money launderers rather than causing problems for registration of land to Thai companies with individual investors.

    can I get more infos about buying on private farlang name, property (without using a company)

    Invest 40 million Baht in Thailand or inherit up to one rai per estate. (In certain cases, you may inherit land from other estates as well so in theory you could own more than 1 Rai.)


    With regard to:

    1) Marry a Thai national

    I was speaking about the nature of marriage rather than the letter of Thai law.


    and 3) Amity Treaty. (allowing Americans to own a majority share in a Thai business)

    I know there are limitations having to do with "exploitation of land and natural resources", but is it implicit that the Thai company may not own any land? If so, I did not know that.

  13. """""Ignorant and cowardly insults aimed at my father might may you feel better about your pseudo-religion and yourself but it doesn't change the points I've made, the sources I've shown and the verifiable facts. Your sponsor would be proud of the AA-speak you use. "You've got a resentment" Don't tell me, I need a Higher Power in my life to help my incurable, bad, scary disease. """"""""

    Now I think you're just a pure nut-case. I hope you get better! I simply repeated what you said about your father, no insults. Isn't this the real reason you are on a crusade to belittle AA.

    """"""According to AA alcoholics have an incurable disease. I don't know anyone who has this because it is a 70 year old myth. Sorry to burst your bubble. I know plenty of people who AA would call alcoholics and drug addicts who gave up drinking or cut down to sensible levels by themselves. So yes.""""""""""""""

    Please just answer the question, why are you avoiding it? Do you know any alcoholics(not drug addicts) who have stopped by themselves for over 5 years? Doesn't even sound like you know what an alcoholic is.

    AA NEVER call anyone alcoholics - this proves that you don't know what you're talking about. Only yourself can call yourself an alcoholic.

    The difference between religion and spirituality - "religion is for those who don't want to go to hel_l, spirituality is for those of us who have already been there".

    I got sober by myself on December 15th , 1992 ; after failing at my first attempt on December 7th (hoping to be a "date which would live in infamy") :o I'd gone to AA a few times and decided it wasn't for me. Not because of any failings of that organization, but my own. I'd rationalize "I'm not a joiner" "It's a crutch" etc. Since then I've met countless people who are alive today simply becase they joined AA and took back the control alcohol held over their lives.

    I can't say enough for the fine work 12 Step Programs do. When my brother decided it was time for him to quit a few years ago, he went to Betty Ford Clinic and I was invited for the week to be part of his program. It's basically a type of AA with some intensive encounter sessions. As sbk stated (paraphrasing) it doesn't matter how you get there. just so long as you get there.

    And sbk, that puppy is so cute I'd like to bite it.

    I would also add that I've met very few people like myself, who quit on their own. Do whatever it takes.

  14. Again?

    a. Not very smart.

    b. This will be the agreement that will be used against you. Actively trying to circumvent the law.

    c. Great the farang paid money and has nothing.

    d. You hope.

    To be done with an accountant whom the buyer has known for many years.

    Great thinking. Yes, many buyers will have a Thai accountant for years. Why did not everyone think of that before?

    What has everyone else heard?

    I heard a foreigner can not own land. And guess what. It is really true!

    Poooff!! Another theory shot down.

    Why find ways to circumvent the law. It is so much easier to just follow the law. Really you should try. It gives piece of mind and it will prevent you from getting worked up how unfair everything is. Poor poor foreigner.

    From my studying the question, observations, and experience the best ways for a foreigner to "own" land in Thailand would be ranked in this order.

    1) Be married to a Thai national.

    2) Be American and set up company under Amity Treaty rules (that is if it's still in effect)

    3) Do a 30 year lease while holding mortgage from lessor.

    4)Properly setup Thai company (most of the scary stories one reads are improperly setup companies.)

  15. I am referring to new investment and not existing investment. Sure enough, if you invest in the property market then its better to be in it for the long run.

    However, as you consider your investment you dont want to buy at the peak! Therefore, as many people are predicting a downturn in THai economy, real estate, tourism etc over the coming 6 months to a year, all the investment that COULD have been pumped into THailand will go elsewhere.

    IMHO, Vietnam is one place that could gain from this.

    Also, it does mean that there may be some opportunities for bargains in the next year or so.

    Yes, you're quite right about putting new money to work. I too hope some local bargains present themselves when the current dollar up cycle exhausts itself.

  16. With all the recent bad economic figures and the political turmoil will not help THailand in the near future.

    Unfortunately, I envisage that the next few months will bring bad news to THailand and that investment will be diverted elsewhere. When this happens I hope the Thais will realise that foreign investment is really something good that the Thais can benefit from!

    On the positive side, it may offer some opportunities for those brave enough!

    I don't understnad, What good is investment that goes away just because things may be temporarily subpar? That's not investment, that's "hot money" trading and it does not lead to a sustainable economy, as the King envisions. It's the economic equivalent of "love you short time".

  17. Odd timing of this thread just as the US dollar is going higher. I have a small amount of money in US dollars and after reading this thread decided to do some checking to make sure my money was not at risk. I went to Bloomberg because they usually have good financial news and this is what I found.

    Dollar Reaches Three Month-High Against Yen as Israel Steps Up Attacks

    July 17 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar surged to the highest in almost three months against the yen and gained versus the euro on speculation increased violence in the Middle East will stoke demand for assets denominated in the U.S. currency.

    Israel stepped up attacks against Beirut today in its biggest military campaign against Lebanon since 1982. Investors typically seek safety by buying U.S. Treasuries and gold during political upheaval. The dollar extended gains after breaking through key levels that triggered automatic orders to buy the currency.

    ``The situation in the Middle East is worrying financial markets and we're seeing a resurgence of the dollar as a safe- haven currency,'' said Simon Derrick, chief currency strategist at Bank of New York in London. ``As long as this political uncertainty is clouding things the dollar will do well.''

    The dollar rose to 116.82 yen at 9:48 a.m. in London from 116.12 in New York on July 14, after earlier reaching the strongest since April 21. The U.S. currency climbed to $1.2564 against the euro from $1.2652, the highest since June 29.

    Japanese financial markets were shut for a public holiday.

    The U.S. currency may be further boosted by anticipation Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke will tell Congress this week that inflation is accelerating fast enough to warrant further interest-rate increases, increasing the yield attraction of dollar assets.

    The dollar extended gains after strengthening beyond 116.50 yen and $1.2620 against the euro, levels at which some traders had placed orders to buy the currency, said Stuart Ritson, a currency strategist at Rabobank Groep in London.

    We're seeing a lot of interest in U.S. Treasuries and that will support the U.S. dollar,'' said Michael Thomas, head of economics and strategy in Sydney at ICAP Australia Ltd., a unit of the world's largest interbank broker. ``The Middle East situation hasn't calmed down.''

    The case for further rate increases by the Fed may be increased this week by speculation a government report on July 19 will show consumer price inflation accelerated to the fastest pace in eight months in June.

    Not odd timing at all. In fact these sentiments are ESSENTIAL to move the dollar higher. The conventional wisdom is almost always wrong, and for awhile at least, it eill be wrong again.. I posted earlier where the $USD is in it's various cycles and no one seemed to take note. Cycles are everything and news is for suckers. I would also mention that holders of Euros and the GBP might want to pull up weekly charts of their currency against the $USD and google "gap theory" and "head and shoulders patterns."

  18. The data with regard to faling IQ's is published annually. The Queen is quite distressed about this issue and I read in the newspaper, last time these numbers came out, she feared the trend might be irreversible. I disagree with her worst fears, but it will take a lot of dedication to change the current educational system. Maybe a lot less sugar in the diet too.

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