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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I can agree with that. His time has passed and someone needs to tell him. If the 2024 election is Biden/Trump 2.0 I will probably drink myself to death. The problem with the GOP is staying on message. It is hard to do when the media all wants to go backwards and ask 'gotcha' type questions. Once the Great Ghost of the Bad Orange Man is gone, that will fade away. I can see a ticket of Desantis/Noem rocking the world.
  2. Merriam-Webster added the word to its dictionary in 2017, defining it as, "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)." But the meaning of woke evolved again with the rise of "cancel culture" -- as the two terms saw increased use, they became intertwined in the public consciousness. Often, someone gets canceled after they say something insensitive – something not woke. So in addition to meaning aware and progressive, many people now interpret woke to be a way to describe people who would rather silence their critics than listen to them. https://www.foxnews.com/us/what-does-woke-mean Fair enough?
  3. I think we have a working definition of "woke"... just look up! Someone who obsesses about former politicians and lets them live rent free in their head. Keeps a ready made, memorized list of grievances and complaints at the ready, eager to insert them into any discussion, no matter how irrelevant.
  4. Back to the topic at hand, I really hope he (Trump) doesnt declare his intention to run. I think I can see a hangover of his egoism in the election results tonight. Frankly, I am tired of trying to replay and rewin the 2020 election. There need to be new and more united voices moving forward. Look at Florida for an indication of what works. Governor Desantis and Senator Rubio both killed it, and without kissing the ring.
  5. Yeah, Veep was campaigning in Massachussets, New York and California. Really pushing the envelope there and helping candidates in toss up districts get that final push they need...I guess that is hard when her likability is lower even than Trump.
  6. I guess it is still a fad to get Japanese or Chinese Kanji tattoos done these days. Not a fan myself, too easy to make some hilariously stupid errors. Saw a guy who had a weird tattoo so I asked him, "what does it mean". He said "I think it is 'samurai', but some people laugh when they see it". Actually, it meant "hemmorhoid"- the symbols for hemmorhoid and samurai are similar, and he had a foreign tattoo artist do his tat.
  7. Yes I can. It doesn't follow the law as enacted by the state. Don't like it? Petition your representatives to change the law. A person who can't follow simple directions probably shouldn't be voting anyway.
  8. Let's have some predictions! House 230R, 218D Senate 53R, 46D Georgia runoff lost by Walker so 53R 47D Lee Zeldin wins New York governor in a shock victory!
  9. So, they want to disqualify votes "based on technicalities". In other words, they want to actually follow the law. Amazing that the purportedly undemocratic party would want to obey the law, isn't it?
  10. Yeah, I guess they have no alternative but to hang out in an airconditioned beach resort, eh? Now, if ONLY there was some technology or device available to let people meet face to face and communicate without travelling and burning fossil fuels.... well, perhaps some time in the future... And no, they are not important to me. In Canada we would welcome an extra 1.5 degrees- maybe we could grow our own citrus fruit!
  11. I wonder if the hypocritical blowhards at COP 27 can beat the record of last year. The Glasgow meeting created an estimated 100,000 tons of CO2. I am sure they can do it if they try.
  12. And people wonder why the Democrats will lose big tomorrow. Biden has been anti-energy from the beginning. No company will want to invest in the US with states like California vowing to ban gas powered cars by 2035 and the administration promising to go carbon neutral by 2050. I almost - almost- feel sorry for Ms. Jean-Pierre having to clean up after Joe all the time. She needs to thank her lucky stars that she has the political equivalent of "plot armour"- as a black immigrant female lesbian she is invulnerable.
  13. Hit Siem Reap for a week this summer. Good points; a/ English widely spoken and understood b/ Generally very friendly folks c/ Renting a motorbike and cruising the Angkor complex was a hoot! d/ Discount admission to the Angkor complex and next to nobody there. e/ Cheap beer in shops , pretty cheap in bars/restaurants Bad Points; a/ In Your Face poverty and begging b/ Limited options for foreign food- what was available was good though c/ Cambodian food doesnt do it for me d/ Bland scenery outside of the temples
  14. How about just a simple rule- foreigners can buy property/land, except the Chinese. They can't. Problem solved.
  15. Those are very general questions. If all comes down to what each state decides. According to the National Conference of State Legislators, only 8 states require photo ID to vote. Four more will also accept non photo ID. That leaves 38 states where any form of ID is not needed. https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id.aspx
  16. Don't worry it will all be over by Tuesday evening. The GOP will win, the world will continue as before, except perhaps the US economy might recovering and sanity will prevail. But seriously, it fascinates me the vitriol that pours out of people. Most of the right wing folks I know (and being a neanderthal myself I know many) freely admit that they think lefties are wrong, but not evil. However, my leftie friends are convinced that conservatives are both evil AND wrong. Which makes having constructive conversations a challenge. Lots more happiness on the right, as well as more attractive women.
  17. Actually yes. Although the tedious "...but TRUMP" refrain is not really needed. It is a pretty low standard to hold oneself to. I hear "... denier" only used by one side. Ditto for "...phobe" or "racist" or "supremacist". IMHO these are much more serious loaded political terms than juvenile insults.
  18. Democrats and their ilk love to use loaded phrases to demonize their opponents. The use of "... denier" is another. It was originally and almost exclusively used in the context of the Holocaust, ie a person is a "Holocaust denier". Now they are using that taint to label anyone who does not fall lockstep into line with their political and social positions. SImilar to the use of ".... phobe". Inaccurate and derogatory.
  19. To be honest a big part of the problem has been that voting laws and systems changed so suddenly in 2020. The advent of more voting by mail, extended periods of advance voting and so on make it look very easy to cheat. For a lot of people, voting means going to the polls on election day, proving you are eligible to vote, and voting. Anything that messes with that simple system can be easy to corrupt.
  20. True that. Oz will never recover from being a world class heart surgeon. Fetterman is hurting his own chances of recovery by not taking time to recover. The first 6 months after a stroke are crucial and he spent them campaigning. He is a relatively young guy, he could have waited until the next election cycle. Oz wins by 1.3%. Senate goes GOP 52-47, and Walker probably loses a runoff in Georgia to make the final 52-48.
  21. I think I wrote something before about hyperbole and hyperventilating... There IS some irony in the President saying that the only way to preserve democracy is to vote for one party alone. But considering he started his campaign for president in 2020 with a bit of misinformation about threats to democracy, it isn't surprising.
  22. Of course, but this ain't one of them. Segregated lunch counter vs. milk in an airport. Not equal.
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