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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Interesting to see the story change. First, it was "this is Russian Disinformation and totally fabricated" to now, "Well, even IF it is true, it is not criminal".....
  2. It is no coincidence that this story was killed for two complete election cycles. There is no clearer picture of election interference on the part of the media on behalf of the Democrats, with the collusion of Big Tech. The story was spiked, the New York Post was muzzled, the ranks of the careerist politicians closed, everyone proclaimed it to be 'Russian Disinformation'.... How many media hacks and factotums have lost their jobs because of this? How many of the commentators from the State Machine (the odious James Clapper type) have lost their cushy gigs as 'experts' in security? None.
  3. Constipation is always on peoples' collective minds in Japan. Lots of medicine for it advertised on TV, cures, etc. Having a starchy diet with white rice is part of the problem, plus as people age here they get less fibre. Also, whole wheats and grains are not as popular as they should be. As for kids, I am not sure the situation in Thailand, but in Japan all kids eat a prepared school lunch until they are in high school. There is no choice of menu, everyone (even the teacher) gets the same food and should be prepared to finish it. It is a way to prevent kids from being too picky, to introduce new foods, and to promote locally grown produce/meats/fruit. Brown bagging or going home for lunch is not an option.
  4. Twitter is a lot like Youtube- negative gets eyeballs. Look at Youtube clips that are entitled "........devastated" or ".... destroyed" or "..... apocalypse"- they get views. "Nice Day in Udon Thani" gets tumbleweeds. Trump on Twitter will drive content. If you don't like it, don't read it. And if you don't like Twitter, just build your own social media platform for snowflakes only. I would suggest a name like "Wokefest" or "Whine and Cheese".
  5. ...and now you know why I am not employed in the sciences........... need more coffee. Thought that sounded a tad generous. OK, a mere $40,000 severance. Makes life a lot harder.
  6. She hashtags @womenintech and @finance. Her bio says she is a CPA and FInancial Analyst II at Twitter. Looks like a base salary of $115k plus bonus.
  7. Agreed 100%. Three terms in the House, one in Senate, one as President. Max age for last election campaign 69 years old. That gives a potential of 16 years snout down in the trough in Sodom on the Potomac. That should be enough for any one person.
  8. Instead of banning trading, how about having ALL members of Congress (and immediate family( register all their trades with an independent auditor? If they want to invest while in Washington, no problem, as long as they dont keep it secret.
  9. Considering that the starting salary at Twitter for a software engineer is just north of $150K this sounds very generous. Half a million in severance and out the door. Here is a Youtube clip from a Twitter employee describing their day...
  10. I would argue that politics is the art of the pAssable, but that's just me. I actually lay a big part of the blame for the red fizzle on Sen. Graham. He stupidly proceeded with an abortion bill that was doomed to fail and only served to inflame people for no discernable reason. He is the kind of calcified senator (on both sides) that needs retiring. Twenty years in the Senate is more than enough.
  11. I say it is too late on a moral level, but still can be politically expedient to do now. Is that too complicated to understand. They should have done it earler if the Dems had wanted to show any actual character or genuine concern about it. They didnt.
  12. It is too late because the Dems have had 40 years of control of Congress to enact any national legislation on abortion. Especially after the Supreme Court became right leaning, it was obvious that Roe would be overturned. Yet they did nothing still. Maybe it IS politically expedient, but it is also hypocritical.
  13. I would agree on the abortion issue. Leave it up to the states to decide for themselves. No federal restrictions, but also no federal guarantees. None of this "Codify Roe v Wade" nonsense. The Democrats had 40 years to propose legislation to do so but didn't. Too late now.
  14. I would rather the entire Homeland Security Department be dissolved. No purpose that I see that cannot be handled by other agencies.
  15. You highlight one of the problems the GOP had in the mid term elections. Lack of specifics, specifically. A lot of people who were at least mildly miffed with Biden and the state of the country STILL voted Democratic, and that is one reason why. I would like to see: the Student Loan Payoff cancelled, The so-called Inflation Reduction Act repealed for a start.
  16. Hunter will be taken care of by law enforcement hopefully. If it can be done in a non political way, so much the better. The DOJ has been getting too involved in political vendettas lately- let local law enforcement handle things if possible. Get him on the gun charges, prostitution, fraud, etc. The midterms proved that there just isn't the level of vitriol and anti-Biden (Hunter OR Joe) sentiment in the country to match the anti-Trump and anti-MAGA factions. IMHO it is better to take the high road on this one.
  17. Hopefully they can roll back some of Biden's worst excesses. As for the committees and hearings, to be honest I think they should tread easy. It might look too vindictive to spend months doing public investigations of various scandals and so on. Better to use the time to press forward with sensible legislation to bring the American economy back on track. Then let the Democrats look bad when the Senate refuses to table them, or Biden vetoes them. Simply being obstructionist isn't the path to victory in 2024.
  18. Back to the missiles, now it turns out that they were likely fired by UKRANIAN forces.... The leaders of Poland and NATO said the missile that killed two people in Polish territory on Tuesday was likely fired by Ukrainian forces defending their country against a barrage of Russian strikes, and that the incident appeared to be an accident. https://aseannow.com/topic/1277924-rockets-or-missiles-reported-to-have-landed-in-poland-near-ukrainian-border-killing-2/page/4/#comments
  19. True. I noticed no refutation of the list of accomplishments during the Trump years in the White House. Just the usual generalities and hysteria. Now having said that, I dont want him to run again. If he DOES carry on, I dont want him to win the nomination. I frankly can't think of a way he can expand the GOP voter base enough to regain the Presidency.
  20. You really think the two are the same? OR are you just avoiding the issue... The Harv has been found guilty of sexual assault, and rightly so. Last time I checked the same could not be said for the Bad Orange Man. Or do you dispute my characterization of the entertainment industry as a sordid world where women trade sexual favours for work/exposure?
  21. More generalities and pointlessness. Details please.
  22. You speak in generalities without details. Care to provide? Also, did he not do what I wrote on my list?
  23. Trump was simply telling the truth. When you are rich/powerful/connected, you can do things like that. Women throw themselves at men who can help them advance their careers. The "Hollywood casting couch" has been a fact of life in the American entertainment industry for more than a century.
  24. Didnt Didnt Debatable, but he kept negotiations open and kept the rockets from flying as often as they are now. Good. Better to simply destroy Iran. No negotiating with the head hackers and terrorists there Good. The UN needs to be defunded. They should stick to clean water and children's vaccinations Done previously by Obama and his "wingman" Holder. Also: Brought peace to the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Brought justice to Americans with prison sentence reform. Kept unemployment (especially for minorities) at record lows. Kept inflation below 2-3%. Killed terrorists that needed killing (Al Bagdhadi and Sulemeini) Freed up America's energy industry Shook up NATO and shamed the freeloading countries therein $2 a gallon gas Set the federal and Supreme Courts on the right track for a generation to come
  25. Teach. Started in junior/senior high school, then on to university (current position). It is a great job, about 20 weeks' holiday a year, some paid jaunts to "conferences", and free coffee. What more could a man ask for? ETA: also not in my home country.
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