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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. The court leaned left for years. Nobody tried to change the basic make up of it. Not that it leans right, the sky is falling. I would suggest an easier solution is to end the system of life time appointments for life. Give justices a fixed term, say 10 years, or a mandatory retirement age. Seems to work in Canada.
  2. So, is your contention that there were numbers of armed rioters actually inside the Capitol building, but they never took their guns out? AFAIK, the only firearm used on January 6 was a police officer who killed a protestor. I have no problem with the rioters being charged and convicted. Ditto anyone who assaulted a police officer. But I don't see there was any insurrection happening, any danger to the country, any assault on "Our Democracy" as is so dramatically intoned ad nauseum by the talking heads on TV.
  3. Genuinely curious. Did any of the people arrested inside the Capitol building have guns? I know there were a few outside, that is frankly irrelevant. If they were so intent on insurrection, why didn't they go into the Capitol? Shoot some cops?
  4. A few random handguns in the crowd, of course. Guns in the Capitol, no. I think too many people fervently WISH that an insurrection had been planned. It would justify all the rent-free living that Trump has been doing in their heads. Yet it just isn't there. This was an ugly riot in a season of ugly riots. It was only weeks before that businesses in major American cities were being boarded up? Why? It was election night. The worry was that, if Trump won, there would be violence in the streets. Much the same as had been happening for 6 months.
  5. But this isn't about killing someone or a mass shooting. It is an INSURRECTION. A planned takeover of the government and replacing it with something else. There are thousands of hours of video from the Capitol. You can be sure that if ANYONE was spotted brandishing a gun inside the building, that footage would have been splashed across the networks for weeks. But that didn't happen.
  6. You mean the "cache of weapons" in the pickup truck that had a grand total of 3 firearms? The one that was parked a half mile away? Hell, most of the rioters would have had a heart attack if they had to walk a half mile out and back to get a weapon. THESE are the guys who are going to overthrow the US government? Give me a break. You are giving these guys waaaaaaay too much credit. Try again.
  7. None in the Capitol. A few on the grounds. Out of thousands. And still no answer- why didn't EVERY ONE of those crazy white nationalist conspirators bring firearms? You are ignoring that relevant point to focus on insignificant details.
  8. Ooooh, a FOURTH was charged with having a weapon in the vicinity. Only 9,996 to go. Which still begs the unanswered question- why did the rest forget to bring them? Can't have an insurrection in America without guns, man. I mean seriously, can you see the conversation in the insurrection planning meetings? Insurrectionist A: "OK, we are ready to storm the Capitol! Everyone tooled up?" Insurrectionist B: "Yep, got my bear spray." Insurrectionist C..."Roll of quarters in my pocket" Insurrectionist A: "Right, let's roll!" Later that day, at the Capitol...... Insurrectionists A B and C... "Doh!"
  9. Oh no, not at all. They all should be convicted of what they actually did. Vandalism, trespassing, anyone who assaulted a police officer should be charged too. But this was hardly the storming of the Bastille.
  10. "Off site but ready for action" is an oxymoron. Coffman never entered the Capitol Building. Two other men mentioned in your cited article also never entered the Capitol. So, three guys in the area had pistols. The other 9,997 forgot them? Or was the government going to be overthrown by the presence of 3 guns in the general vicinity?
  11. It looked to me like a case of, when a dog chases a car it never thinks that it would actually catch it. Then it DOES catch the car- what to do now? Something in me sees the demonstrators being a bit, well, surprised that they could actually get into the Capitol so easily. That is why so many of them were standing around with dumb looks on their faces, as if to say, "wait a minute, are we really HERE?" Plus one big element was missing if this was actually a planned coup attempt- guns. In a country of 400 million guns, a group of right wingers (who are always stereotyped as gun owners) somehow forgot to bring their weapons to a coup. The only guns on scene were the police. The only person shot was an unarmed protester. You can't have it both ways. You can't say both that this was a planned insurrection and also that the insurrectionists failed to pack heat. The two don't go together.
  12. Yes, as I said before, I was mistaken. The governor wasn't a "cuck" in the classic sense, as HE was the one committing adultery on his wife with another woman. It does apply to his personality and actions though. I will stand by that.
  13. "The lazy" does not include any of those categories. People who are physically and mentally capable of being productive, but choose not to.
  14. ...still not getting it, sorry. You are going to have to be a little more direct. No mask here. I make no bones about how I feel or think about certain issues. It's only fair to be transparent IMHO. I wish others would do the same.
  15. No immigrant bashing here- I am an immigrant myself, as was my wife when we lived in Canada. I am not saying to put illegals into prisons. Just man the border effectively and repel them, with force if necessary. Those that are caught are put on planes and sent back where they came from. If they are caught entering the country again, then prison camps. No need for guarding and services like regular prisons. Just tents and rations. Then deportation.
  16. But you have to do both- you have to aggressively prosecute the illegal workers too. They KNOW they are breaking US law to enter the country, but they don't care. Even if/when they are caught, there is no punishment. Too many wrists being slapped on both sides. Plus, make it hard/impossible to cross the border. Take data from those who cross illegally (DNA, fingerprint, etc) and put them into a "do not allow entry" database. Again, the people actually getting hurt are legal residents and citizens. They are being priced out of the labour market by illegals who work cheap. Eliminate the artificial downward pressure on wages caused by illegal immigrants and soon the jobs will be filled.
  17. And it wasn't a crime. At least according to the top law officer in the state.
  18. What states have "normal restrictions", and what do those entail exactly? Without knowing it is difficult to continue. For the record, I think the girl in this tragedy was 100% allowed to terminate her pregnancy. If only we could 100% terminate her attacker as well.
  19. Actually, you are rignt. I shouldn't have used "cuck" to refer to him. As the governor is an adulterer, the proper term is "sleaze ball", as you said. And no, I would not say the same about any Democrat. Only ones with proven records of failure, like Newsom.
  20. I hope you are right. An oleaginous cuck like the good governor would ensure a Republican victory of epic proportions. He has done nothing to help with homelessness in California, there is net migration OUT of the state for the first time ever, he was a raging hypocrite (even by Democratic standards) during Covid... the only good thing to say is that he might, just might, be better than Kamala Harris. And that's a jump ball.
  21. With respect, "ask anyone" is not a substitute for data. The short term trend is up, due to Covid and large cities becoming havens for theft etc. This can be laid largely at the feet of feckless district attorneys and demoralized police. However, even with that, the overall rate is down over time. Property crime, for example, was 50% lower in 2020 than in 1990. https://crime-data-explorer.app.cloud.gov/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend
  22. Yes, but those numbers include suicides. I think the other poster was talking about violence as in crime. Which is down over 30 years.
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