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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Or not. Too many people bandy around phrases that often have no set meaning or definition. The weapon type that leads to the most deaths in the US is the pistol. Long guns (rifles, shotguns, assault whatevers etc) pale in comparison.
  2. Interestingly, originally designed assault rifles were selective fire- they could either be semi automatic or fully automatic. But most politicians in the US either confuse the meaning of semi and fully automatic, or just mean a scary looking gun.
  3. The president said clearly he wanted to ban "semi automatic weapons". NOT "assault weapons"- he mentioned that much later. At best he is confused, at worst misinformed. What some call "assault weapons" are a small subset of firearms in general, and semi automatic firearms in particular. It is a simple logic puzzle. All apples are fruit, but not all fruit are apples. All assault weapons are semi-auto, but not all semi-auto weapons are assault weapons.
  4. IMHO the best sports movie ever made. Paul Newman's favorite movie to act in. And, shockingly, written by a woman.
  5. Simple logic. "Assault weapons" are semi automatic weapons. Yet the vast majority of semi automatic weapons are NOT "assault weapons". So the President was speaking out of his butt.
  6. It is also clear that the President doesn't know what he is talking about. Semiautomatic weapons are NOT assault weapons. Just more boilerplate anti gun rhetoric from the aggressively uninformed.
  7. God forbid we wait for more information. Even worse, acknowledge that motivations can be complicated. Not when there is a political narrative to push. Biden was spouting off today about banning "semi automatic weapons". What a joke. Guess nobody told Ol' Joe that virtually every firearm in America, from handgun to rifle, is semi automatic. The media is trying to spin it as yet another "assault weapon" ban, but Joe didn't say that. He clearly said; “The idea that we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick,” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-say-renew-push-assault-weapons-ban-spate-mass-shootings-rcna58664
  8. On this we can agree. He was quite a big lad too, something like 6 foot 5 and 300 pounds. Again congrats to the vet who tackled him and 'encouraged' him to wait for the police.
  9. I assume you mean real old time hockey, the way it was meant to be played...
  10. The following words do NOT belong in the same sentence; "an entertaining 0-0 draw" A sport with these kinds of antics needs to be mocked and derided:
  11. This is that father that the accused has had virtually no contact with for several years and lives a thousand miles away? How could anything he says have any bearing on the subject? Oh yeah, it may be a way to hang a political motive on the shooter.....
  12. I will try to "put the link on auto" once I figure out what that means.... As for supporting your kids, if you are doing it to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, I would think you might be interested where the money went. Anyway, I was not implying that Joe Biden condoned Hunter's debauchery. I do think he turned a blind eye sometimes, as any over indulgent father may do.
  13. Here ya go... https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/joe-biden-may-have-unknowingly-helped-hunter-pay-for-russian-escorts-report-says
  14. Some of the recovered data show some truly salacious and despicable activity by Hunter, detailing how he begged money from his father and used it for eastern European 'escorts' among other things. But more important will be how it can connect Joe to Hunter regarding any of his shady business dealings and scams.
  15. Looks like this story will soon disappear down the memory hole. No evidence to tie the killer to any right wing conspiracy or rhetoric. "His grandfather voted for Trump" is a remarkable stretch of logic. If there is any good news, it looks like the shooter took a good and serious sh!tkicking from the guys who tackled him... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-shooting-suspect-ordered-held-bond-court-appearance-rcna58566
  16. How about we stop the whatabout-ism and stick to the topic at hand? If you want to discuss young Jarad, feel free to start a thread about him.
  17. When the major social media platforms threw up a blackout, it was hard for the story to get any traction. Now, compare Fox vs. Meta, Twitter, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, all of whom chose to be silent. But the contents tell the story. Hunter is despicable, from dating his late brother's widow (while Hunter was still married) to fathering an out of wedlock child off a stripper. Joe's involvement will come to light, he has been covering for his wayward son for decades.
  18. To be honest, I think they are two separate issues- the allegations against the Bidens, and the treatment of the laptop story by the syncophants in media/tech. The latter is absolutely true. There was a blanket thrown over the story by every media outlet (with few exceptions). Facebook deliberately downgraded the story in its algorhythms. Twitter banned and blocked anyone who mentioned it, including the New York Post. Remember that they even drummed up a panel of so-called intelligence experts to decry it as having all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign? Slimebuckets like James Clapper and John Brennan and Michael Hayden. Not true, yet none of them have been called to account over it.
  19. How about; Joe Biden: Hunter, if you are going to China on business,it is probably better if you fly commercial and don't go while I am there. Hunter: Of course, I wouldn't want even the hint of impropriety to besmirch your pure record in office, pater. I will call Delta in the morning.
  20. The media and social media websites "slow rolled" the story to avoid it having any impact on the 2020 election. But it was true. Lately it has sloooooowly been undergoing increased scrutiny yet seems to check out in all aspects. Remember that certain platforms BANNED people who linked to the story or even referred to it. There has rarely been a better example of election interference- the press and social media giants both acting in concert to squelch a story that would damage a Democratic candidate.
  21. Oh, a free holiday, where he just happened to meet a high powered investment banker with ties to the CCP. Who then became an executive with a CCP approved private equity fund that had Hunter as a board member. Got it.
  22. Sorry, no more whatabout-ism. About Hunter, if he were merely a scheming loser that would be fine. But it seems that he did more than just involve his family name in his sleazy scams. He actually involved his family- his father, uncle. etc. That deserves scrutiny. For example, the President has said on numerous occasions that he never spoke with his son about his son's shady dealings, not even once. Yet they often shared meals, flights, etc. It beggars belief that the VP and his son would take a 16 hour flight on Air Force Two to China and not even broach the subject of why Hunter was making the trip.
  23. Would you prefer Fox News referencing the same information and emails? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-requested-keys-new-office-mates-joe-biden-chinese-emissary-cefc-chairman
  24. Not you in particular, but Laptop Deniers in general. This isn't personal. I just find the shift from 'this is Russian disinformation' to 'this is accurate but inadmissible" to be fascinating.
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