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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Don't worry it will all be over by Tuesday evening. The GOP will win, the world will continue as before, except perhaps the US economy might recovering and sanity will prevail. But seriously, it fascinates me the vitriol that pours out of people. Most of the right wing folks I know (and being a neanderthal myself I know many) freely admit that they think lefties are wrong, but not evil. However, my leftie friends are convinced that conservatives are both evil AND wrong. Which makes having constructive conversations a challenge. Lots more happiness on the right, as well as more attractive women.
  2. Actually yes. Although the tedious "...but TRUMP" refrain is not really needed. It is a pretty low standard to hold oneself to. I hear "... denier" only used by one side. Ditto for "...phobe" or "racist" or "supremacist". IMHO these are much more serious loaded political terms than juvenile insults.
  3. Democrats and their ilk love to use loaded phrases to demonize their opponents. The use of "... denier" is another. It was originally and almost exclusively used in the context of the Holocaust, ie a person is a "Holocaust denier". Now they are using that taint to label anyone who does not fall lockstep into line with their political and social positions. SImilar to the use of ".... phobe". Inaccurate and derogatory.
  4. To be honest a big part of the problem has been that voting laws and systems changed so suddenly in 2020. The advent of more voting by mail, extended periods of advance voting and so on make it look very easy to cheat. For a lot of people, voting means going to the polls on election day, proving you are eligible to vote, and voting. Anything that messes with that simple system can be easy to corrupt.
  5. True that. Oz will never recover from being a world class heart surgeon. Fetterman is hurting his own chances of recovery by not taking time to recover. The first 6 months after a stroke are crucial and he spent them campaigning. He is a relatively young guy, he could have waited until the next election cycle. Oz wins by 1.3%. Senate goes GOP 52-47, and Walker probably loses a runoff in Georgia to make the final 52-48.
  6. I think I wrote something before about hyperbole and hyperventilating... There IS some irony in the President saying that the only way to preserve democracy is to vote for one party alone. But considering he started his campaign for president in 2020 with a bit of misinformation about threats to democracy, it isn't surprising.
  7. Of course, but this ain't one of them. Segregated lunch counter vs. milk in an airport. Not equal.
  8. You must have a low opinion of Pennsylvania. Is all Pennsylvania living on their parents' largesse until they are in their 40s- he was getting more than $50,000 a year from them! Even when he finally got a real job at Lt. Governor, he didn't bother to show up for work. He was absent 1/3 of the time and averaged a full 4 to 5 hours the remainder. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-health-pennsylvania-campaigns-covid-5dcdd51b1f87b6cfa7dc607cb1d13e29 And you think he is ready for the Senate?
  9. I would say that, IF your message is rightous, breaking the law would be unnecessary. Even at that, I can see blocking a private airport as less odious than other protests. The photo with the two douchecanoes pouring out milk is a different story. Damaging private property is a whole new level of stupid.
  10. Both can be mocked, and should be. However, only one is telling others how to live. That is the problem with being preachy and self righteous, it is a very hard standard to live up to. As for Pennsylvania, Oz will win. Shapiro will win. It will be closer than it should be because Fetterman can ride Shapiro's coat-tails to an extent, but in the end enough people will realize that he is simply incapable.
  11. They do indeed. They prey on the timid and the fearful, those who obsess over past presidents, those who think democracy so fragile that a single tap will bring it down like a house of cards.
  12. Sorry, this isn't the place for a "but Trump...." moment. I was just giving facts to another gent.
  13. Not unless they have been Berkeley nudists, drug addicts, and talking to faeries.
  14. Sorry, not true. There is a difference between actual insanity and political disagreement. Pity more people cannot see it.
  15. I don't doubt you. Trouble is, I also don't doubt the Washington Post: The San Francisco Bay area man arrested in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband filled a blog a week before the incident with delusional thoughts, including that an invisible fairy attacked an acquaintance and sometimes appeared to him in the form of a bird, according to online writings under his name. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/10/29/david-depape-blog-pelosi-fairies/ Both can be true. It is a partisan mistake to keep eyes on one but not the other. To be honest, I think Pelosi was the target because she lived down the road in San Fran. But this guy was delusional and had been for years. It is hard to square the circle from nudist activist to faerie talker to self proclaimed Jesus to MAGA supporter. Unless the guy is clinically insane, in which case it makes perfect sense.
  16. Because most of them are common knowledge. You don't need to post links to prove that water is wet. But because I am a nice guy here are just a couple... Biden, when others were fighting in Vietnam, got 5 medical deferments for asthma when he was a university student, which made him ineligible for the draft and military service. Even though he was a lifeguard and a football player... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/16/fact-check-biden-received-multiple-draft-deferments-vietnam/5809482002/ Biden plagiarized British politician Neik Kinnock, which effectively killed his original presidential aspirations in the 1988 campaign.. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/campaign-press-release-copy-that-joe-bidens-long-record-plagiarism
  17. Damn, you maybe just got me there.... she is the best Presidential insurance policy since Dan Quayle.
  18. "It appears" and "most likely" are purely subjective. Strangely, they also fit a particular political narrative at a particularly important time. Coincidence? I think not. I am willing to wait and see, others have a peculiar desire to rush to judgement without evidence.
  19. I think it shows a certain lack of consistency or clarity in his ideas. He floats from conspiracy to conspiracy to wild imaginings to even, as the article said, thinking he was Jesus for a year. His current infatuation is only the latest manifestation of a greater sickness.
  20. He sounds like an anarchist more than anything. But without referencing his other 'idiosyncracies' it is impossible to make an accurate judgement. His ex Taub says; "I don’t think he became a Trump supporter, he was against the government, but if anything he was opposed to the shadow government, against the people who really run the government and use politicians as puppets. Like Trump was a puppet." and the writer of the article asserts; Here's where the conspiracy theories of the far left collide with the far right and conspiracists in general. Talk of a "shadow government" is hardly the purview of just one end of the spectrum — and Taub says that she and DePape shared the view that 9/11 was an inside job. https://sfist.com/2022/10/31/gypsy-taub-speaks-out-about-ex-boyfriend-david-depape-confirms-he-wasnt-a-trumper-but-had-mental-illness/ Seems like a guy who needed to be hospitalized, but like so many mentally disturbed people in the US he is allowed to walk around untreated.
  21. Oh I agree. But the solutions will be hard to find until we can see what actually happened, and get a deeper glimple into the troubled mind of DePape. Seeking motivation within 24 hours of the attack was idiocy. On a happier note, it appears that Mr. Pelosi is out of hospital and home.
  22. As for solutions; 1. Cancel the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Recovery Plan and the student loan forgiveness. 2. See above. 3. Mandatory prison terms for using firearms in a crime. Increased and better trained police. 4. Leave abortion up to the states. Not a federal issue. 5. Immediate deportation of those here illegally. No "catch and release" for asylum seekers- keep them confined until their hearings are finished. Stern punishment for companies that hire illegal workers. Guest worker system for targeted industries. 6. Unleash America's energy industry. Don't threaten them with shut downs and then expect them to invest in increasing production. Increase fracking. Build more nuclear power stations. Stop buying batteries and solar panels from Red China.
  23. Mind putting forth the case as to why sticking with the doddering gent currently occupying the White House is a better option? To be clear, I wish Trump would go away. He is and will be a net drain on the GOP, plus if he were elected in 2024 he would be even OLDER than Biden was in 2020. He is not the solution, at least in my mind. There are younger and better people available to spread the message of freedom, small government, and country first.
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