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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Uh, I believe that is what is called a "joke", and to take it seriously is the height of ridiculousness. Obviously a punch line in the Trump Show- if you watch the footage of it, you would know. You would also know that he said the PRESS would reward them, not Trump. Plus, if you do truly believe that Trump was a Russian asset, he would not need to make such a public plea. He would have other, more nefarious and secret, means at his disposal to contact his masters in Moscow.
  2. Not to mention it probably already flew over Japan, Alaska, and western Canada. Now over Kansas I think? Maybe the plan is to wait until it drifts out to sea and then take it out. But by then it will have drifted over some much more densely populated areas. Not a good look at all for the Biden administration.
  3. If that is true, then how do you explain the 2 million Palestinian muslims who are also full citizens of Israel? A racist or apartheid government surely would have expelled them long ago. Much like the Jews were expelled from nearly every Arab/Muslim country in Africa and the Middle East.
  4. So then, what would be a "proportionate" way for Israel to defend itself against terrorists? Unguided rockets perhaps, or bombs attached to balloons, or sending in their brainwashed children....
  5. A bit different. Crimea was part of a sovereign nation (Ukraine). Which sovereign nation did the Palestinian land belong to? The toothpaste is out of the tube. Israel exists (despite Hamas efforts). Time for the Palestinians to deal with reality instead of their fevered and homicidal dreams of martyrdom.
  6. There is a LOT of money to be made in the grievance industry, and a lot of sticky hands eager to get some. These days, you can see the usual cast of characters like Al Sharpton and Ben Crump stampeding towards the cameras on a daily basis. God forbid you get in their way, you are gonna get trampled. Until I see any actual evidence of racism in this case, other than mindless speculation, I will stick with the theory that these were bad cops, poorly trained, and steeped in a paranoid cop culture.
  7. Wow, have we found a topic we actually......... agree.... on? The stars must truly be aligned. Time to buy a lottery ticket!
  8. it is so strange, is there any other country whose very right to exist is debated? So many anti-Israel types say, "well of course Israel has the right to exist, but...." Wow, how magnanimous.
  9. This is nonsense. If the Israelis didnt want the Palestinians to exist, they wouldn't. The West Bank and Gaza exist at the sufferage of Israel. IF the Palestinians want peace, they should stop. Stop firing rockets and stop brainwashing their children into the death cult that is martyrdom, stop paying families of terrorists when their kin kill Jews, etc. Put pressure on the Arab/Muslim world to make accommodation with the Palestinian refugees within their borders. Israelis want their children to live. Palestinians want their children to be martyrs and die. This is the problem in a nutshell.
  10. Here is your answer: https://www.cruiseamerica.com/buy-used-rvs/rv-sales-inventory-usa/lance-650-truck-camper?stockNumber=174174 20 large, drop this onto your pickup truck, and the open roads are yours! We rented a small RV last year for a month tour of the American southwest. It was fabulous- grilling steaks under the open sky at night, waking up to million dollar views in national parks, being self contained and independent.... I would recommend it for anyone.
  11. Don't think the pickup trucks here have the payload capacity or the hitch capacity to tow anything, or the proper suspension set up. The rear end would wind up dragging on the road. In the US the best towing capacity for a mid size pickup truck is about 5-6,000 pounds.
  12. Heard a rumor that he may be headed to the 49ers... They have a rock solid defence and a good ground attack, just need a field general to get over the hump.
  13. True, but it is more fun to <deleted>-talk each other and throw snide comments! From what I heard, the most difficult part of playing soccer is deciding who has to hold all the players' purses. Plus any sport in with a 0-0 tie is both a/ exciting and b/ considered a valid result, deserves nothing but scorn.
  14. People were there before Israel existed, and before the idea of a country called Palestine was even a fevered dream. Historical claims are <deleted>, and the farther back in history you go the crappier they get.
  15. And in an epic case of virtue signalling at its finest, the police chief of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan felt it necessary to make his voice heard on this issue; “I reached out last night to a few leaders in our city that are members of the Black community to express my sympathy...Although this tragedy occurred in another country, it will impact trust and confidence in policing by Black and all equity-deserving communities in Canada as well.” https://globalnews.ca/news/9441166/saskatchewan-police-chiefs-perception-tyre-nichols/ Saskatoon is a small city of about 250,000 people located on the Canadian prairies. It is roughly 3,000 km from Memphis. And perhaps 1% are black.
  16. ...and your evidence that it is relevant to this case is what, exactly? Any proof that the Memphis PD itself is racist?
  17. No, they haven't. You can blame Hamas for that. Turning their territory into terrorist training centres, brainwashing children into anti-semitic automatons, squandering any aid they get...
  18. Sorry, I am not getting what you mean. Could you clarify please?
  19. Not necessary and irrelevant. Are the proponents of "green" energy exporting to outer space all the greenhouse gasses created by the manufacture and use of batteries and solar panels? Takes 250 tons of mining to get enough rare metals for a single car battery in an EV. Fossil fuel is getting cleaner and greener over time. Using natural gas over coal is a no brainer, and uranium over both. And best of all it is not imported.
  20. I am curious about this too. AFAIK All Israeli citizens enjoy equal political and human rights. I think the Israelis have been remarkably restrained in their responses to numerous provocations from the members of the death cult that infests the Palestinians. These are people who pay cash bonuses to families of suicide bombers and those who murder Israeli civilians.
  21. So, which of the 5 accused was the racist? Or were all of them? I think we need to wait before playing that particular explosive card. Like I wrote above, of 1,000 people killed by police in a year, only 14 were unarmed black people. The larger problem is the other 986 deaths, and the culture that creates them.
  22. I agree completely. No more blood for oil. The US and Canada together have more than enough to fill our energy needs well into the future. Why buy tainted oil from the head hackers and kleptocrats when it can be sourced locally?
  23. Doesnt matter what they want. They cannot and will not get it. Now if only Syria or Egypt or Saudi Arabia would give up just a tiny slice of their territory for the Palestinians to have as their own...
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