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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. There is another euphemism, "the right to choose". Why not just say the right to have an abortion? "Some who favor additional restrictions" is simply not true. Like I said, once the numbers are broken down, the article you quoted stated that only 9% fully supported "the right to choose" without limits. That seems an extreme position to me. More than 60% support at least some restrictions. So the majority actually believe "the right to limit", don't they?
  2. Where is the rage on the Christian right that you are talking about? I simply do not see it. As I posted before, only about 30% of Americans disagree with gay marriage. Of that group, how many would be feeling this "rage"? How many are attempting to roll back the laws currently in place? Tempest in a teapot.
  3. Well, first a case needs to be brought relating to it. Is there one in the pipeline at any level? The court can't just make a ruling without a case to refer to. Plus, as I said, there isn't the public support or even interest in re-litigating gay marriage. Even such a right wing ogre like Ted Cruz doesn't think it will be threatened.
  4. At risk of derailing the topic, the number of people who want a total abortion ban (including rape etc) is very small- something like 10% of the population. So hardly a "vociferous many". It is a similar number to the issues mentioned in this discussion, as I wrote above. Speaking personally, I consider them all to be morons. Just curious. What other "dominion" issues are there, other than abortion, for women?
  5. Again you are speaking in platitudes: "the right of women to hold dominion over their own bodies"... generally the side that uses the most euphemisms is the one that has the most to hide. If you mean "abortion", then just say "abortion". It makes the discussion a lot easier. But then again that would require some precision. Many Americans DO favor some form of availability for women to have abortions, but where they draw the line is a bit more difficult to suss out. Few favor it after viability for example. Most favor it in the first trimester. Some would restrict it to emergencies only (rape, incest, physical danger to the mother). It helps if you speak more plainly and clearly.
  6. Before the 'rona, vid all the airports here had electronics shops opening branches to sell appliances to CHinese tourists- rice cookers, etc. Plus the aforementioned cosmetics, as well as baby food, condiments.... it was a wonder that any flights back to the Middle Kingdom even got off the ground with the amount of stuff the passengers were carrying.
  7. I think you are being a bit hysterical about an issue that really isnt important to the vast majority of Americans. Support for same sex marriage has been climbing steadily and is now over 70% As for interracial marriage, well over 90%. These are not nearly as contentious as abortion on a purely practical level. Who exactly is against them? "Extreme right wing religious zealots" just doesn't cut it.
  8. Absolutely, except there is nothing to protect them from. The Court will not do anything about marriage rights, it is not on the agenda.
  9. Perhaps. Or perhaps they believe in the Constitution, which many feel gives regulating marriage to the individual states. In any case, this is a big waste of time. The court isnt going to overturn either gay marriage or inter-racial marriage. Just a bit of virtue signalling on the part of the politicans involved. They have far more pressing issues to deal but are studiously avoiding them.
  10. I always thought this idea of having to publicly condemn people is a bit too much like a "struggle session". BUT Trump was foolish to eat with these guys. Especially Fuentes who is a world class tool. It is glaringly obvious that Trump is blind to everything except his own ego. Kiss his ass and you are in his good books regardless of who you are. If anything good comes from it, perhaps it will torpedo his 2024 bid for the nomination. Then the GOP can get on with selecting a leader who has a chance to actually win the 2024 election.
  11. In this case, you have a wife problem. Best approach is to talk to her about parenting when there ISNT a crisis happening. Although your daughter may be a bit too old to start now. My wife and I have different approaches too. But we did agree on a couple of simple rules; a. Do not interfere when the other parent is disciplining our son, even if you dont agree. b. Do not undermine the other parent later on. c. IF you disagree about what happened, talk about it later when you two are alone. d. It is important to always present a united front to your kids or they will exploit your disagreements.
  12. It depends.... is she your natural daughter or your step daughter? This is a big issue in parenting. If the former, you have more power. But if the latter, she already has a father so you may be limited in your actions.
  13. Nah, we are happy drunks. Not like the tossers who infest soccer games. Plus we have warm hearts. Watch this- a great charitable tradition in many hockey rinks around North America;
  14. Don't need to because we are dedicated and loyal fans. Willing to risk a chilly bum to support our guys. Also alcohol helps. Brandy or bourbon in hot chocolate is a gift from the Gods.
  15. Any of the larger Candian bank stocks are pretty reliable and will show constant improvememt- Royal Bank, CIBC, Bank of Montreal, etc. If you want stability, a couple of good ETFs that track the major indices are from Horizons: HXS tracks the S and p HXT tracks the Toronto Stock Exchange Finally a fun pick that may pay off- the American drug company Exelixis. They specialize in cancer treatment drugs and have some in testing that may pay off big. Also have large cash in hand holdings.
  16. More parks, more variety, fabulous facilities, scale. Totals half the land area of France, or the same size as Japan. You can also buy a pass for $80 that gets you AND your carful of family into every facility run by the National Park Service in the country for a year. One of the great tourism bargains in the world. Then, each state has its own State Park system. These are often equal to the National Parks in beauty and historic interest. Arizona alone has 31 State Parks. This is one thing the Americans do really really well.
  17. Great idea Joe- more gas from a socialist dictatorship with ties to Russia, no increase in the US.
  18. Stay out of the inner cities and away from druggie areas and you will be just fine. If you are not BIPOC, you should be fine- 2/3 of murder victims are People of Colour. As well, African Americans are 8 times more likely to be the killer than other races on a per capita basis. To be brutally honest, a lot/most murders in the US are black/hispanic young men killing other black/hispanic young men in poor urban areas. Other random shootings and killings are statistically insignifacant and not worth worrying about. The rest of the country is peaceful, safe, and in places astonishingly beautiful. The best National Park system in the world.
  19. I think I finally figured out why hooliganism and violence amongst fans is so prevalent in soccer. There is jack all happening on the field so the punters have to do SOMETHING to a/ keep warm and b/ keep awake. If I knew there was a 50/50 chance of paying good money and seeing an entire sporting event happen with zero scoring I'd want to riot too.
  20. You don't seem to understand that all the above are legal products, and that not all deaths are murder. Life has risk. The things you surround yourself with determine the risk of injury or death. Have a pool? Chance to drown. Have a gun? Chance to get shot. Have a car? Chance to have a fatal accident.
  21. From the article above.. Although semi-automatic rifles have become more widely used over the past decade, handguns remain the most common type of weapon used in mass shootings, experts told USA TODAY. I agree that the talk of "assault weapons" is diversionary. They are clearly not used in crime nearly as much as other weapons.
  22. From your own article.... Although semi-automatic rifles have become more widely used over the past decade, handguns remain the most common type of weapon used in mass shootings, experts told USA TODAY.
  23. Well obviously a ban on manufacture would create a ban on sale, transfer, etc. The key point is that anything existing before the so-called ban was implemented was not included. So it was a guaranteed exercise in futility. And also why there was little discernable impact. As for Old Joe, he sounds clueless. He said " It (meaning semi automatic weapons) has no, no social redeeming value, zero, none. Not a single solitary rationale for it except profits for gun manufacturers". Guess he is forgetting law enforcement, the military, hunting, sport shooting, varmint removal, etc. Guarantee that he is being guarded by men carrying semi automatic firearms, as well as fully automatic. And people wonder why so-called "gun nuts" are paranoid. When the president is talking so casually about taking away your legally purchased property and telling you that you have no social redeeming value, of course there will be pushback. Rifles of all kinds ARE NOT THE PROBLEM in America.
  24. Happens in Japan a lot as well. I often proofread documents or textbooks or scripts written by Japanese who are thought of as proficient in English. Yet virtually every correction I make is questioned, particularly if it isn't simply grammatically inaccurate but just awkward or unnatural. "But ...-san is fluent" I am told. I learned to not fight it and just let them have their own way. All they want is confirmation, not actual correction.
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