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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You may have a point. "Not my President" merely sounds petulant and whiny and immature. "Not the president" is different, and worse IMHO. But using "illegitimate" leans more towards the latter. It is a legal term rather than emotional. Both imply not accepting reality. For me, both are idiotic. I am no fan of Justin Trudeau and would happily see him ejected from office, yet he is both "my Prime Minister" AND "the Prime Minister". We have to accept results we don't like.
  2. To be honest, it may have been connected. In her earlier career as a military/foreign journalist she did some good work. But something changed afterwards.
  3. Not sure if 4 months is standard sentencing for people who do not answer congressional subpoenas. If it is, fair enough. What I did find interesting is that he uses the term "illegitimate" to describe the Biden administration. It is the exact same word used by countless Democrats from Hillary Clinton to the late John Lewis to Joe Biden himself when describing the Trump presidency.
  4. She has sadly never truly recovered psychologically from the trauma of her sexual assault while covering the Egyptian revolution about 10 years ago. It started a spiral into conspiracy and eventual paranoia that has led to her current state.
  5. A miniscule amount though on global terms- one week of the Saudi cutback. No, it is obviously a domestic political play to save his party from a shellacking in the coming election. He could also have been getting oil from a close friend and ally to the north if he hadn't stupidly nixed the Keystone pipeline. If I were an oil exec I would be very very reluctant to make any long term investments in the US at this time. The climate is hostile and chance of seeing a return is very small. From Newsome to Biden, they are all fanatically anti fossil fuel.
  6. Very true and very scary. This is why I think the people screaming for regime change in Russia should think twice. There is zero chance that a new Russian leader will be Jimmy Carter 2.0. Rather it will be one of the even more aggressive types. This is why a solution needs to be found and fast. Ukraine could be in the difficult position of winning the battles, but losing the war in the long run. Give Putin something to crow about and quietly compensate Ukraine some other way. Step back from the brink.
  7. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is supposed to be for true national emergencies- power grid outages, war, calamity, etc. Not just to try and gain a political advantage by temporarily lowering the price of gas. Biden has now used 1/3 of the total reserve, just to look good and avoid actually using America's untapped fossil fuel potential. Biden playing politics with it, drawing it down to the lowest level in decades, is borderline criminal.
  8. I'm thinking if they are smart they will go with Sunak. Smart guy, obviously good business sense, seems relaxed.
  9. From what I read, most come from the lower education/economic spectrum. High school grads or dropouts, etc. Not gentlemen of leisure choosing to take early retirement. Not good to have so many men with nothing to do and no ambition but smoke pot and play video games.
  10. Shocking but I agree with saying "good for Biden" on this one. Hopefully the CHinese wont retaliate by attacking Taiwan to make up the difference though.
  11. There are at least 6-7 million fit men of working age who arent working and arent looking for work. This is more than 10% of total men in that age group. This is a huge problem that was made worse by the pandemic and the response to it.
  12. Why didnt they subpoena Trump and Pence at the BEGINNING of the proceedings? The delay looks a bit sketchy to me- perhaps trying for yet another "October surprise" to swing the mid terms? An early subpoena would have given them time for it to work through the courts. Now it looks as though the committee will be canned, once the GOP takes over the House.
  13. IF you use unemployment numbers, it APPEARS that employment is strong. However, the stats are misleading because they do not include people who are not actively looking for work. Those who have given up. Economist Nicholas Eberstadt wrote about it in "Men Without Work"- there are millions of able bodied men who have given up and dropped out. As for the market, many invest directly and also indirectly through stock/pension funds. They have taken a hit too. And for the recently retired (or soon to retire) the pain is real. Plus, if the economy really WERE "as strong as hell", the Democrats would be campaigning on it. Not on fearmongering or trying to slay the ghost of President Past.
  14. ...and people wonder why Biden is not campaigning for Democrats this election cycle. He is completely tone deaf and out of touch with reality. "The US economy is as strong as hell". Really? May want to ask people about that. Real people, not your syncophantic Beltway swamp dwellers. People who have lost trillions in their retirement funds. It is rich beyond measure that a man who is in Biden's position dares to criticize another leader on how she runs her economy.
  15. There is a funny/sad story coming out of the US this week that totally refutes the claim that only Whites can be racist. In Los Angeles, a group of Latinx city counsellors were caught using horrid racial language to describe black people, children, and even other members of the Latinx community. One commentator I heard was quite adamant that the racism within the 'Hispanic Community' was far worse than anything he heard/felt from outside.
  16. To quote from the article; "The vote took place at the end of Thursday’s hearing, as the panel made a case to the American public ahead of the midterm election that Trump lied about the outcome of the 2020 election and spurred on a violent mob of his supporters to attack the Capitol." Seems obvious that the panel has political motivations, and that the timing of the subpoena is not a coincidence. A classic "October surprise".
  17. It is interesting that even the uber liberal governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, is joining the anti-Biden pile on about the influx of illegals into her state. She is demanding federal resources but just getting the run-around. “Speaking to the Chief of Staff [Ron Klain], speaking to the president, speaking to the chief of staff again, speaking to the president again – with Eric Adams – without Eric Adams,” Hochul said Wednesday. https://nypost.com/2022/10/12/gov-kathy-hochul-says-joe-biden-is-failing-to-address-growing-migrant-crisis-in-nyc/ She may be looking in the rear view mirror and seeing her GOP opponent MUCH closer than he should be.
  18. It seems rather obvious that a genuine refugee wouldn't go 'country shopping' to find the best deal. Tripping across several modern and safe countries, THEN taking a dangerous boat trip across the Channel is evidence enough that the vast majority are simply economic migrants. The point of asylum is to seek a temporary refuge, until their native land is safe to return to. It isn't a backdoor to permanent immigration.
  19. Such a joke that a blatantly racist and thoroughly corrupt organization like BLM would be so naively accepted in the UK. Especially ironic considering Britain's leadership in ending the west African slave trade and outlawing the deplorable practice in the 1800s. Plus you know that the story on CNN cannot be taken seriously as journalism when you see dear Megan's smug gob stuck at the end as anything equivalent of actual oppression.
  20. Kinda curious what "hate speech" he was promoting. He is well known as being not the sharpest knife in the kitchen and to espouse some pretty out there conspiracy theory nonsense, but so what.
  21. Obviously the man is a douche canoe for taking advantage of the situation to commit fraud. Deserves jail time. Now, I am not sure the purpose of reporting this rather pointless story. Insurance fraud is generally not national news. There is obviously a political motive- wonder what it is...
  22. I would like to say a pox on both of them. The people of Georgia deserve better. I don't think either would win Father or Husband Of The Year.
  23. From what I read, NYC has 1800 plus schools and more than one MILLION students. So assuming half the incoming migrants are children, that would be an increase of less than 1% in student enrolment. In 6 months. An average of 3 or 4 students per school. This is a crisis?!?
  24. Sounds like Mayor Adams would like to build a wall around NYC if he could. But 17000 people in a city of 10 million plus is a crisis? Really? That is how many illegals cross the border in 3 days! Yet another virtue signalling liberal getting hoisted on their own words. As for what to do with those caught at the border but who cant be sent back to Mexico, how about keeping them locked up in camps until their cases are heard? That, I am sure, would discourage others from following their example.
  25. Actually, I think Biden should be measured against himself. As you say, he has always had "gaffes" and been a bit of a BS artist, as are all politicians. However, what is happening lately has gone beyond simple "oopsies" and become actual signs of serious mental decline. Biden also has more than his fair share of racially inappropriate comments, from telling black people that the GOP wants to "put y'all back in chains" to "you ain't black" if they don't vote Democrat. We do agree that two new candidates would be infinitely preferable to a rerun of When Grandpas Fight 2020 Edition.
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