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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Israel took nobody's homeland. There has never been a Palestinian homeland. There was no country in the region before Israel. Sure, lots of Palestinians lived there. But they fled when Israel was attacked by FIVE countries in 1948. As far as I am concerned, they (the Palestinians )are the responsibility of those five nations. Also, ask yourself why the 55 Muslim nations in the world have done nothing to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians? Did not offer them refuge, did not offer them visas or status as residents, just kept them in camps. This has gone on for 3 generations and it is disgusting. Contrast this to: a/ the treatment of Jewish refugees in Israel, and b/ the treatment of refugees in general by western nations.
  2. Any chance to find out where you got those maps? AFAIK, there were neither countries called Palestine OR Israel before 1948. In any case, countries come and go, borders change, populations shift. Should Germans have the "right of return" to go back to Gdansk in Poland? Mexicans to go back to California? Israel is a fact, it will not go away, in spite of the wishes of so many Islamists world over.
  3. Guterres really needs to be sacked. His nonsense about nothing occurring "in a vacuum" is whataboutism at its worst. Please let us know when Israelis entered Gaza, killed people and raped young girls beside their dead friends, set out to murder the elderly, and eagerly called home to tell their parents how they were doing it. The level of visceral hatred and atrocity in the Hamas attacks shows the true feelings of many on the Muslim side. The fact that they can make video clips of their crimes, get paid bounties for the hostages they take, and are cheered on by the Gazans all put paid to the idea that a political solution can be easily reached.
  4. Fair enough. I can see how that makes sense. She may also deliberately ignore any media or information that does not agree with her preconceptions, but yeah I can understand what you mean.
  5. Yeah, total BS. Even though Gaza is crowded, there are plenty of empty spaces where brave brave Hamas could fire their rockets from, IF they wanted to. Yet they only use crowded areas surrounded by civilians for some reason.
  6. 1. Considering that Hamas over-estimated the deaths in the fake hospital bombing by a factor of at least 10, we can assume the same about any casualty figures that come out of the so-called 'Palestinian Health Authority'. So they claim 6000 civilian deaths, we can probably safely say the real answer is about 600. 2. IF Hamas has enough fuel to keep firing rockets at Israel, why don't they give that fuel to civilians running hospitals and water treatment facilities?
  7. Well educated and well informed are not the same thing. Just look at the drek and idiocy going on in the US on so many so-called elite university campuses. And the uninformed hatred being spewed by the professors.
  8. She is the typical belligerently uninformed celebrity type, who often get too much time on tv to spread their nonsense. "When October 7th happened..." sounds like she is talking about a natural disaster or an unfortunate traffic accident. Totally dismissive of the horror and dread inflicted. She was being so off base that even Christiane Amanpour, no friend of Israel, was trying to rein her in and get her to stop spouting nonsense. Maybe SHE should ask for a viewing of the terrorists' body cam footage of the atrocities they committed, listen to the interviews with captured Hamas terrorists where they boast about their crimes, and then open her pie hole.
  9. As long as rockets fly from Gaza, there will be no ceasefire. A Hebrew speaking friend of mine told me something interesting- that Nettanyahu in English and in Hebrew delivers different speeches. In English he says "we will defeat Hamas", in Hebrew he says, "this is the LAST TIME for this conflict"- meaning that Israel will not stop until Hamas is gone.
  10. The alternative is realizing that Guitierrez is wrong about the conflict. It isn't about land. If it were, it would have been solved 5 times already. It is a conflict about hate and religion. The Muslim countries are simply not able to accept a Jewish state in their midst. This is a hard concept for secular or pseudo-religious folks in the west to understand. Logic and reason have little sway in areas where religion rules. All you need to do is see the barbarism and naked hatred in the attacks by Hamas. This is not a geopolitical problem. It is deeper and much more feral than that. And no amount of conferences or cease fires will end it.
  11. The question of how many Palestinians have to die can be answered by Hamas. IF they release all the hostages and turn themselves in to face justice, then the answer is zero. IF Hamas chooses to skulk and hide amongst the civilian population, then every death that happens is 100% the fault of Hamas. A cease fire will not happen. The situation is beyond simply returning to status quo ante. One way or another, Hamas will be eliminated. THEN, perhaps a cease fire can be considered.
  12. Not to mention that the actual rockets themselves are glossed over. These are by definition terror weapons, fired indiscriminately into civilian areas with the intent to kill and maim the innocent. Yet that rather important fact is never mentioned. The media treats them as if they were just oversized fireworks.
  13. To the Hamas butchers, there is no distinction between a Jew and someone helping a Jew. All deserve to die. And taking hostages from countries not a party to the conflict in Gaza is evil. If Hamas were smart and cared at all about global image, they would at least release the non-Israeli hostages as a gesture of goodwill. Somehow, I can't see that happening.
  14. If you want to find the leaders of Hamas, look no further than the ritzy hotels of Doha in Qatar. Last I read, they were staying at the Sheraton Grand Doha.
  15. If there are any doubts as to who holds the "moral high ground", this should make it clear. The head hackers, rapists, and murderers deserve no mercy. Just read some media accounts from the viewing, they are chilling. One describes a victim (possibly a Thai man) being beheaded with a garden hoe while still alive. Plus another calling his parents on a murdered woman's cell phone and bragging, "dad, I killed 10 with my bare hands! Put mom on the line!". Should also tell a little about how much these barbarians are supported in the overall Gazan population.
  16. The people of Gaza have happily lived under Hamas rule for 15 years. If they wanted to throw Hamas out, they would have done so by now. And Israel has lived beside these rabid animals for years, accepting that they will be bombed and civilians will die as a result of Hamas terror attacks. But now is different. A line was crossed and Hamas will be destroyed. As for how to deal with the survivors, that is a difficult question. But first to the business of killing Hamas.
  17. Nope, but a selective bombing campaign, combined with a thorough cleansing on the area, WILL eliminate much of the infrastructure that Hamas uses to commit acts of terrorism. If Israel simply wanted to bomb Gaza and commit mass murder, it would have been done by now. They have been remarkably restrained in their response up to now. As for stopping the hatred, that is difficult. Children who have grown up being indoctrinated into a death cult should be seen as victims of mental abuse, and treated as such. Step one is making sure they are not taught in school with hateful and violent material (thanks, UN). After that, let them grow up in an atmosphere that encourages peace and not violence.
  18. ...and the fact that Jews had been living there for thousands of years had nothing to do with it? That the area contained their holiest city was sheer coincidence? Give me a break.
  19. Sadly, the children of Gaza have been growing up with a "kill the Jews" message for years. Hell, even the material provided by the UN portrays Jews as treacherous and hateful, removes Israel from maps, and describes killing Jews as a hobby. https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-textbooks-still-include-hate-antisemitism-despite-pledge-to-remove-watchdog/
  20. that would be a great theory, but Palestinians HAVENT owned it for thousands of years. The Ottomans owned, the British owned it, hell even the Romans owned it. And guess what? There were Jews there all along too. Not like suddenly in 1946, shiploads of concentration camp survivors just randomly looked at a map, pointed, and said "let's go THERE". The Palestinians have nobody to blame but themselves, and the Arab League. They thought they could simply massacre all the Jews in 1948, and reclaim what they wanted. Fortunately they were wrong. And thus the Palestinian refugee crisis was born. The same Arab League countries have refused to allow any civil or economic rights to the Palestinian refugees they begrudgingly host. One only needs to look at how other, civilized countries have treated Palestinians to see the stark contrast.
  21. That is hilarious. Pathetic and hilarious. Especially considering the large majority in Queensland voted "no". Do the so-called "public servants" not represent the majority of people? That is quite a telling statement about the disconnect between the government and the governed. Also can't help but wonder... if "yes" had won, would there also be leave offered to help assuage the feelings of those public servants who would be distressed? I think not.
  22. You educated and humane people do not support the only country in the region where LGBT people are not killed? Where women have equal rights and are not treated like chattel? Where suicide bombing is not glorified and paid for? Where government is democratic and not autocratic or theocratic? Not the kind of educated and humane people I would want to be a part of.
  23. How about dealing with the reality that the Ottoman Empire controlled the entire area until recently? Jews have been there longer than Muslims. In any case, it is obvious that the Palestinians are unloved by their brothers. Israel is less than 1% of the land area of the Middle East, yet Israel is expected to give up land for a Palestinian homeland. Ridiculous!
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