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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Exactly. If I recall, the charge was that 40 babies were murdered in a hospital/medical facility by Hamas terrorists. The exact method of the killing really isn't that important- reports varied on shooting, stabbing, burning, etc. Spending so much time on such a picayune detail only shows the emptiness of the underlying position. "Well, sure Hamas murdered 40 babies, but at least they didn't decapitate ALL of them" is not a great position to defend.
  2. How about a chunk of Iraq or Syria or Egypt for the Palestinians? They are more than 100 times the size of Israel. Leave the Jews their small slice of paradise.
  3. The flaw in your logic is assuming that only Jews would support McUgly's in their actions. In reality, the vast majority of people in the rich G7 world support Israel whether or not they are Jewish. I will be having a Big Mac set myself tomorrow for lunch in solidarity.
  4. The transcript doesn't do justice to the interview. Watch and cringe as Joe stumbles over answers, repeats himself, and gets lost. Even with CBS trying to manage expectations, it was bad.
  5. Biden was barely sentient in this interview. Even so, listen to Scott Pelley cover for him even BEFORE the interview started. Setting expectations nice and low...
  6. Surprised he is still above room temperature. Maybe not for long...
  7. Seem like a real group of winners. Lovely they have a "Keffiyeh Thursday" to show solidarity. I am waiting to hear when the Muslim Students Association will join in with a "Yamulka Monday" to show their support for a two state solution...
  8. So, what would that state look like? What would be the borders? And why would Hamas relinquish power in such a scenario? Hamas will keep fighting regardless. They are a death cult which has the goal of killing every Jew in the world, starting in Israel.
  9. I prefer the recent, more informal Israeli Peace Initiative: "Leave us the fvck alone or we will kill you".
  10. How do you suggest they go about eliminating Hamas and destroying Hamas' infrastructure then?
  11. This is the ultimate truth. There is no negotiating with a group whose founding documents call for your murder.
  12. Funny kind of ethnic cleansing when the population of the supposedly ethnically cleansed area actually INCREASES every year by 2-3%. The people of Gaza have chosen to live with barbarians in their midst, cheered them on, and given them support. Now they have to face the consequences for that. They have had 15 years to throw Hamas out, and did not do so. So Israel will do it for them.
  13. Utter nonsense. What kind of concentration camp sees the population GROW at one of the highest rates in the world? Gaza has received untold millions in aid for years. Instead of building their own infrastructure, they spent the money on weapons and propaganda. Now they are going to pay the price for nurturing and keeping Hamas in their midst.
  14. Interesting. Please tell me about all the homes and land in Gaza that the Israelis have stolen. Last time I checked, Israel had LEFT Gaza, back in 2005. Left behind millions of dollars in infrastructure, much of it donated by overseas Jewish groups to help the Gazans. Who promptly looted and destroyed it. There is no helping some people.
  15. Ironic, isn't it? All the talk of brotherhood of Islam and the like, and it is all just hot air. The Palestinians aren't wanted by any in the Arab world, wonder why?
  16. This is true. Israel then earned and paid in blood for their statehood by fending off the combined attack of 5 neighboring countries. And has been doing so ever since. I have to laugh when I hear the common refrain that Israel just has to give up a bit more land. Here is what we are talking about; In UK terms, Israel is just a bit bigger than Yorkshire. In US terms, Israel is just a bit smaller than West Virginia In Europe terms, Israel is half the size of Switzerland Egypt is 50 times the size of Israel Iran is 80 times the size of Israel They don't have a lot of land to give.
  17. I personally would believe him. In his younger days, Netanyahu was a special forces soldier in an elite IDF unit, participated in numerous operations (including hostage rescue) etc. He has "seen the elephant" up close and personal. Not a guy to mess with.
  18. Israel is occupying Gaza? News to me. I thought they left something like 15 years ago. After which the businesses and farms they left behind were quickly looted and destroyed by Gazans. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna9331863
  19. The Israeli government has anounced a war cabinet, with opposition parties joining the government. They are basically suspending all domestic politics until this problem is solved. They are serious about killing every Hamas terrorist, along with everyone who supports them, and ensuring that they never come back. The people of Gaza have been tolerating the cancer in their midst for too long. Now they will have to pay the consequences.
  20. Not really. Genocide would be carpet bombing Gaza from 6 miles up. The Israelis have been amazingly restrained in their response so far. The Israeli Air Force has more than 200 attack aircraft, only a handful are being used. But I have a feeling that will change soon.
  21. Agreed 100%. And when Jing and I agree on something, it is time to buy a lottery ticket. The people in Gaza have been playing footsie with Hamas for a generation. Letting them stay in power, providing soft support, secretly approving their attacks, yet suddenly becoming outraged and innocent victims the second Israel retaliates. They are allowing a malignant cancer to infect their society. Well, now the surgeon has arrived and the operation is going to hurt.
  22. There are, how can I say, levels of support for Hamas in Gaza. First, the Hamas terrorists themselves. Second, their eager supporters who supply them, hide them, etc. Third, those who openly approve of them and make donations. Fourth, those who largely believe in the Hamas philosophy but dont actively support them. Fifth, those who wont object if Hamas wins. Sixth, those who disagree with Hamas and their goals. How many Gazans fit into the first five categories? IMHO there are not a lot of innocent civilians in Gaza.
  23. ...and here is the Iranian perspective on the current situation...
  24. Here is a taste of how children are being raised in Gaza;
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