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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Except, of course, for the 20th century. Most muslim countries in the region forced out their Jewish citizens, who as you say had been there for centuries. Nearly one million Jews were expelled from countries from Morocco to Iran. North Africa used to be home to half a million Jews. Today, less than 3,000. There used to be 75,000 Jews in Egypt. Today? Perhaps a hundred.
  2. THIS is exactly correct. In the aftermath of the Israeli war of independence in 1948, the myriad Muslim/Arab countries in the area could have done the right thing and taken in their Palestinian brothers/sisters. Given them citizenship rights, allowed them to rebuild their lives. But that did not happen. Instead they were kept in camps and fed constant false promises of some day being able to return to an Israel empty of Jews. A lot of blame to be had there.
  3. Maybe he means like when FIVE Arab countries decided to attack Israel in 1948, after the state was declared by the UN. This is actually the root cause of the Palestinian refugee crisis today. Prior to the attack, Palestinians living in Jewish areas were encouraged to leave, so as to make it easier for the armies of the five attackers to kill all the Jews. Any Arabs that stayed behind would be presumed to be collaborators. So, the Palestinians fled thinking it was a temporary state of affairs until their allies wiped out the Jews. Then, they (the Palestinians) could move back in and reap the rewards. Things turned out differently though.
  4. I wasnt aware that Israel had invaded Gaza. A big help in ending this conflict would be if the Arab/Muslim "brothers" of the Palestinians actually did anything to help them. Seems rather that the Gazans are being used by other, cynical players in the region. Given the current death toll, it is the equivalent on American terms of having more than 20,000 dead. This will get ugly.
  5. Why does the EU have to plan for the refugees? There is plenty of space and money in the surrounding Muslim countries to take them in easily. Egypt the UAE, etc. Not a European problem in the slightest. Hell, they can go live in Iran with their buddies.
  6. Actually, it is called suicide. FAFO. Goodbye Gaza. If you are going to kick a tiger in the ass, you had better have a REAL good plan for dealing with its teeth.
  7. No, he didn't. He said, "not ONE MORE FOOT of wall" in the campaign. Even said it last week, "walls don't work". But he HAS to spend the money..... tell me, what would happen if Joe refused to suspend 26 laws and refused to spend the money on wall construction? What is the penalty for that?
  8. Not true. In many places, Biden was closing gaps and extending the sections built under Trump. But that isn't important. The President didn't say, "not one more foot of Trump's wall". He said "There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, Not 1," https://www.npr.org/2020/08/05/899266045/biden-would-end-border-wall-construction-but-wont-tear-down-trump-s-additions Joe lied.
  9. Thousands of people rioting in numerous cities does not speak to a "peaceful transfer of power". Particularly when it happened both after the election and on Inauguration Day.
  10. "Largely peaceful" in the context of only a few buildings were burnt down, and only a few milion dollars in damage. Over the course of the evening, “anarchists” in the crowd threw objects at officers, vandalized local businesses and damaged cars, Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said.Police publicly declared a “riot” due to “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior” https://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/11/us/oregon-protest-riot/index.html
  11. Not at all. You can quite clearly see the mother in the video keeping a VERY close eye on Joe, then giving him the "F off" pat on the shoulder, while carefully manoeuvering her child out of his reach. He has no personal boundaries. Either sniffing/touching women, or commenting on men's biceps. Very inappropriate.
  12. Nope, just stormed most major cities in the country. Thousands out rioting in places like Oakland, NYC, Portland, etc.
  13. You poor bastards. How in the world do you let your government rape you like this?
  14. Sure, just like in 2016.... oh, wait.... https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/us/trump-election-protests.html
  15. So, "not ONE MORE FOOT of wall", really means "25 miles of wall if we need it". OK. Be honest. This issue is starting to sting the Democrats. Most Americans think Trump would do a better job on immigration than Biden. So he is copying Trump's policy. Nothing wrong with that- just compare the numbers under the two and the results are clear.
  16. So, a wall is not the answer. WHich is why Mayorkas said that a wall was needed. Got it. And why Congress did nothing for 2 years to divert the funding. Sure.
  17. Joe said "not one more foot of wall" when he was campaigning in 2020. After he won, he had TWO YEARS of full Democratic control of both Houses to do something. He chose not to. Now, 2 months from the deadline, he suddenly is stirred into action, kicking and screaming. Not to mention waiving TWENTY SIX federal laws to facilitate the construction. Mere coincidence that this comes at a time when Blue cities and states are screaming about the vast numbers of illegal aliens crowding their streets and consuming resources. His own Homeland Security said, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-administration-waives-federal-laws-allow-border-wall-constructio-rcna118959 Kinda hard for them to talk out of both sides of their mouths so fast.
  18. Jesus Christ. $31 trillion in debt and this is the first thing to do?!? I am getting beyond frustrated with these morons. Good ideas, terrible governing. In a week when Biden was self immolating in the polls, tools like Gaetz manage to wrest the spotlight away and set his own hair on fire. I wouldnt blame the democrats one bit for just sitting back, getting some popcorn, and enjoying the show.
  19. One piece of Biden infrastructure I DO like is his recent decision to build a border wall on the southern border. Who woulda thought that would be a good idea....
  20. Not a Trump fan, but the whole sad spectacle is embarrassing. If 96% of the GOP lawmakers wanted McCarthy to continue, what does that make the recalcitrant 4%? A bunch of petulant babies IMHO. They all need to be primaried in 2024.
  21. Samui has a rustic feel. Nice deserted beaches. Some interesting, steep roads in the interior that lead to temples and waterfalls. Tasty food (many good French bakeries especially). Stunning beautiful water. Nice villas overlooking the sea. Very limited nightlife. I foung Phuket had physical beauty to be sure. But the hoardes of tourists, touts, and sleazy areas took away from the experience.
  22. If you are serious, I actually live in Japan now. Have for more than 20 years. 1. If you want to stay, you need a work visa of some kind. Do you have a university degree? If not, getting a teaching job at an Eikaiwa (private language school) will be difficult. There are myriad job sites online to check. 2. The countryside is basically empty of anyone under the age of 60. Towns are dying. It is lovely though- villages nestled between mountains or on the seaside. 3. You will need a car to get around in the countryside. Public transport is great in the cities, not so in the rural parts. 4. You cant get away with 90% of the crap that you can get away with in Thailand. People here like their lives tidy, neat, organized, predictable, and safe. No staggering around in a tank top drunk as a lord.
  23. Sad? How so, you don't enjoy looking at pretty and brainy young ladies? It's a classy and elegant photo of a smart woman in her prime. Lighten up, sassafrass.
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