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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. As many as it takes to erase Hamas and all its supporters from the face of the earth. War is not a game to keep count. Should the IDF count the number of women raped by the Hamas animals and then rape the same number of women in Gaza? Don't be absurd.
  2. Don't forget the peaceful rally in Sydney, with the eloquent and peace-loving chants of "gas the Jews".
  3. Not a war of genocide? What was the Arab League trying to do when they attacked Israel then- play football? To quote the Secretary General of the Arab League at the time in 1948; β€œIt will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.β€œ https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/background-and-overview-israel-war-of-independence
  4. What homes have the Gazans been denied the right to return to? And yeah, if you back the losing side in a war of attempted genocide (as the Palestinians did in 1948), there just may be consequences. They need to look to their supposed allies in the Arab League for support.
  5. There is also the small problem that nobody wants them, especially their so-called brothers in Islam. Egypt and Jordan have both categorically stated that they will take ZERO refugees from Gaza. That is the only reason they are still living in refugee camps. They have not been allowed to assimilate into the societies of the countries that should be welcoming them. Compare that to the treatment given to Jews who were forced out of myriad Muslim countries in the 50s and 60s and found refuge in Israel.
  6. ...and the latest on the incident from POTUS: "I'm not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it... they gotta learn how to shoot straight". So, according to Biden, Hamas should build better rockets that are more easily targeted on Israelis?!? What the hell is he thinking?!?
  7. How about we say "neither of the above" and both parties start with new leaders?
  8. Yeah, all those Jew settlers in Gaza need to leave NOW! ...oh wait, they left 17 years ago. Nevermind... Plus, if the people of Gaza do not want to be punished for supporting, hiding, and coddling Hamas, then they should have stopped supporting, hiding, and coddling Hamas.
  9. Do you truly believe that the method by which Hamas animals chose to murder children is really the important part of the story? Reporters have seen the bodies, murdered in various cruel and despicable ways. It truly boggles my mind that some people latch onto such picayune details and try to use them as a lever to discredit the truth.
  10. Seems now like it might all be a gross exaggeration by Hamas. Video shows that the whole thing was caused by a faulty rocked fired by Islamic Jihad. Further, the hospital was not destroyed. Damaged, yes. But no bomb crater which one would expect if an Israeli aircraft had dropped a JDAM on the place. Many people killed, yes. But not the 500 victims as claimed by Hamas.
  11. They don't have one missile like that. But, they DO store large numbers of missiles in and around hospitals, schools, etc. Very easy to see how a misfire of a crudely made missile would then in turn ignite the others around it. Hence the large scale of the disaster.
  12. Good question. We DO know that 29 Americans were murdered by Hamas terrorists. And 15 are being held as hostages. Love to see the Biden Plan to free them...
  13. Whose land did Israel take exactly? As I recall history, Israel was created by the UN, then suddenly attacked by 5 countries. The refugee crisis is a result of that attack. And the sad irony is that the attacking countries REFUSED, and continue to refuse, to accept any refugees into their lands as residents. OR even at all in many cases.
  14. Israel is denying it because they didnt do it. Hamas was in the midst of yet another rocket barrage aimed at Tel Aviv. One of the rockets, which was being fired from the hospital, misfired and fell on the hospital. THis in turn caused the OTHER rockets stored at the hospital to explode, causing the disaster. Typical terrorists. Evil AND incompetent.
  15. Of course not. But to the Hamas animals, they are one and the same. Help a Jew, die like a Jew.
  16. "Jewish" can also mean "anyone in Israel helping or working for a Jew", as the twenty plus dead Thai agricultural workers can attest.
  17. Yes, and also they should remember to rape and behead their victims too. Just to be proportionate.
  18. Yeah, that is very odd indeed. Also, there is a phrase that I only hear when anything to do with Israel is in the news.... is the Israeli response "proportionate"? What does this mean exactly. AFAIK, nobody asked the US to be careful after 9/11 and make sure to just have a "proportionate" military response. Yet it seems that being asked for restraint after being attacked is a privilege only enjoyed by Israel.
  19. You mean AFTER the Israelis dropped leaflets telling civilians to leave? Or drop a small 'warning bomb' to alert the residents to get out? Or should they try to find a building that doesn't have Hamas infrastructure, weapons, and supplies.... good luck with that.
  20. War is not a game. You do not win or lose by counting bodies. You also don't stop once you have 'equalled the score' of the other side. ...or should Israel merely do just as Hamas did? Perhaps find a music festival in Gaza and murder 250 people there. Count the number of rape victims in Israel, then rape exactly the same number of Gazan women. It is a facile argument.
  21. Really? According to whom? This is a ridiculous argument that can be carried to absurd levels. The Ottoman empire can just as easily say the same. Or the Romans. Or the Assyrians. Or the neanderthals. Maps change over time. Borders change too. Look at any map of the world today and compare it to even 100 years ago. Not the same. The ME is the same too. Borders change, nations are born, wars are lost and territory lost also.
  22. If the border is shut so tight, then how did Hamas somehow acquire the materials and explosives necessary to manufacture literally THOUSANDS of rockets, which are regularly shot into Israel? Not to mention the weapons used by the terrorists last week, the paragliders, etc. Nah, it is obviously a conscious choice. Arms over infrastructure. I am sure many would love to leave Gaza, but to go where? As I wrote before, there is no love for Palestinians in any of their ethnic/religious brother nations. That is why they have been languishing for 70 plus years. Not the Israeli's fault or the world's fault.
  23. In some cases, sure. But Gaza VOTED for Hamas in, 2005 I think it was. And have not thrown them out since. If most do not support Hamas, they could have done something about it long ago. Hamas could have spent money on water treatment and medical facilities, but they chose not to. Hardly Israel's fault. You also need to ask why there are descendants of refugees still there. Why were they not resettled in neighbouring countries in the region- countries that share their ethnicity, religion, etc? As far as I know, this is standard practice for refugees everywhere else in the world. They go to host countries and eventually become assimlated into the host country population.
  24. Well, a nation that is attacked is justified in eliminating the attacker. And the people of Gaza are complicit in both the recent horror and previous attacks on Israel. They hide Hamas rockets in their kitchens, look the other way when Hamas stores weapons in schools/hospitals, and ignore the tunnels Hamas digs to facilitate their terror. They have not demanded accountability for the money spent on their behalf. So, sadly, the bill is now due.
  25. Actually, most of them ARE wrong. They are ignorant of history and generally (in the case of the UN) controlled by various illiberal and unfree nations. Given the billions of dollars in aid given to Gaza over the years, their lack of infrastructure can only be placed on those who govern the area. In other words, Hamas. They spent the money on weapons and tunnels, not on water treatment plants and power generators. Freedom fighters generally do not murder senior citizens and then post their crimes on social media. Generally.
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