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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Joe said "not one more foot of wall" when he was campaigning in 2020. After he won, he had TWO YEARS of full Democratic control of both Houses to do something. He chose not to. Now, 2 months from the deadline, he suddenly is stirred into action, kicking and screaming. Not to mention waiving TWENTY SIX federal laws to facilitate the construction. Mere coincidence that this comes at a time when Blue cities and states are screaming about the vast numbers of illegal aliens crowding their streets and consuming resources. His own Homeland Security said, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/biden-administration-waives-federal-laws-allow-border-wall-constructio-rcna118959 Kinda hard for them to talk out of both sides of their mouths so fast.
  2. Jesus Christ. $31 trillion in debt and this is the first thing to do?!? I am getting beyond frustrated with these morons. Good ideas, terrible governing. In a week when Biden was self immolating in the polls, tools like Gaetz manage to wrest the spotlight away and set his own hair on fire. I wouldnt blame the democrats one bit for just sitting back, getting some popcorn, and enjoying the show.
  3. One piece of Biden infrastructure I DO like is his recent decision to build a border wall on the southern border. Who woulda thought that would be a good idea....
  4. Not a Trump fan, but the whole sad spectacle is embarrassing. If 96% of the GOP lawmakers wanted McCarthy to continue, what does that make the recalcitrant 4%? A bunch of petulant babies IMHO. They all need to be primaried in 2024.
  5. Samui has a rustic feel. Nice deserted beaches. Some interesting, steep roads in the interior that lead to temples and waterfalls. Tasty food (many good French bakeries especially). Stunning beautiful water. Nice villas overlooking the sea. Very limited nightlife. I foung Phuket had physical beauty to be sure. But the hoardes of tourists, touts, and sleazy areas took away from the experience.
  6. If you are serious, I actually live in Japan now. Have for more than 20 years. 1. If you want to stay, you need a work visa of some kind. Do you have a university degree? If not, getting a teaching job at an Eikaiwa (private language school) will be difficult. There are myriad job sites online to check. 2. The countryside is basically empty of anyone under the age of 60. Towns are dying. It is lovely though- villages nestled between mountains or on the seaside. 3. You will need a car to get around in the countryside. Public transport is great in the cities, not so in the rural parts. 4. You cant get away with 90% of the crap that you can get away with in Thailand. People here like their lives tidy, neat, organized, predictable, and safe. No staggering around in a tank top drunk as a lord.
  7. Sad? How so, you don't enjoy looking at pretty and brainy young ladies? It's a classy and elegant photo of a smart woman in her prime. Lighten up, sassafrass.
  8. I have been following my fellow refugee from Canuckistan for a number of years, since his days at U of T, when he was railing against government mandated speech laws. He was a lot more fiery in those days. As he grew more as a public figure, he began to be more measured in his speech and take more time to give thoughtful answers. He is very careful to choose his words so as not to give any ammunition to his detractors. Basically, my boy's wicked smart. A rare person who actually listens when asked a question, and who thinks before answering. Also honest enough to say "I don't know" when he doesn't know. His daughter is also fairly far along the smokin' scale!
  9. Thanks, same to you. Sometimes people go a bit "down the rabbit hole" in political discussions, run to their corners, cover their ears, etc etc. Nothing wrong with a bit of what my British friends call "p1ss taking" about certain political figures, they all deserve to be knocked down a peg or three IMHO. But in the end it is all just keystrokes and not worth the elevated blood pressure. Interesting take on the parties. I will digest it and give it a think. But at the core I think you may be right. Many GOP lawmakers go to Sodom on the Potomac with the goal of giving power back to the citizens, while the Democrats go with the idea of doing good for the public. I always thought that getting the GOP members in line was like trying to herd cats.
  10. Appreciate it, thanks! I am not so blind (I hope) that I cannot see the good and bad both. I probably would disagree with Nan on 90% of political issues, but at the same time it would be great to have lunch with her and hear what she has to say. And also credit where credit is due. If you are in the Democratic party and you cross her, she will cut your Jacobs off. Look how she cowed "The Squad" with little more than a stern look.
  11. Scared? Not at all. But I do admire how she was able to keep her caucus in line and moving as one unit. Perhaps they had some disagreements but those were kept behind the scenes and off camera. Nothing to do with her politics, but she was very effective in keeping discipline in the Democratic party.
  12. Just saw an awful story about a trans woman. She wants to get a uterus transplant, for the sole purpose of being able to have an abortion. Mental health disorder? I would say so.... https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/08/29/no-transwomen-should-not-have-abortions/
  13. This shows one of the Democrats' biggest advantages over the GOP- discipline. Too many big egos on the GOP side, too many idealists, too many posers. Can you see anyone seriously trying this on Nancy Pelosi? They wouldn't see the next sunrise.
  14. A shop clerk in San Francisco was just SET ON FIRE by a 'shoplifter' while the store was being robbed. An innocent crime this is not. Time to let people take action. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/bay-area-clerk-set-on-fire-confronting-shoplifter
  15. Yeah, it is a pity. Hell, even cheesy TV shows like Hogans Heroes had characters being told "you're going to be sent to the Russian front" as a threat. So in that respect, I can understand to an extent the social paranoia in Russia about being surrounded and invaded again.
  16. No fan of the Soviets here, but.... the reality in WW2 is that the Russian front occupied at least 70-80% of the German military. The scale of battle and losses are hard for us to comprehend. Just looking at the casualty lists is insane. The Soviets had 10 MILLION military deaths, the US not even 500,000, UK about the same.
  17. I did. Poland, Baltic States, Belarus (obviously not NATO but that is irrelevant), Slovakia, Hungary. All NATO members. Where can Russia expand without triggering war with NATO?
  18. Stop deflecting. You are the one who made a veiled accusation, be a man and be specific. What exactly did you mean? Enough with the weasel words.
  19. It happened before and after Trump, to smarter business men too. Do you really know that little about business to assume that operating a casino resort is so easy?
  20. It is the short way of saying, "F... Around and Find Out". Means that, if you do something stupid, don't be surprised if you pay a price.
  21. The problem seemed to get better under Trump, then got worse under Biden. Just look at the numbers. But again, pointing fingers and saying, "THEY didn't do anything" is a poor way to excuse the current administration's lack of action.
  22. Are you afraid to be direct? You are the one making the assertion.
  23. Nixon also won reelection in 1972 with a huge landslide. I didnt say to close the ports of entry, just close them to those who dont have proper authorization. Now what about the other points- the cartels, opening camps for processing, etc?
  24. Yes, he should be more precise. But asking The Donald to be precise is like asking Biden to climb stairs. You can do it, but don't be surprised at the results. I am not sure what you mean in the last part of your comment. Could you be more specific? Do you mean free license to shoot young people who are on social media?
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