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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. I don't see a need for a new airport. Who wants to go to Lamphun - touristwise?

    It would seem to be a project to serve large aircraft landing in the North, not just for Lamphun alone.

    I guess it does raise the question raised already as to is this really needed or just a nice 'cash bunny' for the land owners, who may possibly have contacts/family members in governance....

  2. Shame for them that these two didn't have rich or influential families to go running to, to hide behind and now have to face the consequences of their actions which is rare in Thailand.....

    ....nice to see the police can apply the rule of the law when they have to or they're not too terrified of rich parents. A joke.

    I hope that their financial hardship is taken into account as much as wealth is in different cases but all over the spectrum in Thai 'justice''.

  3. While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month, all for going to the house and condo every week, giving them the 'once over', so she's getting 25K THB for four - six days work a month (though she is on 'standby' for emergencies and sending bits to the missus when needed).

    She is usually 'live in' but is living the 'Life of Riley' in a nice room near her pals in Khlong Tan, going out to the local singasong bar a couple of times a month, scoffing the local market empty, and sitting getting pssst with her pals most nights....both times we've paid her she's still had money at the end of the month and that is partying it up a bit in Bangkok (albeit a cheap area).

    I'd say your missus is having a giggle unless she's gambling, partying every night (even on a small scale) or worst case scenario, running around with a toyboy and supporting his 'fun' with your money.

    Apologies if that last part is harsh but in such cases is not an unheard of scenario and is often the proverbial 'Rhinoceros in the Room' in such cases.

    Would it be possible to PM me your maids number or Line ....I am hansome man smile.png

    She's 55 and 'cheer Liwerpoo' so I think that may not be 'up your alley' Mr R

  4. All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

    Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

    The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

    The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

    In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.

    It's not a "Charade" It's a fact. We only have one AC in our B/R, no fancy furniture, outside make-shift kitchen. We don't live fancy but we live a carefree life. 10,000 baht pocket money for myself would be min. per month so why would I expect my lady to do with less. Her friends like to call her "madame" for fun because she can afford things.

    Invite us to a birthday party they know we'll have a box of beer to bring. And, by the way I don't buy any farang food for the house as many farang do. We go to Makro buy lots of squid, shrimp, chicken breast, wings and pork. Veggies like asparagus, brocolli. We don't survive on 30baht street food. When her family shows up do we feed them? Of course we do...they help prepare and the wife cooks for everyone.

    Could we survive on alot less? Of course we could, but why would we. It's nice to have money.

    It is totally a 'charade' though one at your expense, the charade being she is showing off to her pals and family at how she's landed a total mug who will bankroll her every whim and throw money at her willy-nilly.

    Still, in my experience mugs like you just won't be told and will tell themselves any manner of lies (including posting on fora) to maintain the illusion that they are something more in the 'relationship' than an ATM, getting belligerent and angry when people tell you what you can't see for yourself as you have already done....

    All the best for when your money runs out, so will your fair-weathered friends enjoying the lifestyle of 'big spending' down at Makro....

    When that happens and she is going to her 'friends' hoping to see some reciprocation for her current generosity at your expense they won't be calling her 'madame' then...

  5. OP is a troll, though i do hear there are some foreigners this ignorant of thailand and thai culture here.

    Troll he maybe but you are spot on in the rest of your post. chances are very real that there is someone in exactly the same boat as the OP either is in, or pretended to be in who could use this thread and the info here.

  6. While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month

    But what do you pay the butler and the chauffeur?

    The driver we used from time to time is from a pool at work so nothing, bar the odd tip at Christmas, New Year and Songkhran or if he's done me a good turn like picking me up when I've had a few too many.

    I put the wife through a driving school to do the day-to-day driving as I thought she'd get away with more from the fuzz than I would as I'm a bleedin' dreadful driver.

    Sadly we only have the one domestic staff, the maid, who was an old friend of ours who lost her job at one of our favourite restaurants when they closed so we employed to make the missus' life a tad easier when the kids are still young and at that destructive stage. She was so good at her job that even now the kids have grown up a bit we kept her on plus she's almost one of the family and is excellent with the kids.

  7. My employers recognise Thai university degrees the ASEAN region over, as the minimum requirement for applicants is a Bachelor's level degree (as all employees are required to work in a regional, or overseas office at some stage of their first four years).

    Though as one of the main recruiters of personnel in our Bangkok office (and other regional offices) over the last couple of decades, I personally would 'value' a degree from overseas or regionally, Singapore or Malaysia over one from a Thai university, having had first hand experience of attending a Thai university.

    I'm not Thai bashing here but found Thai universities far more lax in their approach to educational discipline when compared to their Western (and several regional counterparts) though, that said, I have over the years employed many Thai graduates, all of whom have provided excellent service and have been model employees,

    Thankfully though, we are still big on 'traditional recruiting methods' such as the face-to-face interview process, aptitude testing, trial work periods which really can separate the Wheat from the Chaff more than judging a person's ability from a single piece of paper which can be affected by myriad factors and is not necessarily an indication of the individual applicant's knowledge or ability.

    My missus is/was a tad embarrassed about her BSc, when I first met her she was hell bent, almost obsessed to the point of lunacy, with going to the next level which she finally did a few years ago before babies got in the way.....

  8. While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month, all for going to the house and condo every week, giving them the 'once over', so she's getting 25K THB for four - six days work a month (though she is on 'standby' for emergencies and sending bits to the missus when needed).

    She is usually 'live in' but is living the 'Life of Riley' in a nice room near her pals in Khlong Tan, going out to the local singasong bar a couple of times a month, scoffing the local market empty, and sitting getting pssst with her pals most nights....both times we've paid her she's still had money at the end of the month and that is partying it up a bit in Bangkok (albeit a cheap area).

    I'd say your missus is having a giggle unless she's gambling, partying every night (even on a small scale) or worst case scenario, running around with a toyboy and supporting his 'fun' with your money.

    Apologies if that last part is harsh but in such cases is not an unheard of scenario and is often the proverbial 'Rhinoceros in the Room' in such cases.

  9. Our friend who we helped get sorted and clear before the 20th March returned with no problems about ten days ago. He said the I/O at Suwannaphum was a little stiff with him but after a few minutes of showing his passport to colleagues, he returned to his desk, stamped him in with a curt, but friendly 'no more overstay' and bang, he was in for the next 90 days. Thankfully we should be back in Thailand to make sure he leaves before those 90 expire.

  10. Yes they do exist and can be easily found. I won't tell you my favourite strip of massage joints as there are some real dollies there, but of a reasonable level are some of the places in the small trok off Sukhumwit soi 5 just past Gulliver's and opposite Foodland. Hope they meet your exacting standards. One of the places is big enough and has a rake of lasses working there of which I'm sure some will fit your criteria. I used to get massages in that area regularly when the missus was preggers and too tired, moody to do me herself. I miss those Sundays.....

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