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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. OK, watched it again, tourists fault, she slapped the Thai man, her son punched another and they got badly beaten as a result, sorry but I can't change the facts just to suit your wishes.

    You keep on obsessing over 'facts' without being able to present a single one, not a one. How you 'read' events on that poor quality video is NOT fact, but opinion.....and that is a 'fact'.....learn the difference and you might get somewhere in a debate....

  2. I'm afraid it's just something you have to 'roll with' and as Nev wisely says, learn to take it as a compliment.

    Many blokes, even Thai blokes, make the assumption; Thai lass with Western bloke = either prossie/goldigger, desperate, or loose or all three.

    Thankfully, most Thais, especially blokes can tell a hooker from a 'quality' lass a mile off and in time the 'looks' becomes less noticeable.

    I still get the odd sarky/pervy comment when out in one of my locals (when I'm in Thailand) but as most of the people in our neighbourhood know my wife and I, these comments are almost always without malice or ill intent.

    Even when we're out of our 'comfort zone' we are always politely dressed and well behaved, sure we get 'looks' but that comes with the territory. I even get 'looks' when I'm on me own but that's because I'm a proper spanner....

    Far worse - when you don't look like a typical 'expat' - is when you come across Western blokes who think you're a tourist and try and 'impress' or pull your lass often with their halting, abysmal atonal 'Thai'.

    I had to 'introduce' one such gent to the pavement in a well known beach resort a short while after we married. I have no idea what he was thinking as it was obvious we had been together for a while and she wasn't some brass I'd just 'pulled'. The mind does sometimes boggle and it's not always at the weirder aspects of Thai culture.

  3. why oh why do the people that get arrested almost never look like the people who actually committed the crime???

    You should point that question to the Thai Visa Forum defective detective brigade.

    Not only are they able to analyse the causes for this outrage from a few seconds of grainy, low quality silent video, they can also apportion blame and guilt on the victims.

    Aren't they wonderful as they deal in 'facts' from behind their keyboards with not a single second of real professional experience, they can analyse this crime in minute detail and find out who is guilty from this one cruddy video as they slurp on their first urine warm Archa of the afternoon putting up the 'case closed' signs.......

  4. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?


    Your most likely an apologist.

    What would you think if this was YOUR FAMILY!!! Protecting ones loved ones is a natural instinct fo us Westerners but you probably have Thainess disease syndrome.

    I don't apologise for being a Ferang its my birthright . I'm so proud to be westerner and stay as one backing up all my kind all over the world not taking on another culture just because I lived there - that's insane. You are what you are - so to speak.

    Get a life mate !!!

    YOU need to sit quietly and study the video footage and you'll see very clearly that the woman started things by slapping the Thai mans face, this was followed by her son punching another Thai. I know that doesn't fit well with what you want but that is what happened and you can't change that.

    Here we go, another 'professional' video analyst telling us how 'to read' it to fit with his apologist agenda......

    What's really incredible that some people have watched that video and are in complete denial of the facts, the video is very clear and what happened is even more so.

    What 'facts' can you define from that grainy video? The only 'facts' on show are that facts that the family were subjected to a vicious and cowardly attack. They are the only FACTS you apologists can try and dress it up and apportion blame to fit your apologist agenda.

    They are the only 'facts' on show, you can 'speculate' all you like but with no sound, or even clear pictures of what led up to the incident, your prattle about 'facts' are reduced to rubble.....

  5. It's incredible!!!! he video isn't particularly clear; yet on the other thread running on this topic, as well as this one the 'victim blaming apologists/trolls' who always plague threads like this in order to get a rise have managed to analyse the entire situation from start to finish placing the blame firmly at the feet of the tourists.....

    Unreal. Next they'll be saying the tourists should be banned from Thailand or maybe jailed for soiling 'sacred' Thai shoes with their blood.....

  6. The thugs don't look too happy there.

    Maybe they're more afraid one of the tired, lonely old 'Victim blaming/Brit knocking racist trolls' like 'Little Mary' and 'B(L)ubba' defending them on this thread are going to adopt them.....

    Thailand should ban this British family for life.. Just to state the fact this family started this "now" international incident.

    What are you blithering about? If you are going to try and troll the forum, at least do it sounding less retarded with a 'fact' or two....

  7. First, that savage beating of one human being by others

    Is absolutely disgusting and appalling ...no excuses can

    Ever be made for this behavior....However, this is most

    Likely less than 10% of the Thai's that act like this, the

    majority, I have found to be humble hard working

    Family oriented people, of course I don't associate with

    Drunks or Druggies.

    Seems like those, mostly Brits, doing all the Thai bashing,

    Of EVERY THAI only know the "bad seeds". I suggest, if

    Thailand and all the Thais are this horrible and you feel

    So hated, return to the UK. You will no doubt, wind up in

    One of the Ghetto Areas with much worse people than in

    Thailand.....after all, the main reason you are here is because

    You can't afford to live a decent life in the UK.

    Exactly. All these Brit savages need to man up and stop running away from their life of crime/problems back in the UK. In fact, they should all be deported back to where they belong.

    Have you (and your rather obvious 'alter egos') had your wife/girlfriend stolen by a Brit? As you don't half spend a lot of time filling this forum with your pointless venomous racism about Brits.

    I guess it makes up for your utter and total ignorance on all other Thai related matters....

  8. I wonder if the fact that this story has just hit the UK press is what has 'sprung' this 'manhunt into action several weeks after it went national in Thailand?

    You think Thailand really cares what some small islands 5000 miles away print in their newspapers?

    When those 'small islands' provide millions of dollars of tourism income annually, let alone business income and whatever handouts they get from the UK. I'd say yes.....

    Your comments are making you look stupider and stupider by the hour. I'd head off if I were you (but thankfully I'm not, I'm far more intelligent).

  9. Don't get me started on the 'Ghosts' and 'safety' thing!!!!

    The first time I had to travel abroad after we were married my missus managed about an hour or two alone in the brand spanking new house we had just been moved into on a gated estate, she called me to tell me she was at her sister's because of the 'ghosts', spirits' 'weird looking men in the neighbourhood' then 'the security guards looking funny at her' etc....

    She hated being alone there for a couple of years after we were married. As I had to travel a lot around the region for a few days at a time typically and she was studying for her MSc, her coming with me wasn't an option so instead we bought the cruddy 'condo', as she 'felt safer' there having people around even if most were total strangers....

  10. What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

    Preposterous nonsense.

    Have you never been on holiday in a foreign land on one of the big holidays of the year? Or were you tucked up in bed by 9PM?

    The only people who will 'deserve' anything from this are the three cowards who will not be so brave when cowering before a stern-faced judge about to pass down a stiff custodial sentence to them....(I hope).

    They were playing with fire and got burned. No place for families to be at 2:00 AM.

    You are making yourself look even more foolish by just repeating the same drivel.

    They had every right to be there, they weren't attacked for their being there but on the whim of some cretinous drunken thugs who certainly wouldn't have had a pop at a Thai family in the same area at that time.....I suppose using your 'logic' every road traffic accident victim 'deserves it' for being on a road?

    Now, pop orf missie, you are getting tiresome and only heading for more humiliation....

  11. What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation

    Preposterous nonsense.

    Have you never been on holiday in a foreign land on one of the big holidays of the year? Or were you tucked up in bed by 9PM?

    The only people who will 'deserve' anything from this are the three cowards who will not be so brave when cowering before a stern-faced judge about to pass down a stiff custodial sentence to them....(I hope).

  12. Our neighbours in our condo live four to a large room divided down the middle by a sheet, two men, two ladies though not couples, just colleagues (though one night we heard noises which suggested things had certainly 'moved to a new level' for two of them)

    All used to earn around 12000B a month at a nearby factory.

    They would chip in 2K each a month to cover rent, service charge, electric, cable TV, internet and water.

    They would sleep on simple mats on the floor which they would roll up 'bed pack' style every morning into a neat roll, to be unrolled each evening.

    They would split the cost of any object bought for the 'common' good such as a kettle, rice cooker etc. Should one of them move on, they would get their share refunded with the new incoming 'tenant' paying for that share on arrival.

    Food was usually supplemented from a large sack of rice which they would each pay an equal share for.

    Most evenings they would roll in with food and fruits from the market which was simply shared 'Thai style' as was the cost.

    The choosing of pre-cooked food or fruits from the market was left to one of the women who had a 'good nose' for a bargain and good quality.

    Once or twice a week (usually to coincide with whatever was 'big' on TV that week) they would chip in and buy the makings of a 'big meal' and all help buy the ingredients, to prepare and then clean up after their meal.

    In all the time we spent at our condo or knew them we never once heard them bicker or dicker over money. Indeed quite a few times they had enough left to enjoy a bit of a night out.

    When I asked about pensions, savings and the like, they weren't too fussed (as explained far better than I could elsewhere in this thread) they all said they'd have kids to look after them in their old age as according to Thai culture. Thay all would have money left at the end of the month. OK while not enough to retire on, it was enough to bung in the bank for a 'rainy day', one suspects).

    The only true luxury item they had was a motorbike for which they all shared the payments and the fuel costs. Made me think I can tell you.

    I guess it was a simple case of living a good comfortable life with friends and well within your means.

  13. I suspect it is a "Thai only" place and you might not be welcome.


    As long as you don't move in on someone's 'Girlfriend' the worst annoyance you may encounter is the endless chinking of glasses/ '''welcome to Thailands'' or some drunken bloke mumbling Pidgin English at you for hours while you try and perve the dolly birds.

    If the place has a 'bad reputation' or was 'super exclusive' the chances are you wouldn't even get in, in the first place. The doormen or staff would make some excuse and see you off....

  14. Maybe they should have stayed in England? Maybe they deserved what they got?

    Shame on you, bubba1, shame on you!!!! sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif

    Plenty of stereotypes of Chinese and Russians on this forum. Lager louts of working class English can't be talked about?

    These victims scarcely fit the stereotype of Lager Louts now do they?

    I was wondering when the first half-witted 'victim blaming apologist' would be along....didn't take long....

  15. Poor guy, I hope he didn't end up in someone's soup bowl sad.png .

    Reminds me of a time when they paved over what was a roadside khlong in front of my office. One day one of the girls in the office started screaming "turtle,turtle" but with her accent i couldn't understand what she was saying, looked out to the road and saw cars going around what was a pretty decent sized tortoise at a fairly good rate of speed.

    Ran out there, grabbed him, ran him over to the khlong on the otherside, set down on the embankment and he took off right away into the water.

    They (Monitor Lizards) are protected by law which is why number have boomed in recent times. In my old neighbourhood they used to run riot especially in the local shrimp/fish farms.

    Seeing the odd unlucky one squashed out on King Kaew rd wasn't unusual, nor was having them dossing about in the pool or garden. Beautiful creatures though can be feisty if threatened or cornered.

    That said 'protection by law' hasn't helped too many other 'protected species'...

  16. We only want to talk to them so we understand each other.

    I can see how that 'dialogue' will go

    Sea Gypsy (nervously shuffles his feet on the platform): " we've been here for generations, can't you just let us be?"

    Corporation Shill in Army/Government uniform (puffs his chest out): "Well, my puppet masters have got more power and money than you so orf you pop" (or words to that effect)

    Corrupt from the top to a bit lower down......revolting state of affairs....

  17. re: t bar in santit ham wow must go just for the ladies amazing

    hes having you on !

    half of the .. waitress ladies .. in t bar were not born as girls sad.png

    If the other half are, then what actually is the problem?

    Also I looked at their Facebook page and they all look perfectly female to me.

    Maybe Dave2 found out the 'hard way' if you pardon the incredibly clumsy turn of phrase my dear chap.......

    It does look pretty desolate mind you from Dave's photos above

  18. Did 'Tor' bung a few of his pals a bottle or two of wallop to wander around the woods just on the periphery of his range?

    I bet today the jammy sod is doing the rounds of those dumb 'talk shows' on TV every morning/afternoon where four or five hot chicks and an unconvincing Ladyboy sitting around, all talking at the same time until the 'Queen Bee' of the gaggle speaks, when the rest intone: 'ka, ka, ka' over and over until she's done.

    Good for 'Tor!' says I. A free few nights in BKK while he enjoys his 'celebrity' status and if he's lucky he might get to pop one if the girls from the above shows...if he's unlucky it will be the unconvincing LB.....

  19. My experience with the Sg Embassy is not good.

    They were a real pain with me the last time I went there for a ME Non Immi B. Sent me back and forth three times for totally non-required documents until my Thai boss came with me and politely fired a rocket up their backsides.

    Though fully supported by all the correct documents and a flawless, seamless consecutive 12 year work/visa history, some idiot still felt the need to scrawl 'permitted this time' or similar on my passport.

    There were also general rumblings from a good few of my fellow applicants of being messed around out in the gardens, once done.

    Last couple of times I got mine in the region, I went to Penang and Phnom Penh and was done in two days, no need to return with an imagined required document.

    I'd say avoid.

    For two weeks all you need to do is leave the country by air (or land if from a G7 country) and fly back in as long as you haven't done it loads of times.

  20. I'll go with -- he was a multiple month/year overstayer.. As the main reason for departing permanently..

    Aren't the TVF defective detective squad a wonderful body of men........?coffee1.gif

    How are we supposed to know him if a picture is not posted?

    Seems like the one time a death in Pattaya is actually being screened from the usual hordes of morbid rubber-neckers and 'photographers' when they probably needed a clear shot of the victim.

    May he rest in peace whoever he is, one hopes he lived a good and full life and biffed a few future wives/GFs of some of the defective detective squad here before meting his sad demise....

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