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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. Advice to the OP, I would avoid that Pub for a couple of months. !

    Sound advice sir, the OP for all his 'boxing' skills should try and develop some 'vanishing' skills too because if this scenario is true, he can rest assured retribution in some form could well be being planned as I type.

    Pray they don't find out where he lives either.

    A short 'holiday' with his three lasses wouldn't hurt.

    If they are in any way connected to these blokes, I wouldn't trust any of them not to drop him in the soup especially after such a 'loss of face' has been dished out by our 'TV Tyson'.

    Indeed he has probably put them in a situation of risk right now if they feel these lasses are on his side and not theirs......They may not fancy another go at the OP and his boxing skills but may see the lasses as a far easier 'target' for face saving.....revenge.

  2. Its a tough one pal and I'm sorry for your predicament.

    Sometimes you have to be a little tough and cuntuarally insensitive, and thick skinned. I'd suggest putting your foot down as it were and tell her to get tough with her brother and sister to do their filial duties.

    Good luck.

    That should read 'Culturally'. Please forgive my typo OP.

  3. Its a tough one pal and I'm sorry for your predicament.

    Sometimes you have to be a little tough and cuntuarally insensitive, and thick skinned. I'd suggest putting your foot down as it were and tell her to get tough with her brother and sister to do their filial duties.

    Good luck.

  4. I only know one kind of "tourist" that goes to Cambodia after Thailand and frankly, Thailand is better off without them.

    Possibly the most pompous, ridiculous bit of nonsense I've ever read here. well done. takes some doing for here. Well done for being bell-end of the week...which in this week, of all weeks really takes some doing.....

    How on earth is that statement pompous?

    The truth hurts buddy but face it it is the losers that can't afford to stay in Pattaya that usually end up moving to Cambodia and I'll let you in on a secret, it ain't for the temples!

    Can we assume you are in Pattaya and not interested in temples?

    He's probably wishing he was in Cambodia and not stuck in some 4000B a month shack on the 'Darkside'.....

  5. We lived back in Australia and yeah got a lot of looks from blokes and ladies. A bloke with an Asian girl is something different i guess. Most have the decency to look away when confronted though.

    My ex(Filipina) was a stunner when she was in her twenties.

    When l brought her back to Australia, men wouldn't stop staring at her.

    Some tried to get it off with her even though she told them she was married.

    A lot of white women actually hated her because of her good looks.

    And the women who didn't hate her tried to corrupt her because they didn't want to look after their poor long suffering husbands the way l was being looked after.

    Fat lazy slags tried to put ideas in her head.

    They moaned over her slim trim body but wouldn't do anything about their own.

    l know what you mean.


  6. I see it like this .. I'm going home to sleep with her and they are using Rosie Palm . Get over it dude you should be proud to have a woman that looks good .

    Splendid advice. In our early days together I'd just put my hands behind my head, plug in me earphones, watch her arse as she walked around, smug-faced in the knowledge she'd only be waking up in one bed....

  7. Oh mate,drives me nuts.my girls a nurse ,33 im 49 but look 39 (really)shes tall ,slim ,big breasts.yesterday we went 2 a water park wer she wore a bikininf****k me..even the women wer giving her dirty looks..the men////i mean jealous monkeys ,, gobs hittin da floor,, even wen i said w t f,,,k u looking at,,,still didnt turn away!!!!we had 2 kids with us as well..amazing!!!nearly had a fite 3 or 4 times,, jing jing,,i can handle myself..but these sh--t houses cudnt handle me alone!! Thats y i refraind from giving 1 of them a lights out!!!!true))))

    Eh? What? Pardon?

  8. Gotta be the last nail in the coffin of the Thai tourist industry, I took a visitor to Walking Street last night, seen nothing like it, the street was busy but only with Korean and Chinese tour groups shuffling along behind pratts holding up little flags, just taking photo's, not spending a baht, all the bars along the street were empty, this is the result of the Thais trying to attract these 'quality tourists' and keeping out the big spending sex/fun time falang tourists. Sad to see what has happened to Pattaya, streets clogged up with non spending tour groups and roads clogged up with giant tour buses.

    I agree with most of your intelligent and insightful post,though I don't know about 'the last nail' but certainly another.....

    This non-spending is the one key factor that these apologistas who keep sneering when someone mentions 'a nail in the coffin of the Thai tourism' industry and quoting spurious TAT's gerrymandered figures that tourists are still coming/flooding in.

    They conveniently fail to mention that the majority of these are just numbers of sheep following an umbrella, shooting their money at global hotel/retail chains, or elite owned businesses while the small, regular businesses which rely on tourism see little, if any of the 'NE Asian 'Quality Tourist' money....

  9. @Meatboy. Villa Suk 11 had Kippers (proper ones) in December in the freezer section but they ain't too cheap. 99B for a pair if memory serves me right but the were a welcome treat to come down to on Christmas Morning....

    The above link posted (I forget get by who, apologies) for Heinz beans at Tesco at 99B a can are the 'English recipe' ones which are common in Malaysia at about 3RM a can (which is about 30/40B) and imported from Australia. RIbena is also reasonable there too, next visa run, take a big bag and stock up or open your own Heinz Bean and Ribena Shop....

  10. Not just stop holidaying there but stop living there, too.

    Quite so!

    It has long been churned out, usually to frowns, cries of denial, accusations of paranoia in bar rooms across the Kingdom (not to mention various internet Fora):

    ''that the Thais don't want us ['farangs'] here, just our money'' or words to that effect.

    It is looking, more and more, like these cynics are now being proved right one step at a time.

    The struggle for power will see the ruling power not only turn the screw on their opponents and their unfortunate people bit-by-bit, by suppressing basic freedoms, but on every non -Thai in the Kingdom by regularly tweaking immigration regulations until remaining in the Kingdom, unless you are a millionaire or have skills which will be of value to the reigning party (whoever they may be) will be nigh on impossible for the 'regular man on the street'.

    Tough times are ahead my friends, tough times.

  11. One of the first things I learned was Thais take a long time to 'blow' but when they do you'd better make yourself scarce as it can get messy quick.

    My first Thai GF used to have proper hissy fits, what we would call 'tantrums' in England, literally sit on the floor shouting her head off, thrashing her limbs about for ten minutes. Fair used to startle me but as months of peace would follow I learned to roll with them.

    The wife now has a good weekly nag usually right before my pub afternoon/evening/night which does her, but little peace follows them.....sad.png

  12. That`s my observation and suggest others watch that video and draw their own conclusions.

    Which is exactly what most folks have done, only some are trying to pass it off as 'fact' to suit their flawed agendas, when it is merely an individual interpretation of events.

    Without having been there, heard or read witness statements, 'facts' will not be clear until such witness statements are made public. The only 'facts' there are, is that three elderly tourists were set about by a group of thugs and attacked beyond the bounds of human decency.

    Bringing in tired age old excuses like 'they deserved it for causing loss of face' only clouds the extant 'facts' available thus far in this case which I have laid out for the simple minded above.

    All you have to do is watch the video, watch it slowly and stop imbibing beforehand. If you do those things you'll be able to form a judgement of your own, yes you, a real opinion of your very own, one based on fact!

    "An individual interpretation of events", jesus, where do you drag this stuff up from!

    I 'drag' this stuff up from my incredible ability to understand what 'fact' is and how to interpret and analyse what I see from a video without ranting wildly about 'facts' 'losing face' or making myself look foolish in the process.

  13. That`s my observation and suggest others watch that video and draw their own conclusions.

    Which is exactly what most folks have done, only some are trying to pass it off as 'fact' to suit their flawed agendas, when it is merely an individual interpretation of events.

    Without having been there, heard or read witness statements, 'facts' will not be clear until such witness statements are made public. The only 'facts' there are, is that three elderly tourists were set about by a group of thugs and attacked beyond the bounds of human decency.

    Bringing in tired age old excuses like 'they deserved it for causing loss of face' only clouds the extant 'facts' available thus far in this case which I have laid out for the simple minded above.

  14. OK, watched it again, tourists fault, she slapped the Thai man, her son punched another and they got badly beaten as a result, sorry but I can't change the facts just to suit your wishes.

    You keep on obsessing over 'facts' without being able to present a single one, not a one. How you 'read' events on that poor quality video is NOT fact, but opinion.....and that is a 'fact'.....learn the difference and you might get somewhere in a debate....

    What is seen in a video mate is fact, it's not my opinion it's right there for all to see. And the quality of the video is just fine.

    So tell me, if you're in denial about the foreign female slapping the Thai male, who did throw the first punch/slap, assuming you've actually seen the video!

    No it isn't fact at all. Look up the word you like to use way too much...

    It is interpretation and speculation which you are mistaking for 'fact' which is making you look dafter by the post.

    The issue isn't even about who 'started' it.

    It is a serious criminal assault, not a playground fight. As I 'interpret' it the Thai fella is acting up and she's given him a swat for being a prat. While that in itself is wrong, it still doesn't warrant what happened next no matter how you interpret events and apportion blame/guilt via the 'facts' you claim to have lifted from the video.

    Get your self a bigger bucket and bail faster, the issue is who started it and who threw the first punch.

    And you say that "swatting the fella is wrong" you neglect to add that it's extremely and very wrong for a foreigner to do that to a Thai male and in public, the loss of face is what this is all about but you seem not to understand that. Have you ever been to Thailand apart from a two week holiday to Pattaya!

    OK, you and me are done here on this because you fail on too many fronts and have been too mouthy and I'm cutting back on the number of idiots I debate with - the facts are right there in the video, believe what you want but don't try and make yourself look too foolish when you spout your nonsense because everyone else is looking at the same video and coming up with different answers, everyone except the Thai bashers that is.

    I would say that we are indeed 'done' here as I have defeated you utterly at every step that the 'debate' is indeed over as you try desperately like a well beaten man to shift the goal posts into the fantasy realms of 'loss of face' as you can't even grasp the meaning/concept of the word 'fact'.

    You can't just keep redefining the boundaries as to what the 'debate' is about just because you are taking a terrible thrashing here and 'losing face' yourself.

    I suppose you'll be hunting me and my family down now with your Thai mates to give us a beating for this 'loss of face' to demonstrate how 'Thai' you have become (do you wear an amulet to demonstrate your Thainess')?

    I have probably forgotten more about Thailand than you have ever 'learned' about Thailand in you one year sexpat stay if you are still in the rose tinted 'Thais can do no wrong' stage.....but thanks for the giggles.

  15. I cannot understand how anyone can watch the video and defend the Thais who bashed and kicked the foreigners. Whatever provocation there may have been, and there does not seem to have been any of substance, the brutality of the attack is utterly indefensible. I must say I loathe posters who insist on seeking fault in the victims of such attacks, as though a few loose words or even a slap warrant blows and kicks that would look more at home in gang warfare rather than against an elderly couple, their son and a good samaritan attempting to prevent unnecessary violence. Some people on here need to seriously assess their morality and sense of justice, because those suggesting the foreigners invited this kind of attack are living in a world far removed from any that I wish to inhabit.

    Easy to explain. These 'apologists' are the types who see themselves as way 'superior' to all other Westerners who set foot in Thailand.

  16. OK, watched it again, tourists fault, she slapped the Thai man, her son punched another and they got badly beaten as a result, sorry but I can't change the facts just to suit your wishes.

    You keep on obsessing over 'facts' without being able to present a single one, not a one. How you 'read' events on that poor quality video is NOT fact, but opinion.....and that is a 'fact'.....learn the difference and you might get somewhere in a debate....

    What is seen in a video mate is fact, it's not my opinion it's right there for all to see. And the quality of the video is just fine.

    So tell me, if you're in denial about the foreign female slapping the Thai male, who did throw the first punch/slap, assuming you've actually seen the video!

    No it isn't fact at all. Look up the word you like to use way too much...

    It is interpretation and speculation which you are mistaking for 'fact' which is making you look dafter by the post.

    The issue isn't even about who 'started' it.

    It is a serious criminal assault, not a playground fight. As I 'interpret' it the Thai fella is acting up and she's given him a swat for being a prat. While that in itself is wrong, it still doesn't warrant what happened next no matter how you interpret events and apportion blame/guilt via the 'facts' you claim to have lifted from the video.

  17. Usually once the bickering dies down tourneys tend to wind up on 'free to air' terrestrial TV.

    Remember the last WC and all the rannygazoo about that??? One hopes the PM will issue a similar 'decree' now as he did then that this will be available for 'all to see for free'.

    That's interesting. I wonder if Talksport have worldwide radio rights? Handy if you're stuck in traffic.

    I'd guess that the BBC will have rights over SHOUTsport....

    To listen without restrictions in Thailand on Android is easy.

    Download Hola and then find a radio app (the BBC media player is dire) which works with Hola like this one 'v' did for me all last season and cricket season too.


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