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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. Oh dear, these (anti) smoking posts really bring out the pastiest, whiniest members of Thai Visa.

    Thankfully Thailand has a climate where one can wind down the window of a taxi to remove any unpleasant odours which may offend the pasty, sickly sensibilities of some of the more feeble posters here, including that of tobacco smoke.

    I wonder how many of these self obsessed, mealy mouthed, hand wringing zealots, gladly hop into their own pollution machines, set out to pollute the planet and the health of it's inhabitants (they ironically scream to be 'defending' in a far more harmful way than tobacco smoke ever will) with nary a thought to their colossal, revolting hypocrisy.

    The truth is that this 'ban' on smoking will last as long as the rest have in Thailand, about a week if that, with one or two token 'action photos' in the lesser media. 


  2. 20 hours ago, joeyg said:

    This is not an anti smoking thread.  I encouraged the OP to give his neighbor cigarettes and encourage him to smoke much more, much more.  Really now... :clap2:


    Indeed sir but the pasty, whiny 'anti smoking' zealots' love to have the whine ....I love blowing my smoke over them....

  3. 17 hours ago, BangrakBob said:

    85% possession. Burnley 2 shots on target - 2 goals.


    Sturridge playing out of position, Georgino out of position, Milner out of position.


    Firmino is ineffective without a spine and we have no spine. Firmino is to inconsistent to be relied on to lead the line.


    buy a left back and a quality DM


    same old problem, final third quality not good enough, and crap defending


    Edit. And no leader 



    Come on! Last week after the Arsenal and Barcelona games, the consensus was that Klopp could do no wrong and was the football genius the red half of Merseyside had been waiting for, Coutinho was the best player in the World bar none, and 'it was your year'.....

    Still, it's a laugh innit?

  4. 23 hours ago, wilai said:

    Your kindergarten are doing well....Dhanda again 0-2......:clap2: 27mins


    New here ain't ya? Better get a thicker skin:whistling:



    Never mind the kids, let's all laugh at the first team.....bwhahahaha....bwhahahahaha and again I laugh at your feeble side....bwhahahahahahaha

    Could I raise you a 'Liversh*t' to your lame 'Manure'?

    • Like 1

    For me personally this is a double edged sword. Sundays are MY days when in Thailand.

    It is the day I am pretty much left unmolested and free as the air. The missus takes the kids and departs to visit pals and/or relatives leaving me to my own devices so usually, replete from a Full English, around noon I venture forth to my old stomping ground of Lower Suk, Patpong or Khao San Rd (depending on my mood) and have a nice quiet Sunday with some top tunes, maybe meet a pal or two, and basically try and reconnect with my personal bygone BKK, a bit of shopping before enjoying a Thai evening with our maid and her gang of daft pals, then onto footie later., now |I have to do it with these buffoon's words bouncing round my onion. This could cut both ways. I'll either be so wound up by their BS it'll make my cider and cigars turn to ashes in my mouth , or the day will pass in a roseate hue, self tickled to the floating ribs by their ribaldry.

    Apologies for the self indulgent nature of this post but I miss my Sundays in BKK and won't be back for another seven weeks.....I guess this can always elect not to watch but as (at first) the show will no doubt be the topic of chatter while on my rounds I suppose I'll have to....

  6. You could try and actually talk (in a nice way)  to the 'offender' and surprise, surprise he may be a totally reasonable chap and comply to your wishes.

    I like a cigar of an evening, especially on hot, sunny days, over my iced strong cider in the garden, but out of consideration to the family and my neighbours I shift ho to the top of the garden away from the houses at 'lighting up' time. Not all smokers are out to make a nuisance of themselves no matter how much thin skinned, whiny, non-smokers, may think they do....

  7. 11 minutes ago, wilai said:

    Kids are playing Manure on LFCTV (also on mutv). 0-0 after 15mins


    I see what you did there,  you must have been up all night thinking that bit if genius wordplay up, it's almost Swiftian in it's rapier like wit.....or did Kindergarten let out early today?

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:


    Maybe if they keep catching the bad guys and throwing them out the visa process will start getting easier for the honest expats here. 

    Of course it will because Thailand really wants hordes of unqualified TEFLers, pensioners scraping by on ever decreasing pensions,  assorted bloggers 'living the dream' etc. infesting the country....dream on pal! Things are going to get a lot tougher for all 'expats' before they get easier....

  9. ||it it a fairly large town. I'm sure you won't be the 'only farang in the village' as the phrase goes. I'm also sure you'll get a few sarky replies along the lines of 'why go all that way just to seek out other foreigners?' 


    However, as one who has lived out in the 'sticks' I can sympathise with the need for a little western company from time to time, especially during the football season. I'd say find out which bars show the Premier League (or Bundesliga)- or any of the Euro leagues) live games at weekends and use them as your starting point. When I lived in remotest Thailand the few bars in the nearest town which had the football were a magnet for all Westerners in the area and our weekly meets there were a boon for all and a good chance to have the craic with the locals too (unless they were Liverpool fans.....)

  10. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


    when i was driven  there from prakhanong bts it sure seems like it…from the btw we drove straight towards a highway, then took the first slip road and entered a warren of sleepy sois….im pretty sure this was the address i went to:


    Sukhumvit 71, Soi Preedeepanomyong 14, Moobaan Pakamas (Soi 15) BTS Prakhanong Station (E8), Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

     Yes. there are a lot of little sub-sois linking Thong Lor and Pridi which are exactly as you say. You don't want to get lost down one of them on a hot day either as they seem to go on forever....

  11. NIce to see the Thai Visa 'medics' and 'snap diagnosticians' are out in force honing their 'skills' on this sad case. 


    23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    She doesn't look the picture of health to begin with...probably should't be belting back the brew-skies. It sounds like to me more probably a heart-attack or stroke...most likely nothing to do with anything she ate.


    I'm sure the causes will be made known in time, once (hopefully) this lady has made a full recovery but one thing that is certain is that your comment is possibly the most pointless, vilest, classless post I've read here  in a long time which takes some doing....

    The old saying; 'if you have nothing to say, say nothing' rings true in your case here. I know you probably fancy yourself as an Internet 'House MD' but a fish probably has more medical knowledge than you do, so maybe in future it's best you keep your ludicrous 'expert' opinions to yourself in such topics......

  12. Just now, ilostmypassword said:

    What about those parents whose kids do drugs, steal, commit violent crimes, or generally engage in serious misbehavior?  I guess the police should be investigating them, too.


    I'd say becoming an 'emeny of the state/potential terrorist' is a tad more serious than the typical teenage 'crimes' you list.....

  13. Poor misguided lass. I hope the Met turn the tables on her 'oursole'  irresponsible parents and have them thoroughly investigated for allowing this to happen to their daughter though no doubt the leftist terrorist huggers will be on to them to sue the Met 'for allowing 'this to happen' to their darling'....:blink:

  14. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    I don't care it puts Thailand in a bad light I care that you say that ALL Thai males have fragile ego's and would at a moments notice kill someone


    I haven't said that at all, however I have met only few well rounded, well balanced Thai males who I felt couldn't 'go off' in my time there.

    Even my reasonably well to do, successful Thai pals can seem distinctly 'fragile' at times, especially the single ones when there is totty in the offing.


    The apologista's failure to see or even acknowledge a there may be a problem with the Thai male ego is more disturbing than anyone over emphasising a widely perceived problem.....

  15. Just now, Johnniey said:

    Do you have many Thai male friends?

    Our perhaps you made this sweeping generalization based on a couple of news reports you've read.

    Over 3 decades living here, I've made many Thai friends and think your statement is based on ignorance.

     Many thanks, though maybe not as many as your Thainess has......three decades! Wow! I bet you're the only Westerner who's managed that long....ever....


    If you think my statement is 'based on ignorance'  I'd say your above statement is based on cobblers.

    This type of story is common in both the English language media and the Thai language media (if you can follow that, that is), even many 'plots' in the Thai dramas have a jealous, bratty male character in the mix. 

    I take it you've never been in a position in a social gathering when a hot lass seems more interested in you than your billions of Thai pals. That could be an eye opener for you....

  16. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    And quite right too! Why should Thailand open up it's borders to anyone who  simply wants to live here, if you don't meet the criteria to be able to remain then you can't stay, just like any other country. Part of the problem is that every penniless (and often scurrilous) Westerner seems to think they should be allowed to live here unhindered and the government is now making it clear they cannot.


    Foreigners have abused the tourist visa run system for many many years, they then went on more recently to abuse the Ed-visa and doubtless thousands are still abusing the marriage visa for business and land ownership purposes. It's high time there was a crackdown on these things otherwise, legitimate visa holders get tarred with he same brush as the casualists and the scroungers.


    I can't disagree with any of that, especially that so many of the regulations were abused to death by so many, but the snag is that now legitimate visa holders in the past, who may not be in a good job, wealthy, or on a good pension will be swept up in the ever increasing tightening of regulations too.

  17. 28 minutes ago, JustNo said:

    To be honest if it gets to that point I would not mind moving, and Thailand would not mind me moving either. Always had an affinity for laid back Laos and it's relaxed way of life. The Thais like to bash the Laos community but for the most part I deem them to be a better quality group of people 


    That Thailand's neighbours would/could benefit hugely from an exodus of foreigners from Thailand is a given. According the the few 'expats' I have met over the years in Cambodia, Laos and Burma all gave me the impression that we (Thailand based expats) were a daft bunch for putting up with such a restrictive lifestyle.

    Sadly, I have just signed a new deal with my employers for the next five years in Thailand (mainly because that is where we are settled) but will certainly have an eye on elsewhere in the Mainland part of the region for the next contract after this one.

  18. 3 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

    "but if you don't meet the above criteria ... you'll be packing your bags regardless".


    Conspiracy theories gone berserk, there must be cost effective treatment available for such things in Thailand, no!


    Conspiracy theory/theories? Do you really think so?

    Have a look at the ever increasing difficulties in visa applications over the last ten years or so in all demographics of 'expats' before making silly statements. 

    It seems the only few demographic 'expat' sectors which seem to have been 'left alone' are those on an overseas multi-national placements, the mega-rich or the diplomats. Even the previously (long time) 'untouchables' in the NGOs have been getting it rough of late.....

  19. 13 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    The intent was there was my point.


    After that I have always treated Thailand, although it has been my home for 20 years, as very much a temporary setting, just in case. 


    It's been coming for a long time, only now in these times of an uncertain political future, where any pillock seems to be able to rock up with an idea, no matter how dumb, as long as it enhances his 'Thainess' (elect-ability).

    Week by week, day-by-day, there will be fresh new ideas from all manner of half wits stuffed shirts designed at getting shot of the foreigners from Thailand until they just go 'whole hog' and decree all foreigners must leave unless they have multiple degrees, a 7 figure Dollar/Sterling/Euro salary from overseas (which they must spend and bank in Thailand) or a few million dollars in the bank which they must commit to spending in Thailand.....


    20 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

    No need, my immediate neighbour is the third most senior policeman in Northern Thailand, I bought my house from him, lovely man with a great family.


    BTW the thread/subject is a wind up, if only you didn't realize!


    I'm delighted for you but if you don't meet the above criteria (or whatever criteria they eventually do set) you'll be packing your bags regardless of who you bought your house from or who your neighbours are...

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