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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. This is decent news.

    One of my locals, a brilliant, basic Thai place, left it too late to make the switch to TCH from True for the football. Saturdays and Sundays were their big earning nights (and sometimes in the wee small hours midweek) but as they didn't want the large expense of switching or showing and got caught up in the installation backlog once they realised they were missing out. They really missed the boat though and lost their football crowd to another cruddy local place whose gaffer was a bit more on the ball, sadly the good place didn't survive their loss, in spite of our constant nagging, and upped sticks to Sri Racha early this year....sad.png

  2. I find it funny/sad when I see Westerners 'waiing' all over the place as though they think it makes them seem more 'with it' oer shows off their 'Thainess'.....

    By all means acknowledge the wai with eye contact, a smile and a nod of the head and that will suffice.

    I recall the numb TEFLer, a habitue of a well known boozer on KSRd who had also learned a few words of Thai and he would, once under the influence of the sauce begin squawking at any Thai who was unfotunate to go near him, and waiing every freelance slapper in the place in an attempt to 'impress' the backpackers by his Thainess.

    He failed. Constantly.

    Just don't do it if you don't understand the social intricacies, and they are intricate indeed......

  3. What city did this incident occur?

    That can make a huge difference in your defence.

    Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

    The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate

    It would seem it isn't just me calling BS on this one Walter.....

    didn't you take an inappropriate 'selfie' a few months ago and send it to a 'real estate' agent'?

  4. What city did this incident occur?

    That can make a huge difference in your defence.

    Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

    The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  5. Same thing happened to me. But in my made up story. I had sex with all 5 of the girls. They said I was the best they had ever had.

    Also in my made up story, the girls were so happy that they all paid me money.

    Why you had to make up that story, happens to me in real life at least twice a month.

    From the other side, wonder how the foreign husband will respond when he returns, hope for the OP he isn't on steroids.

    Nope the guy coming home is a NY Hells Angel! I pity the OP but once again stupid as stupid does

    Pray, how do you know this? Are you perchance the OP in another guise, a tad embarrassed at the ludicrous fantasy you posted?

  6. The Exorcist. Brilliantly shot, acted, directed, produced and scripted. Untouchable in the modern era.

    Carry On Up the Jungle, possibly the best of the series.

    The Titfield Thunderbolt, School for Scoundrels, The Lavender Hill Mob, The Ladykillers, Passport to Pimlico, Whiskey Galore, The Ghost of St Michael's; all British Comedy classics, utterly inseparable, utterly untouchable. Peerless, timeless British comedies from a long gone Britain, full of post WWII optimism and hope. Truly things of beauty.

  7. Nice to see the TV morality and alcohol Counsellors offering advice here but they should be offering advice to the OP to live in reality and stop posting ludicrous, Thai soap opera influenced fantasies on online fora.....

    I wonder if there was a badly staged cat fight where they all end up sobbing, hugging and friends for ever as the evil old granny slinks away???

  8. These cowardly animals are by no stretch of anyone's imagination 'Soldiers', though the left-wing media seem to like using this term.

    Soldiers are brave, trained men offering their lives for a cause.

    These animals are nothing but snivelling cowards attacking the innocent and defenceless try8ing to force their flawed doctrine on those who couldn't care less about the lies their fake, lying 'prophet' spread in his hateful, nasty, unholy book (cartoon version coming soon).

  9. Walk through the few abandoned building projects on the outskirts of Bangkok which fell foul to the crash of 1997. Always an eerie and atmospheric, sobering (when you think of the sheer amount of money lost) experience, especially just as a storm approaches. Can't wait to get back in Sept/Oct.

    Walk anywhere for leisure or take any form of exercise in public without drawing comments about being 'crazy' from the locals.

    Often recently when I am out walking I find myself with Thai company either a fellow walker or a cyclist or jogger along the way at some point.

    In the past my walks were always totally solitary affairs bar the odd motorcycle buzzing by. Thais seems to have woken up to the importance of healthy exercise these last ten years or so.

  10. Its time for the new Sheriff to start taking names and kicking ass. Nighttime entertainment in Pattaya is out of control. If they can't control it, might as well close it down.

    One incident in a city/resort the size of Pattaya = Out of control???

    Knee-jerk reaction much?? or just another green-eyed Pattaya basher who isn't allowed to visit the nightlife any more?

  11. Thailand becomes more of a joke of a country by the hour in International eyes.

    I'm sure these ridiculous 'charges' will be silencing Ms Foxcroft down in Australia......

    I hope she goes for their throats and really dishes out ALL the dirt she has on these imbeciles because, knowing someone who has worked with her, she has a lot.....

    This could get her on ALL international TV stations dishing the dirt ALL of which will be easily accessible in Thailand and across the World and there is nothing these bald headed villains and this joke of a country could do to stop it....

  12. One thing I don't miss is riding on that ''Sardine Can on Tracks''....even during off-peak times it could get horribly crowded....

    Sadly the 'dream' from the late 1990s that the BTS would alleviate BKK's traffic woes never came to pass due to abysmal administration woes throughout it's existence.

    The only benefit it offers is getting across town in good time if you don't mind 'cramming' in for a while.....

    As, by definition, off peak times are the less busy times it's ridiculous to suggest that off peak the BTS is "horribly crowded", it simply isn't.

    Bangkok's traffic problems are nothing to do with the BTS's "abysmal administration woes throughout it's existence" as you farcically claim but you can bet your life that if the Skytrain ceased operations tomorrow traffic issues would increase immeasurably and people like you would be pleading for it's return.

    I take it you've never been on a 3 car train in off peak times.

    To suggest that they don't get crowded, sometimes dangerously so, often uncomfortably so, is an utter nonsense rather like the rest of your post.

    Do you really think it is well run when it it still (and always has been) cheaper (not to mention more convenient and comfortable) along the entire route for a party of 2/3 (or more) to get a taxi?

    I hope you're not in business....especially the MRT business......

  13. One thing I don't miss is riding on that ''Sardine Can on Tracks''....even during off-peak times it could get horribly crowded....

    Sadly the 'dream' from the late 1990s that the BTS would alleviate BKK's traffic woes never came to pass due to abysmal administration woes throughout it's existence.

    The only benefit it offers is getting across town in good time if you don't mind 'cramming' in for a while.....

  14. I can't think of one TV member that would like to meet another. It is what it is and the TV lounge failed horribly because of this.

    The concept of a Thaivisa Lounge may have failed horribly but the bar itself didn't, the Thaivisa Lounge being nothing more than an additional sign on the side of the long-established, and previously very successful, New Wave bar.

    There was a short-lived business relationship between the owners of New Wave and the parsimonius Thaivisa owners who introduced as customers some of the kind of people that are frequently found here. Unsurprisingly, a number of them were asked by the management to leave and not to return.

    After the expiration of the arrangement, New Wave removed the Thaivisa signage and continued until the end of last year when the landlord's excessive demand from for tripled rent persuaded NW's owners to look elsewhere for premises.

    New Wave was great in the old location before it was reduced to rubble. Always lively and some stunning promo girls but sadly full of buffoons playing pool all night, getting fleeced for drinks by the assembled dirtbags....could be funny to watch though....especially when some 'ten bob millionaire' on holiday got his bill to realise that the lasses he'd been buying drinks for all night, weren't going to be chipping in with a few baht, and had slipped off to find a new mug at a different pool table....

    The new location never held up to the old one. I'd take either over the ghastly Country Road any day though.

    New Wave would have done well to try and replicate what they had previously instead of the 'lounge bar' idea....

  15. Yeah just a 7 year old. Well they just moved and he doesn't have any friends, he does not talk to anyone apart from his own girlfriend as he is not a guy who can keep friends.

    Anyways my ex is dealing with this situation now. She will go to the police with her father and he is a retired army general. She wasn't going to do anything but I guess she changed her mind.

    Ah, one of them.....

    Hope you get it sorted.

  16. It seems most of these 'bad guys' cleared (some with very long over stays) before the Mar 20th deadline and have since returned to Thailand with no problems reported, in fact I've not heard of anyone getting banned from before or after the Mar 20th deadline as per this farce....another joke from Thai Immigration.....shame they don't put as much effort into actually doing their jobs......

  17. The Buddhist holiday is not at the weekend but on the 19/20th of July when places certainly usually close or don't sell booze much to the joy of the TVF puritans (whose wives don't let them go out anymore).

    Tomorrow is some utter nonsense called 'Alcohol Awareness Day' cited by some unelected and unwanted Stuffed Shirt looking to force his 'Thainess' on the people with an eye on forthcoming elections.

    Stock up the fridge, hit the garden with your booze, invite a few pals over and enjoy the holiday after a weekend full of booze pal.

  18. It feels like it is an 'awareness' day at his point, and not a government mandated behavior day.


    Indeed. Probably more of a Stuffed Shirt trying to inflict his 'Thainess' on the people with an eye on a possible election in the not too distant future......

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