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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. Overfishing is a problem in Thailand because there is no foresight, hence no long term planning.

    And what does a 20000 ton decline actually translate into? Is that a 1% decline, from 2008, or a 20%, or 50% or greater decline? Without a reference point the figure is meaningless. As usual crappy reporting.

    Indeed Sir, nicely thought and laid out post but they have to keep the Chinese market happy.....

  2. Why don't they 'take them down' (from the dock into a cell, into a waiting police wagon, onto a jail) after pronouncing sentence in Thailand as they do in normal countries? Is it a chance to give them time to dig out their hifalutin contacts, pay their bribes, make lame excuses or jump ship?

    The way it is done in the West is dead easy and you always get your man in a cell!

    Another Farang who does not understand Thainess or the reasons for it. You mentioned all most of the people who would be missing out on the gravy train if they did it like in the west. What is wrong with you? You are trying to do recommend Western ways that deprive Thai people of their culturally accepted normal income (I will not say work.)

    Oh dear, another 'Farang' banging on about 'Farangs' in the ludicrous hope someone might somehow mistake them for a Thai.......sad.png

  3. Thailand yet again makes itself look more ridiculous by the split second in the international eye.

    Can a day go by without these cowardly imbeciles abusing their power and influence one asks? No is probably the sad but correct answer.

    Nice of them to charge the corpse and let their pal roam free to shoot a few more if needed.....

    Thailand really has a police farce to be proud of....

    If the PM wants his country to be taken even slightly seriously on a global scale he needs to iron out this type of utter nonsense with an iron fist. No 'inactive posts' but jail time for bent coppers, flat out dismissal for idiocy of this nature.

    When even Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia are starting to look way superior to Thailand in so many respects in even an ASEAN context, action against buffoonery and corruption is needed quickly.

    Was a great country once....shame....now it's the embarrassment of the developing world through self inflicted idiocy.

    When was Thailand a great country?

    When it was 75B to the Pound, various tinpot regimes hadn't continually raised taxes on the good things in life like booze and tabs to line their pockets during their shaky tenures, when a full night out in Lower Suk (crumpet and included) could have been had for 5000B, you could buy booze at a convenience store 24/7 and there were always bars open all night....

  4. I've been bitten by a python but only on the arm and that was an almighty bloody mess which required 16 stitches, deep cleansing, and was exquisite agony.

    I have nothing but sympathy and pity for this man. It was bad enough on the arm let alone bang on the John Thomas....

    Always look on the bright side at least it was not a king cobra

    Or a Russell's Viper which necrotises flesh.....

  5. Thailand yet again makes itself look more ridiculous by the split second in the international eye.

    Can a day go by without these cowardly imbeciles abusing their power and influence one asks? No is probably the sad but correct answer.

    Nice of them to charge the corpse and let their pal roam free to shoot a few more if needed.....

    Thailand really has a police farce to be proud of....

    If the PM wants his country to be taken even slightly seriously on a global scale he needs to iron out this type of utter nonsense with an iron fist. No 'inactive posts' but jail time for bent coppers, flat out dismissal for idiocy of this nature.

    When even Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia are starting to look way superior to Thailand in so many respects in even an ASEAN context, action against buffoonery and corruption is needed quickly.

    Was a great country once....shame....now it's the embarrassment of the developing world through self inflicted idiocy.

  6. Welcome to the world of 'Good Guys In' especially to those prats who frothed out at 'criminal overstayers' thinking themselves some superior type of being, now getting treated like a criminal, and not a 'good guy'. Expect things to get far, far worse in the coming months and beyond.....far worse....This is just the tip of the iceberg. Reports like this will be coming in daily soon from all over the country....

    It's all quite hilarious...you all should get your leg muscles in full working order because the authorities are going to be making you all jump through some pretty severe hoops in the coming months and a lot of you won't have the muscles to reach these hoops, let alone get through them....cheesy.gif

    very cryptic.....

    mind to elaborate further ?


    Did you think that once they got shot of all the 'Bad Guys' they were going to let it be 'carte blanche' immigration- wise for the so called 'good guys'?

    Soon the only 'long term foreigners' in Thailand will be those with skills to be of 'benefit to whoever is running the Nation', NGO workers, Multinational employees, the super rich.

    The days of the 'long term 'expat' in Thailand are numbered.

    These 'checks' and 'crackdowns' are already increasing in frequency and shall do so until they have got rid of all who do not fit into the above categories. The requirements have been changed at will over the last decade by each subsequent regime, targeting almost every category of 'expat' from teachers to retirees....

  7. When ever I would go by his house there always seemed to be an abundance of young men around his place

    Some say that ''only an idiot jumps to wild conclusions with little or no evidence to support himself'' though in your case I'd say this is spot on...

    If it turns out to be the case and he is a 'pedo', then you are as guilty in my book for not reporting him or your suspicions to the relevant authorities with the same aplomb you are spouting unverified, unproven tittle tattle here.

  8. Inspector: ''Do you have your Fire Safety Certificate, Khun Building Owner?

    Building Owner: :''No, but I have ten thousand baht and my Daddy is a magistrate, knows all the local Big Wigs and could possibly get your boss into the Country/Golf Club''

    Inspector: 'Mai Pen Rai, here you are. Thank you! I'll see you in five years for your next inspection"

    Building Owner: "If the place isn't in ashes you might...."

  9. Why don't they 'take them down' (from the dock into a cell, into a waiting police wagon, onto a jail) after pronouncing sentence in Thailand as they do in normal countries? Is it a chance to give them time to dig out their hifalutin contacts, pay their bribes, make lame excuses or jump ship?

    The way it is done in the West is dead easy and you always get your man in a cell!

  10. Welcome to the world of 'Good Guys In' especially to those prats who frothed out at 'criminal overstayers' thinking themselves some superior type of being, now getting treated like a criminal, and not a 'good guy'. Expect things to get far, far worse in the coming months and beyond.....far worse....This is just the tip of the iceberg. Reports like this will be coming in daily soon from all over the country....

    It's all quite hilarious...you all should get your leg muscles in full working order because the authorities are going to be making you all jump through some pretty severe hoops in the coming months and a lot of you won't have the muscles to reach these hoops, let alone get through them....cheesy.gif

  11. Considering the Thai's had three wars against the Vietnamese in recent history - Franco Thai war 1940, 1960's 40,000 Thai troops in Vietnam fighting and killing Vietnamese loyal to Ho chi Minh and the 1972 Thai Vietnamese war. It's a bit odd. Then there was the Pak Mai and the communist insurgency in Thailand backed by China and Vietnam in the 1980's. Maybe they forgot?

    Good well-informed posting.

    It is indeed odd and maybe a definite symptom of 'selective' history'.

    It is worth noting that that region of Thailand was a veritable 'hotbed' of communism during the 60s/70s which used to attract all manner of high profile Communist 'refugees' from not only Thailand but other states in SE Asia too, to the extent that the Thai Government would ship in busloads of its thugs unpaid officials (mainly the disturbingly monikered 'Boy Scouts') to 'monitor' possible threats to national security; the murder on the outskirts of Sakhon Nakhorn of Jit Phumisak being a high profile case of the then Government's (US backed? - open to debate) unofficial guerilla/vigilante operations against the Communist influence spreading in the 'Buffer State' during this period of History.

    Still, ''Uncle Ho'' did well for an alleged former Bus Boy under Escoffier at the Carlton Hotel in London....

  12. For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?

    Apparently Merylhighground and Rayk are under the impression that people use Badoo in search of true love. I don't. I don't know anyone who does. I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear.

    Rayk was disappointed to learn that many of the girls on Badoo are hookers or girls looking for sugar daddies. Some of us think that is a good thing.

    So, for those who have tried to use Badoo for its intended purpose--quick, no commitment hook-ups, has anyone had any luck with the free version? Does one have to pay Badoo to get useful information out of it?

    BTW, I've been in Thailand ten years. I know I have more options than I have the energy for within 20 minutes of my condo, and I routinely take advantage of these pleasurable options. But there is something about being a man that makes him want to find out what else is available.

    If that's the case then why do you need an app? Why not just continue to routinely 'take advantage' of the 'pleasurable options' close to your condo?

    I agree an app may help you 'expand your horizons', if you will but in my opinion it's more fun the old fashioned way.....

  13. If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

    It won't.

    Women aren't books which can be categorised and 'filed' into categories to suit your perusal. Sadly the only true way is to do as RayK said, get out there and try talking to a few then see which ones fit into your 'suitable categories'

    you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it

    Isn't that 'driving all over the place' part of the whole fun?

    Are you speaking from experience, or just posting an opinion?


    My experience of people from such threads on here (and other fora) is that the 'ease' involved leads folk into some state of sheer delusion that because they're not meeting a hooker/bar girl in a bar but on the internet, that they are some super stud dating guru/love god.....

    My opinion is that Thailand is stuffed full of some of the hottest, most obliging women on earth, why look in cyberspace when actually functioning like a human being can have huge rewards

  14. Badoo seems over-rated. Am I missing something?

    If you're relying on a phone app to meet (Thai) women, I'd say you're severely missing the social skills to survive another week in Thailand rather like those deluded losers who claim 'great successes' from Thai Friendly etc....

    Of course they want to tease you into buying a paid version. It's how these pikeys work, the smarter ones playing on the make ego and his horniness.....

  15. Kids are kids, you could close/slap pointless bans on all the shops in Thailand but they'll still find a way to get booze....

    You just see how many - supposedly devout Buddhist - people you see tonight the worse for wear and not really giving much of a toss. I could take a visitor to at least five shops in my neighborhood which will be freely flogging booze as well as at least two restaurants which will be 'business as usual' (all within 300m of a school) tonight and regardless of any legislation.

    I'm mildly surprised the 'TV Puritan anti-booze, anti-fun brigade' haven't been all over this topic.spouting their nonsense, maybe they are saving their bile for the inevitable 'Are bars open tonight?' threads which will appear today....

  16. Crash was 'almost certainly an attack' says expert
    Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit, the BEA, said the disappearance was “almost certainly” caused by “an attack”.
    Mr Troadec, one of the most respected names in aviation, said the lack of live emergency alert suggested a “brutal event”.
    He told Europe 1 radio station in Paris: “A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident, and the team has time to react.
    “The team said nothing, they did not react, so it was very probably a brutal event and we can certainly think about an attack

    I wish some of these experts would S T F U.

    The only known facts about the incident are that the plane disappeared off radar without communication, and what may be an ELT signal has been detected.

    If they have a signal, they can triangulate and home in on it.

    They just need some time.

    And I'm baffled that someone supposedly involved in aircraft investigations say that a technical problem can't cause an "instant accident"!

    Agree though with the multitude of 24 hour running news channels all over the planet they are all desperate for an 'exclusive' or different take on a breaking story so they wheel out a variety of 'experts' to give their take on affairs.

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