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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. Sad a thread on an important issue is plagued by the 'if you don't like it, go home/It's their country etc...' set and the equally pointless 'If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear' set, none of whom have obviously ever spent the best part of an hour being pawed and harassed by these vermin on a baking hot day with more pressing business elsewhere in town to attend to.

    It is worrying that this abuse has been allowed to resurge after the damage done when the last spate of tourist harassments made the international media, shining no positive light on the nation.

    Then, the Junta wisely jumped all over it, however it seems that that 'crackdown' was as short lived as such 'crackdowns' always are in Thailand. One hopes this makes the international media and again shames the Junta into action against these criminals.

    From first hand accounts it seems they are not doing anything ropey, checking people and moving on, no idea why but nothing dodgy going on like fishing for bribes from what I have read so far

    So there's nothing wrong in harassing people while 'fishing for bribes'? Is there? If that is the limit of it then it's petty crime/thuggery at best......

  2. I always found it to be a very over-rated bar (I stopped going a few years ago) with the usual money-minded hostesses, maybe that changed, and two very parochial types of music, jazz or the usual maddening 'aren't-we-great-just' flipper band of the sort that can be seen anywhere. Sadly, I won't miss it at all.

    Sadly (for your assumed self importance) I'm sure not being missed will be reciprocated when/if they re-open.

    I'd guess they're sick of pompous, sneering, pillars of society judging their hostesses as 'money-minded' for God forbid anyone in employment should be that.........

  3. You're quoting Dylan in support of a derivative cabaret act?


    I give up. You ain't gonna see it, you ain't gonna see it. But I don't think Dylan would think that was putting it to bad use. Anyhow that's it for me on this.

    Unfortunately there is a 'faction' of the membership here who exist merely to swipe at anything which may be enjoyed by anyone over 40 Years Old (especially with a Thai wife in tow - hence all the hackneyed 'sexpat' swipes) which doesn't fit in with their fantasy, imaginary lifestyles (they try endlessly to portray themselves as leading here) of constantly doing the rounds of the hippest venues in town, shooting the breezes from HiSo rooftop bar to HiSo rooftop bar, listening to ambient house music, cool jazz while slurping on a 500B cocktails, munching on 1000B entrees.....Odd they seem such in-depth 'experts' on these 'lesser' venues though.....

    Next time one of their blinkered, tired, poorly written posts pops up, ask yourself why they always read like those gawdawful 'restaurant blogs' which the 'digital nomad' community seem to insist of flooding the internet with these days........

  4. The Nana plaza shutdown thread will be interesting when it gets demolished..only a matter of time really. Bangkok is evolving and will be very interesting to see it in 10 years time

    Wishful thinking.....

    Bangkok 'Commentators' including Stickman and Trink have been predicting the 'Great Nana Plaza Shutdown' for more than two decades already, seemingly unable to understand that the basic economics generated therein Plaza (on a local and national scale) nor that the stacks of money the place generates for it's elite owners ensures it's survival much to the eternal chagrin of the anti nightlife brigade.....

    Won't be happening any time soon.....

  5. No, I didn't realize this was such a big deal in Thailand, based on other things I've seen, but it sounds like too risky. Thanks...

    OP apologies for being 'tough'.

    However Public displays of affection are a big cultural 'no-no' in Thailand. In spite of it's racy reputation for seamy nightlife, Thais are very modest and are often dictated to against 'immoral behaviour' by the various tinpot regimes they have to endure.

    The most inter sex contact you may see while out and about is a couple holding hands or a vexed female brushing dust of specks off her other half or preening him in general. You certainly won't see 'courting benches' in public parks as you once saw in the West...

    Maybe a dark corner of a go-go bar could suffice for your needs, but even there such action between two customers could well draw comment from the management or even attract a third party to assist. Anywhere else could lead to bother.

  6. Try your sofa at home or in your hotel room.

    I, nor many others certainly don't want to have to witness your PDAs while out having a few drinks.....

    Try reading a book on basic Thai culture before wanting to slobber all over your girlfriend in public.....

  7. I love it when people try and claim a dingy old farang bar as some sort of heritage landmark. It's almost as funny as when people claim removing the dildo stalls from the pavement is taking away some precious part of local culture.

    You're starting to rival MyFrienU in your ignorance of these things.

    Would you say such places, and the other places mentioned in this thread are a visible sign of Bangkok's (and Modern Thailand's) period of development and modernisation from the 1950s onwards?

    I'm glad people with your staggering levels of ignorance weren't around in the early post-colonial period as some of the stunning architecture to be found around the globe would have been rubble to make way for 'a youthful modern city' a long time ago and not treasured as heritage sites....

    Who mentioned dildo stalls?

  8. There's more to the expat scene than ancient history, too. Bangkok is a fast moving city; cling to the past and it'll leave you behind.

    What a preposterous, banal and ludicrous statement.

    There is always time for the past and links to it should be preserved and treasured, even if it doesn't fit in with your assumed 'youthful dynamism'.....coffee1.gif

    I suppose all the temples, buildings and monuments dating back to the Rattanakosin era should give way for the modern city too I suppose? Why not take a sledgehammer to the Jim Thompson House? I'm sure you could squeeze in a 7-11 there....or a trendy eaterie for you and your youthful pals to infest......

    While places like this aren't that old nor particularly historically important, to many they are a (sadly) rapidly vanishing part of an interesting period of Modern Bangkok's evolution, and to some of the older set, a link to a passed Bangkok to which they had a firm affiliation and connection be it spiritually or emotionally.

    If you fail to see that you should seek out MyFreinU (see elsewhere in this thread) to soullessly discourse on and laud the glories of Modern Bangkok and her shiny new shopping malls every one hundred yards or so....

  9. Horrible. I know that area well as our maid lives there and I have often joined her and her pals for a few drinks there on a Sunday afternoon.

    There are a lot of young guys in that area, working hard, boozing hard, trying just as hard to get a woman, though many aren't in the game financially due to low wages there. At times trouble seems just a wrong step away especially among the group who hang around outside a karaoke bar there, trying their luck with the girls. They have been involved in a few incidents in the past.

    Outside of the smattering of Karaoke bars on the soi or the sex workers living in the cheap accommodation in the area (conveniently close to the lucrative working grounds of the fleshpots of Lower Sukhumwit), there are few women, especially 'women of virtue'; too few to 'go around' as it were; always a potential catalyst for a booze fuelled violent incident.

    I have seen a few booze fuelled disputes over women in the past though nothing on this scale, usually a fist fight or verbals.

    On the whole most folks seem happy-go-lucky, making the most of their lot, however leading simple but hard lives just meters away from the far more affluent parts of Sukhumwit it becomes easier to see how the frail Thai Male Ego can be 'on the edge' in that area as it were.....

    One incident I witnessed was when one lad snapped after spending his little all on one lass, only for her to pop off to Thong Lor after a call to pastures possibly more rewarding. Luckily that lad was calmed down before he did anything daft but whether he was 'on drugs' or not I couldn't say but he'd certainly had a skinful yet was calmed down easily enough with some wise words from his elders...

  10. Tesco Lotus in On Nut occasionally had 'Tesco Finest' Assam tea imported in stock but the supply seemed sporadic at best.

    "Yorkshire Tea' was a blend developed by the famous Harrogate Betty's Tea Rooms and is a fair drop too and that's coming from a Lancastrian.....

  11. Nothing to do whatsoever with the rains but everything to do with unplanned and irresponsible encroachment on the snake's natural habitat driven by greed and corruption.

    Maybe a few more penile bites will make people think before building hither thither, willy nilly.....

    Good to see snake sightings on the increase of late. Hopefully they will learn to stay far away from the stupidest, nastiest and most dangerous creatures on this planet.......

  12. The pic is nowhere near the scene of the accident, almost no buses run around there, it's a miracle this is not a daily event the way ride bikes around there

    The OP doesn't claim that the picture is the scene of the accident, the connection is traffic being directed in heavy rain.

    What's the point of mentioning that you don't think buses run in that area when they do, frequently?

    What's the point of your pompous postings nit picking the posts of others, especially when the 'Thai Bashing' alarm goes off on your keyboard?

    If you read the article again the poor lass was a passenger on a motorbike and was in peril when her father lost control of it so both of the posts you have had a go at are valid unlike 99% of your self important contributions to this forum are.....

  13. Again? They seem to rattle this one out ever three /four years or so though in the past with Hua Hin as the destination.....

    Sadly doomed for failure yet again at those prices. I know many folks (Both Thai and Western) who would rather spend the best part of a day and a few hundred Baht going to the South via BKK on the road than spend that sort of brass.

    Far better to run a few 'chugging' slow boats taking the bast part of a day to cross the gulf at a realistic price. Shows how deluded, out of touch and totally removed from reality the people in charge of such things are....well they're heading for a huge financial disaster soon enough.....

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