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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 1:43 AM, siam2007 said:



    then why many shops in there are already closed for good and the place is completely deserted at least 5 days a week (Mon - Fri) ?

    Might be like the Indian Restaurants on 2nd road.  Empty all day, packed for feeding time, empty again.


    Maybe harbor mall is only really 'busy' for 2 hours a day :)



  2. I never cared for the website for KT-Zimco.  Can't even see which exchanges they deal with (or is it Thailand only?).


    Also, their commissions seem to be high (0.20% or so?).   So, a 1M THB purchase would be 2000 THB in commissions (or roughly 60$ USD).  About 10x the price of most other online brokers.


    And of course there's a 7% tax.


    Unless I'm missing something?  I would still recommend a non-Thai based (international) brokerage firm.

  3. On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:02 AM, Stubby said:

    I've had a look at Netflix but they seem more movie orientated than anything. Do you know of a legal service that has lots of TV series, old and new? I enjoy a good movie, but I prefer to get into a good drama series if possible.


    Thanks in advance,



    iFlix has a lot of TV Series.  But no legal streaming service has a lot of old & new.  Sadly...

  4. Some simple maths:
    3,000,000 invested in a Thai Fixed Deposit Account for 20 years would yield about 3% return. 
    This would result in a return of 4.8M THB after the 20 years.
    Not adjusting for inflation, and not re-investing the payments.
    3,000,000 invested in a very simple/safe US ETF for 20 years (let's say S&P 500) will result in a total return of about 7%.
    This would result in a return of 7.2M THB after the 20 years.
    Not adjusting for inflation, and not re-investing the dividends.
    1,000,000 invested in a Thailand Elite 20 year visa would yield a 0% return.
    This would result in a return of -1M THB after the 20 years.
    Not adjusting for inflation.
    Therefore, if we compare Fixed Deposit vs S&P 500 we have:
    4.8M THB vs 7.2M THB.  A difference of 2.4M THB.
    Therefore, investing in Thai Fixed Deposit Account for 20 years would result in a 'loss' of 2.4M THB when compared to investing in the S&P 500.
    This means the true 'cost' of the 20 year retirement visa is 2.4M THB (opportunistic loss due to tied capital).

    However, an interesting way of looking at it is thus:
    Take the 3M THB that would have been invested.  Use 1M to pay for the 20 year Thailand Elite, leaving 2M.  Invest the 2M THB in the S&P 500 for 20 years and it would return 4.8M THB.
    In both scenarios (20 year retirement vs 20 year thailand elite with 3M capital used), the return at the end of the 20 year period is the same (4.8M THB), and the length of stay is the same (20 years).  And in both scenarios, the true cost of the 20 year visa is 2.4M THB (again, opportunistic loss due to tied capital).
    So from this point of view both solutions can be considered equal.  The main differentiator is that the Thailand Elite requires only 1M THB capital to be invested, whereas the Retirement Visa requires an upfront investment of 3M which is also bound within a Thailand based institution in a Thai based currency.
    By purchasing only the Thailand Elite visa you can reduce investment risk by investing the 2M THB equivallent in US (or non-Thai) assets in non-Thai countries (diversification theory for risk reduction).
    Fun Fact:
    If you have 3M THB and purchase the 1M 20 Year Visa, the remaining 2M THB invested in the S&P 500 will yield a 2.5% dividend.  Over 20 years this is enough to purchase the next 20 Year Thaiand Elite, allowing you continue to do this in perpetuity (for those of us with more than 20 years left on the clock).

    Therefore, I recommend the 20 Year Thailand Elite Visa.
    Thank you.
    • Like 2
  5. I'll just come in here about health insurance.


    The requirement says a minimum of coverage. You can get in patient coverage of 10m to 30m from a few companies here (LMG MSH BUPA).


    of course this does not play nice for those with coverage from home or those who Can not switch.



    I'm unsure if Thai companies cover preexisting, so it most likely will be a major factor for retirees who often have a preexisting condition of sorts.

  6. He should be able to find a Thai apartment or room for about 2k to 4k a month. No floor no furniture shared bathroom.


    He'll have to look on the non touristy streets or ask a Thai person.


    Some of the bar girls and motorbike guys should know. Likewise a bar manager may know

  7. Samsung or iPhone. Main reason is the wide choice of cases, which girls love.


    also very easy to repair.


    If you go Samsung you can install Samsung pay which also makes it easier to track spending.


    Go for the model with the right sized screen for her needs. Buy it somewhere you can get a good warranty for when the screen breaks.


    ideally with dual sim so she can take advantage of deals for talk and data.

  8. Saturday dinner time, it was a bit busy.  Not packed, but by no means empty.  Lots of people eating at the various restaurants, so seems to be a destination for local families to eat out.  Did not see much in the way of 'tourists'.


    Given its slow season right now, not bad turnout there.

  9. 20 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


    I would think/assume that my medical insurance would be accepted by the Thai authorities, Why would I need to pay twice ?? I think you are confused with the so called ACA in the USA


    If you are covered by a medical insurance company that does not operate in Thailand, it may be difficult for the IO to verify your insurance when you come through the gates.  Therefore they might require you to have  Thai compliant health coverage and encourage you to buy it from the vending machine next door or some other mechanism for long-stay people.


    They could go all out and combine the Health Insurance & Tourist SIM w/ Tracking Device as mandatory and really improve their margins on foreigners :)



  10. My big concern here would be that they would require all non-Thai people (so it includes expats living here long time) to get Medial Insurance from a *specific* provider (and of a specific plan), that may or may not be as good as the coverage we may already be paying for, thus resulting in us paying for *two* medical coverage plans.


    I.e.: You are not Thai Citizen - You need Health Plan from Government: Expat Happy Health Care.  1000 THB/mo.


    Max Coverage 300k, Deductible 50k, only usable at Government Hospitals.

  11. On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:58 AM, KhunBENQ said:

    For me it's not an improvement but a tightening:

    even Kasikorn Pattaya now requires a proper res.cert. from immigration?

    That was much more relaxed until some 4 years ago. A hotel business card was enough.


    I have savings accounts at three banks, never had a WP. It's NOT a requirement for savings accounts although some uninformed or uninterested clerks will tell you.


    To the OP : would you reveal which branches you visited?

    The one in Royal Garden was always very relaxed.


    I did not try that one, only a couple random ones and the one in Central Festival Pattaya.  I was mainly fact checking and information gathering.


    I've decided at this time to proceed with UOB as I like a few of their options (especially the unlimited free withdrawals from any 'PLUS' ATM in Thailand/Singapore/Malaysia which I frequent).


    UOB didn't want Work Permit *OR* Certificate of Residence.  Just passport and Condo Ownership papers were enough (and 50k cash).


  12. On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 8:42 PM, madmitch said:

    Swindon's Magic Roundabout fills most British drivers with dread! Can you imagine what it would be like here? They can't even use the Heroine's Monument without blocking off two exits out of four. U-turn culture rules here as it is simple (yet at times very dangerous).



    I might be mistaken, but I think they recently closed the Dolphin Roundabout in Pattaya.  It no longer goes... 'around'... You can do a U-turn or go right/left but that's it.


    Not sure what you call a roundabout you can't go around... a bout?



  13. For those interested:

    I checked another branch, and they were able to articulate the form.  It is indeed the Certificate of Residence, from Immigration, that they desire.  This differs slightly from Bangkok Bank which wants one from your Embassy with certified copies of your passport.


    On a separate note, it seems interesting that now Kasikorn is the only bank in Thailand that will issue VISA Debit Cards that can be used for online shopping.



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