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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. The only thing I know about cows is what I've learned from watching all creatures great and small.   So.... Do you need to factor in:


    Medical care if cow gets sick?

    Loss if cow died?

    Do you need to slaughter if there is a local breakout of foot and mouth, etc?

    (The above could wipe out years of profits)


    and does food prices fluctuate?


    Did you also consider premium cows? Good breed, organic, free range, etc. Perhaps more profit?




  2. You've listed some good activities to keep you busy and happy. What I suggest is you find a place to live that is near those activities so you don't get annoyed by the commute.


    Most gyms should be happy to take your money to train you. But you may need someone who has some English.


    Lots of should in downtown bangkok on the BTS route so if you can get there easily, that would help.


    You may want to consider living elsewhere. Perhaps Banga, just to make the commute easier. This would also make it easier to get to Hua hin or Pattaya.

  3. Anyone know a good place to pick up an Xbox One X?  Preferably USA edition, but SG/HK will also be okey.  (I understand there is no TH version yet).



    Thank you.

  4. With regards to working. I think it is important to note the spirit of the law and consider the nature of your work.


    Is the source of income exclusively outside of Thailand?


    Is the work accomplished without the use of any Thai resources? (exception for normal home internet and electricity. Not excessive like bit coin mining)


    Can the work be equally accomplished if done in any other country without the need to move Thai located resources? (I.e. You are not taking advantage of large office space or equipment that is difficult to move)


    If yes to all the above you can argue you are not doing anything illegal or wrong. How hard the government pursue you depends if you made enemies.


    Other ways to help your case:


    Are you paying taxes in US? ( as an American I expect you will be)


    Are you spending less than six months a year in Thailand?



    Yes to the above really push you into the realm of holidayer who keeps working for foreign company.


    Finally, if you have a Thailand Elite they are much less inclined to group you in the 'Bad Guys' category as you have shown them you have lots of money and are not here to steal jobs.



    All the little things on their own add up to make a strong case in your favor.

  5. Perhaps a bit of lateral thinking.


    Cover yourself by minimizing your exposure:


    1) Invest a small amount that you are willing to walk away from.

    2) Take out a mortgage in her name that you pay over the next 30 or 50 years, thus placing a dependence on you. If divorced, you no longer give her the money to pay of the mortgage.

    3) Construct a Thai company and place the property and house in company name.

    4) Purchase a Mobile home in your name that can be easily moved. Can use excuse that you like the prefab design and quality. And always keep note of a plot you can rent and move mobile home to overnight if needed.

    5) Offset loss by accepting payments from her to cover other expenses so that over time those payments cover cost of house. If she works have her contribute to insurance plan that pays out investment after 30 years for example (in your name)

  6. Every condo i rented i got the deposit back without problems. Except if there was damage (which I knew and was not faked).


    Of course I always had a contact. Ignore your Thai friends or gf or wife who says: Not need contact. No one do that. Is normal.


    if you accept advice on legal matters from a Thai expect to lose out.


    Next time, contact. In Thai and English. If they don't offer go somewhere more professional or accept that you will be stiffed and don't complain.



  7. I'm looking for someone who knows how to cut & style hair in Central Pattaya area.

    Should be someone with *good* English (to describe the style) and exceptional cutting skills.


    So, no, not someone who soaks your hair first and then presumes your as straight as every other Asian person :)


    Someone who will spend time examining your hair dry before recommending what can and can not be done.


    Much appreciated, otherwise, pony tail time for me :(



  8. one could also live pretty cheap in the US:


    Tap Water

    Food Banks

    Wash clothes by hand in sink

    Wait to die



    It's possible to live cheap anywhere. Sadly some people who never lived here read these posts and truly believe they can live like that, come here, then cry when they realize how expensive life is here if they want a comparable lifestyle.


    Life in Thailand is not cheap if you wish to maintain a middle class lifestyle.

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