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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Have they completely given up on attracting tourists who spend money?


    If they can only attract very low spenders, hotels and restaurants will adjust to low spenders and therefore not appeal to affluent tourists, resulting in a downward spiral, a race to the bottom in attraction.


    A perfect example of TAT favouring quantity over quality. They need a new metric on success: How much money is spent in Paragon, Central, Hilton, and expensive shows such as Fantasea, etc.


    This is where income is made, and Indian tourists are absent.

  2. High School teacher: 20k

    University Teacher: 30k up depending on university

    Nurse: 15k up depending on specialty. Free room in dorm.

    Clerk : 20k

    7/11: 7k to 9k

    BigC: 7k to 11k depending on shifts

    Hotel Clerk: 15k

    Restaurant Chain Server: 12k


    All prices per month. Varies from region (Phuket pays more). Some jobs have perks such as free food and room.


    Source of info is GF who has friends in each of these jobs.


    NOTE:  teachers earn a lot more with over time or private tutoring or weekend teaching. Easily double up. And of course with good university and distinctions will get paid more

  3. On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 3:57 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    When I went to Pattaya a while back, the baht bus driver that took us from Nth bus terminal didn't want to stop outside my hotel as there wasn't a bus stop there.

    Now we have to drag our bags down the road because one can't walk on the broken, blocked pavements with a heavy wheelie bag.

    Brilliant thinking, NOT :angry: x a million.

    I'll be fair: In other countries, the bus stops at a bus station and you would have had to drag your luggage.  Fair point the sidewalks are bad, but this is Pattaya.  This is why I take a Taxi with lots of luggage (even at the Mafia prices).


  4. Some Thai Girls speak good English.... some better than some foreigners around here :)

    Not all Thai people are the same.

    A survey of Thai Girls one sees from the Soi 6 corner bar is not a good reflection of Thai Girls on the whole :)


    Oh, and yes, Brother/Sister/Uncle has multiple meanings here.  Could be an actual blood relationship, or just mean friend/family friend. 


  5. The gym you go to may be able to sell you some Protein Powder.  Just find a flavor you like, and buy a big bag to get the best price.  Some good places to buy protein online:





    I've not shopped anywhere else.  But you can often get it at a nearby supplement shop.  (Don't know where you are so can't suggest).


  6. On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 1:22 AM, xylophone said:

    But then how far does at cultural difference go?


    I posted earlier about a Chinese lady friend of mine who was just marvellous and absolutely nothing like the rabble that we getting here, however even the Chinese can astounded by the manners of their lo-so counterparts.


    Example: – she rented a self-contained apartment she had in her house, out to two young Chinese students who were studying in Auckland and they seemed nice enough after the interview, so they moved in and she left them to their own devices.


    They moved out after about six months and when she went down to check the place out she was absolutely appalled and disgusted at what she found – – – dirty plates with food still on them had been put in the cupboards and had been there for months by the look of the mould and stuff around them, the cooker had never been cleaned and looked to have many months of grease and food on it and the whole place was in a disgusting mess.


    The most disgusting place was the toilet and it was so bad that she couldn't actually go through the door because when she opened it she felt like throwing up.


    Now this was a modern toilet in a room some four metres by two metres which also contained a handbasin and what she saw was unbelievable (I know because I had to clean it up for her, complete with rubber gloves sprays, disinfectant and a scraper).


    Now this was something I couldn't understand because there was faeces all over the walls even that wall at the far end of the toilet and it was as if someone had a bucket of excrement and had decided to hand paint it on the wall all over the place (imagine wiping your anus with your hand and smearing that over the walls). Not only that there was excrement behind the toilet, under the seat and all over the cistern – – everywhere in fact.


    I thought it might have been some sort of "leaving present" for some thing that she supposedly had done, but then most of the stuff had been there for some while and even the carpet on the floor had started to go rotten due to urine on it and it had stuck to the linoleum on the floor as well as smelling so bad it was difficult not to gag. 


    What was left of the carpet I had to get up with a scraper and the rest of the place was cleaned with bleach, disinfectant and scrubbers and was most disgusting job I've had to do in my life.


    When all was done, the total room was repainted and new linoleum was put down and to this day I still don't know why this happened.


    My lady friend said it was due to the fact that even though these students appeared "nice" they came from a lo-so family and this was to be expected – – or words to that effect.


    Seems like it could be the norm in some parts of China?

    Perhaps there should be 'chinese' only toilets, which is just a room with some straw thrown onto the floor?

  7. Sounds like a conservative / traditional girl. There are lots of them out there. Be wary of advice from here since people who are mainly exposed to working/bar girls. Not all girls are like that.


    So far nothing bad has happened. The questions would be:


    How much did you spend on the night out. If it was modest, good, if they were ordering the most expensive drinks and food, then a cautionary note.


    Next, just keep an eye out for how much money they ask. If nothing, good. If she's happy with eating at normal restaurants and little gifts, good. A typical date under 2000 for both is a fair benchmark.


    A good girl won't expect cash and expensive gifts and throw herself into bed with you right away. So far it seems she is being good. So treat her (bed and money wise) like how you would treat a sweet nice western girl.

  8. Although it may be fair to say many of the girls working in bar may not be able to have a highly intellectual or modern conversation with most patrons (and I could argue I could say the same about many of the farangs at the bar), it is possible that sometimes interesting conversation can be had if the topic is choosen more appropriately.  For example: Things going on in town, places to eat, where they are from, areas of interest in their location (basically tourist guide stuff).  Or you could talk about pop-culture or thai-culture stuff. 


    They can talk a LOT, but really only about things they know (which is often different from that the touristy farang knows).

  9. I have a Condo in Pattaya with built-in Air-Conditioning units.  They support FAN and COOL mode (no dedicated dry mode).

    When I set the temperature low enough (usually 25c or 24c) I can hear the condenser kicking in.


    I have a small widget that shows the temp/humidity, and the humidity does indeed decrease.


    The problem is: I do not wish to run the Air-Con at 25/24c all the time (that is far colder than I require, and would be much happier at 28c).  However, setting air-con at 28c will result in the humidity hitting 80%+.  Setting air-con to fan only mode will result in humidity hitting 80%+.  Turning off air-con will not raise humidity (but then it gets stuffy in here without air flow).


    So far I have been offered two options:


    1) Have a 'vent' installed in the other end of the room.  I think the assumption is that this will allow better airflow and therefore moisture will be removed.  I have no idea if this is accurate or if just a wild-guess.


    2) Buy a stand-alone dehumidifier.  I've not seen one anywhere but Lazada, and am unsure how effective this would be.


    I have tried those little boxes you can get from the supermarkets (Pink/Black ones).  They do remove some moisture, but not nearly enough or fast enough to make an impact.


    Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



    Thank you.

  10. Unless you wish to talk to her, simply politely ignore her, then no need to buy her drinks.


    If you wish to talk to her, then buy her a drink when you get a drink.


    If you choose to play pool or connect4, then something like a drink if she wins 2 out of 3 games. This can then segway into chatting for ten minutes before you repeat with more pool.



    Ignore friends of hers and try to focus on one girl at a time.

  11. I went to one shop in tukcom to replace the battery. They busted the phone so the screen digitzer no longer worked, then claimed it was already broken. Had to buy a whole new glass screen.


    None of the shops there give me much confidence they can do more than simple jobs you could do yourself.


    Bangkok I found two places that did a great job. One in central plaza grand rama 9 (he actually knew how to solder) and one under Big C Huamark.


    I go there if I need something done.

  12. Could well be less in Pattaya and more in Bangkok. If you don't mind the traffic or pollution and can live a bit away from the CBD, there are lots of good options at reasonable prices.


    I also hear more stories about people going to chang mai, or issan where they can have a large house as opposed to the smaller condos.


    I'm not saying Pattaya is dying, but it may be more like Hua Hin in the future, and therefore quiter

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