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Everything posted by shackleton

  1. Pointless exercise keeping bars. Clubs closed According to reports on here plenty open no problem getting Alcohol Enjoy ????
  2. Let's hope the warehouse owners declare the truth And don't tell Porkies
  3. Ask me the question when I am on deaths door I might have a change of mind to what I think now
  4. It's the same year in and out about deaths involved in driving all the reasons why are known makes no difference Police enforcement needed on driving laws does not happen Will be discussing same subject next year
  5. False news the Prime Minister and his government would never allow this People hoarding pork ect so prices can go What is Thaksin going to come out with next ???? You would think there is corruption going on This is Thailand ????
  6. Will this be a record of overstay or will a new record breaker come forward In due time ????
  7. If you have family or a business here then you will probably travel If its for tourist reasons best wait saying that people are travelling and putting up with the hassle of immigration and Covi paperwork All depends on how desperate you are for a holiday You decide ????
  8. Who cares what they want as it changes every year as long as you are happy here retired or whatever reason is all that counts???? here in the land of smiles
  9. 300 baht is not going to stop or deter the majority of people coming to Thailand If people are worried about the cost change your plans of travel
  10. Message is don't drink alcohol alone at 2300hrs especially not wearing a face mask some Thai people get easily offended
  11. Yes where I live the Thai people are very friendly always say hello with a smile on their face Love being here Enjoy the food culture weather its a great country to retire in ???? done my 90 day report a couple of days back very friendly Immigration staff in and out 10 minutes ????
  12. Their government their money They can spend what they like on the Defense of their country What we think as expats guests whatever won't change their minds agree money could be put to better use But then who are we to decide
  13. Could be some Gofundme campaigns coming up to support Some expat retirees if the prices continue to rise ????
  14. Must be true that's why all us expats here on Thai Visa or most of us retired to Thailand and stayed Can't be that bad as positives outway the Negatives Always remember to smile ????
  15. Thailand is more dependent on local tourism hence the extended holidays According to reports the hotels in Pattaya plus other areas do okay We have just returned from Hua Hin the hotel we were staying in was okay over the Christmas and New Year period plenty of people there When we departed on the 5th January there was only 4 rooms with people in including our 2 rooms The person at the reception desk mentioned there was no forward bookings so when the current 2 rooms are vacated they will close down
  16. Yes we visited this Temple New Year's day Plus enjoyed the beach in the evening plenty of people there Thais and Tourists very enjoyable day
  17. Over the top again on coverage concerning Covid-19 When you travel to any country including Thailand you should be prepared for the unexpected ie positive test plus should be insured as well And don't forget the spending money After the 10 day quarantine enjoy your stay in Thailand
  18. Why do they report the daily numbers makes no difference Considering the way some people drive with no consideration to safety Not wearing safety helmets on motor bikes no driving licences and so on Nothing will change in Thailand until Police strictly. enforce the Rules
  19. No sympathy people should stick to the rules when in Thailand Brought it on himself
  20. Same as every New Year try to stay in reasonable shape weight wise Gets harder every year but one must persevere
  21. Any foreigners and pedophiles involved in child sex should be routed out and jailed then deported Don't need these sort people here in Thailand
  22. Have to agree with some on here best not to travel until things sort them selves out Corivirus wise plus the quarantine measures are lifted
  23. Well it looks like the old saying if it looks to good to be true it is Would have thought most Farangs would be wary of investing their hard earned cash. In Thai money making schemes I mean scams apparently not ????
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