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Posts posted by kurtgruen

  1. The idea of having elections on different dates, is for advance polling, for people who can't be there on the actual election day. On election day, the remaining ballads are supposed to be cast. That is how it works in most democracies, including Thailand. This wasn't done and therefore the elections were annulled.

    This Nation writer is once again showing is IQ level, which seems to be at about the same level as a lot of the Red's.

  2. If the farangs are investing 100% of the money and taking all the financial risks why can't they run the company. Having to take all the risks and handing over the majority of the profits to Thais is simply wrong. Why would you invest and set up a business employing thais when you will never own it.

    Why? Because people are greedy and think they can get away with it. I'm glad that Thailand is Nationalistic and slows down foreign ownership. wai2.gif

  3. I can't believe the amazingly stupid comments posted above... Does any of you, and i mean ANY OF YOU - ever studied of be healed with Homeopathy? And i don't mean to have take once or twice homeopathy pills but REALLY studied it during years and years? Obviously not, because if you did it like i did during the last thirty years you'll know that homeopathy is pure genius, and even a medicine closer to quanta physics than regular medicine as we know it. It's about time that homeopathy is introduced in Thailand as not only it can heal Dengue but also a lot of other diseases or problems more simple like the heat intolerance. And don't believe any of the supposed scientists telling you that homeopathy is bullshit it's their analysis which is. Believe me these guys NEVER tried homeopathy even once in their life! And by the way, Acupuncture is also a great medicine and it's a medicine at least 2000 years old, it was not invented yesterday.

    What i can admit is someone saying "i'm sorry but from all what i've studied i can't see how Homeopathy can work". THAT would be fair, and objective. Because this is where all the problem is: they don't understand why it works because homeopathy seems to go against all known scientific current knowledge. Now, mark my words, folks: Homeopathy is so ahead of anything that science knows ( so far ) that when they'll find finally why it works it will revolutionize all others theories.

    Nuff said'

    There is a lot of ignorance out there, Bagheera. Can't really blame people, after being brainwashed by the media for so many years.

    I was very skeptical about mixing drops of Citric Acid and Sodium Chlorite, until I actually did it myself, after hearing all the great claims. My buddy claimed, it cured his Dengue Fever (which he was properly diagnosed with, in less than 48 hours, up here in Chiang Dao.

    I took it for a bad Urinary Tract infection, that doctors prescribed three different, strong Antibiotics for, which I all took faithfully, as prescribed, but the infection came back every time, within a few days. I Took these drops of Citric Acid mixed with Sodium Chorite and the infection is gone. (I took no other medicines during that time). Not only that. I had a very bad sinus infections, for may years now. When I sneezed, it stunk really bad. That is gone, too. (My doctor in Canada tried to kill it with strong antibiotics, and it came back shortly after again). There are a couple of other things, it gotten rid off, that I don't want to talk about in this forum, but fact, for me at least, is, it works.

    On the Net, they call is MMS...its a really stupid name and the guy who started it, makes so many extravagant and stupid claims, about other stuff now, that he does not sound believable. I had my doubts, until my friend convinced me to try it. I had nothing to loose, so I did and it worked for me, in more ways than one.

    So to me, saying that something is "Snake Oil" salesmen type stuff, prior to investigation, just proves the ignorance of the posters.

    Sad thing is, by being so arrogant, people may just be missing out on some good cures for stuff, that regular medicine still can't deal with effectively.

    I know one thing...next time, I get seriously ill with a virus or bacteria, I will try those drops first, before letting the doctors give me antibiotics again.

    Then again, to each his own. I don't really care what people do, but I do believe in informing people, when something works, so they can make up their own mind about it.

    BTW, this stuff, you can make up yourself. A big batch for $2 or $3. I am not telling anyone to try it. I am only saying that it worked for me and like my buddy, I swear by it now.

    Cheers wai2.gif

  4. I don't know about foul play Bubblegum, yingluck could be in some trouble, if proven, but to worry about Yaowapa is just stupid, plenty of nations provide vehicles to bring voters into vote , this is handy for pensioners and others that are unable to use a vehicle , nit picking to the extreme, there should be a political black out on all media 48 hrs before voting, this stops the Bulls!!t from getting too thick and to give everyone's eyes and ears a rest.

    But in Thailand it's forbidden

    It all depends on the election laws of a particular Country. Thailand is quite different from some other Western Nations, when it comes to that.

    Either way Phua Thai and Yingluck/Thaksin etc., should know what the election laws are here and if they didn't follow them, too bad for them.

    Usually the Campaign manager looks after these things, to make sure all laws are being followed. At least back home, where I have worked on many political campaigns.

    To break election laws, is just stupid, especially with the heavy consequences, in Thailand. wai2.gif

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Good call by the court. Now let's hope the decision is respected by all sides. thumbsup.gif

    Sadly not a chance I think. The appeal will be slapped in by the end of the day if not within hours. Yingluck will want lawyers to check the 'legality' of the ruling.

    I am grateful to the court for saving my great grandchildren from paying off this monstrous unnecessary loan designed to secure the Shinclan dynasty.

    Let them slap an appeal on it. They have been busing the courts with so much nonsense in their bid to take the spot light off their malfeasance that they will be long gone before it comes up.

    Trouble with an appeal, in this Country is, that this was a split decision and Thaksin and his cronies, who invested heavily to buy all the land, where these infrastructure improvements were supposed to be made, will certainly not stop short of offering a judge 20 or 30 million Baht, to reverse his decision in an appeal. After all, they get to skim probably another 1.5 Trillion right off the top, with only 1/4 of it, if we are lucky, actually getting used on the contruction.

  6. When there is an emergency decree, some Countries automatically issue tourism warnings. In most places, this will void the travel insurance of people who choose to go anyways. Once the emergency decree is lifted, there will definitely be more tourists.

    As far as the demonstrations go, as long as they were peaceful, they didn't really have a negative impact, but as soon as (most likely) pro-government elements started to bomb and shoot, that changed quickly and travel more warnings were issued by a lot of Countries, too. The Emergency Decree put the final nail in the Tourism coffin.

    Then there was the violent demonstrations by the Reds, in 2012 and a few years earlier, the Government crackdown on peaceful PAD protesters, which of course overshadowed any future demonstrations, weather peaceful or not. So yes, I guess the point could be argued, that the original, peaceful, anti-government demonstrations against the Amnesty Law, etc. might have a bit of a negative influence on tourism, but only because of past, bad example by the Thaskin puppet Governments and the red hordes, threatening to burn down Bangkok.

    Now, that the "Red Hordes" are gathering again, they are talking about lifting the Emergency Decree...what a joke. Politics and power struggles in this Nation are so transparent, but yet, the gullible public eats it all up, just like their favorite soap.

    Anyways, this will soon be small potatoes, compared to the tourists they will loose, when some of the true numbers of the Swine Flu (H1N1) numbers start to come out. That seems to be the biggest coverup right now, trying to protect tourism. So far they admitted to it being active in 5 Provinces between Chiang Mai and Rayong and admitted to over 11000 infected and less than 10 dead. Well the number is bigger in Chiang Mai Province alone. Go to McCormick Hospital and ask how many people have been treated for H1N1, in the past month and how many have died from it? Anyways, it may be a little off-topic, but is is concerning tourist numbers and the Government having it's head up it's you-know-what wai2.gif

    • Like 2
  7. Update: Our daughter has fully recovered from H1N1 after being in McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai, for about a week. When she came in, she first has seizures and then just stopped breathign and was revived in time.

    More than 20 people, we know off, died from H1N1 in Chiang Dao District alone, during the past month.

    We didn't hear much about it for the past few days, but tonight, one of our good friends mother was brought to emergency with it.

    The Thai Government lied about it as long as it could, but now that it is confirmed in at least 5 Provinces, including Chiang Mai, Phitsanulouk and Rayong, among others, they are trying to minimize it and lie about the numbers of people who have died or are infected. They also made it sound like only young children, sick people and the elderly are vulnerable, which is an outright lie.

    Our daughter is 17 years old, athletic and was in perfect health. Some of the other people, who have died here, were otherwise healthy adults.

    This should be moved back up as a current topic, I think


    Wow. I am sure I speak for many here when I say I am happy to hear your daughter is now fine. How terrible that must have been. Can you tell us what the doctors did to help her?

    I am not sure the Thai government are lying about who are vulnerable. That is is mostly elderly and those who are already sick who are vulnerable is the same I remember reading various western government saying too, a few years ago. Perhaps that is the consensus in the medical field currently? Your experience makes it obvious that others can also get very seriously affected by this however. Time to read up again on what the best advise is concerning this no doubt. :-(

    You'll have to check with McCormick Hospital, in Chiang Mai. They did a really good job getting her back to her normal healthy self, within a few days and we let them keep her for a couple more days after, for observation so it was almost a week in total.

    I am not sure which shots they gave her. I just wanted her to get well and we were all really upset around that time, but it was two shots and I believe one of them was Tamiflu. Better to check witht he hospital, to make sure though. My memory isn't the best.

    Hope none of you guys or your families get sick from this, but if you do, at least you know what to do. I reported it to WHO, a few weeks ago. Looks like they have ignored it. I just checked on their website :-(

    Sad, considering the Government here even announced, that it is in 5 Provinces

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