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Posts posted by timber

  1. Where is the best place to take photos of bats leaving the cave?  I am a Canadian living in Thailand just south of Chumphon.  My partner is an American living in Ohio, who has a Thai wife. from Bangkok.  He is wanting to move here when conditions allow.  Good people.  I am being

    a bit pushy.  But thanks for the information.  If you have time maybe can buy you a drink or dinner, if you like.  We will be working out of 

    Sukhothai from the 18th till the 23rd.  Friend hopes to get some star shots also if he can find a good area.  He is working hard at becoming a good photographer, and I am an expert snapshot photographer.  (555...)


    take care,


    Wayne [email protected]


  2. Went to the bank to cash a check to myself which I have done for six years or so.  Thai Military Bank.  Said they could not cash it.  I wrote a message

    to main band and asked the reason and got the following answer.  "Current checks in foreign currencies in Euros or Canadian currencies. If you go to TMB Branch will suspend the account. Inquire intoformation foreign drafts 02-299-2028 or +662-299-2028"  Had anyone any more information on this.

  3. Understand why an undemocratic decision is needed to benefit the rural communities, as the legislators will not pass it.  In North America land taxes pay for education, so major land owners contribute monies to all.  The taxes are based on productivity and use.  Forest land has a low tax base and contributes a lot to employment, and schools in the lower income communities.  The same in agriculture.  If land not used, pay a higher tax, so land owners normally put land into some kind of forest licence which requires management.  There is an incredible amount of land that is not being used in Thailand, and could provide provide employment to the local community, and taxation would raise the educational standards. With the age of robotics so quickly,, educational standards need to be raised, and communities better supported in the rural areas. Timber grows quite quickly in Thailand, and the sites are good enough, that a lot of jobs could be created in forest management, and product development.  In our area timber grows to a size in ten years that would require 45 - 50 years in a lot of areas in North America.  So the returns are such, that a lot of companies would be more than happy to invest monies in a Thai Forest Industry.  The biggest decision is to allow enough area for the forest and a secure tenure.

  4. A good twenty year plan is a revolving, plan requiring minor adjustments as it goes along and major adjustments every five year.  Thailand needs to play the middle.  It can be the food basket of China and the only stable secure base for the U.S. in Southeast Asia.  Don't forget Japan, as it provides a good base for manufacturing with trained low cost workers in areas that Japan doesn't have the manpower to take care of.

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  5. To tell the press something and expect them to follow the rules is being very naive.  They professionally and financially have an incredible investment and interest in getting breaking news.  If you don't want them interviewed for a couple of months, need to either seclude them or have a body guard.  There are the good guys and the bad guys in the media, and a whole bunch of levels in between.  The do gooders say don't do that, but the real world is a fantasy to them.  It's not a Thai thing it's a problem with humanity.  To say it is a Thai thing is ignorant.

  6. Air is possibly a concern.  It will take 1/2 day to drill.  Mobilization how long?  Area looks rugged and steep.  There is fear of collapse from drilling.  Sounds like they need sonic type of expiration to check for fractures, and profile of the cave to minimize impact from drill.  Access for equipment seems to be the main problem.  Air seems to be more of a concern than seems to be given attention here.  Mucky waters major problems, but is often a problem in diving.  Must be procedures to take care of the problem in the cave.  Maybe things that are needed to be done are being delayed because it is top heavy from brass that wants to be involved..  There are people that are experts as this type of thing and they know what needs to be done.  

  7. Thanks guys for the comments.  Would like to use internet transfer to avoid carrying a large amount of cash around.  Partners live all over Thailand so would rather use transfer than checks.  We did go to one of the owners bank and do a interbank transfer.  Surprised how much it was.  To transfer money from one bank to another really should be a customer service rather than a chargeble service.  Can't really cost anything.


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