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Posts posted by timber

  1. Luj AJ yes that is a problem.  Trump is getting some companies to move back to the States.  Some of the ones that are doing are doing so due to better opportunities to go robotic.  Harder to do in Mexico.  They are using a lot less people with the new facilities.  This is one of the biggest problems of the future.  Probably can be as serious as global warming.  Part of this problem is politicians being lobbied to do nothing about it, and not putting enough money into education and retraining.  Those with negative attitudes won't be able to get jobs and compound dissatisfaction among the population.  As most of the new jobs will involve people interaction.

  2. The world will be severely effected in the near future.  It is a question of labor price, production rates and convenience.  With a five year write off can pay a fair amount for something that will work 24 hours a day, no complaints or concerns over working conditions, or age, will produce the same as 10 or 100 workers.  In the future will be mostly a matter of desire to have a face to face contact.  Accounting, stock analysis, and recommendations, serving food, making food, transportation, can all be handled in a quicker manner with AI.  Question is what to do with 50% of the population that isn't flexible enough to take on a new career due to age, smarts, physical limitation, personality, and experience. A lot of the new jobs will involve working with people.

  3. A lot of gifted children aren't leaders.  In fact a lot of good leaders are smart rather than intelligent.  Intelligent people create and do research.  Smart people make things easier and figure out how to use things to the best advantage.  Careful where you put gifted children, help them learn and create.  Don't retard them by imposing the wrong values on them.

  4. Really makes me cry.  The mother isn't capable of being a mother and the baby is sacrificed.  Yet there are millions of people over the world that would give their right arm to have a baby.  What is wrong with this?  The young girl's future is sacrificed and the baby is dead because of a bunch of do gooders and politicians sticking their noses in something that shouldn't be a problem.

  5. Some people look at at rest of us as less than they are.  Should not waste your time worrying about their values.  There are going to be people like this, no matter how hard you try, and they aren't listening anyhow.  Just smile, shake your head, and keep walking.


  6. Not too sure what is accomplished by negatively going over history.  We have a problem now that we have to solve now and not too sure who is significantly doing anything about it.  2020 was the date indicated as a tripping point to extinction of the human race and the big four: Russia, USA, China and India are so mired in greed, and big egos that I don't see anything happening by then.  The technology is there, but no one is prepared to use it.

  7. It is a bit silly to say that headlights don't help.  Cutting corners is in the Thai DNA, and having your lights on gives you a little edge.  A lot of drivers turn their lights on to see, and don't turn them on until dark.  About 85% of drivers don't realize that you use headlights to be seen.  Many people flash their lights at me when it is cloudy or rainy, and I have my lights on.  Drive a logging road without a radio and you will be told in no uncertain words, to "Turn your goddamn lights on."

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