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Posts posted by timber

  1. I appreciate the sacrifices of the people in the UK for their government workers and politicians. With the benefits that are accrued for one term in office you cannot afford to work for small business or industry, Your children have to be politicians or government workers. Most creative people such as artists of all type will be dead before thep stop working. Sorry don't understand.

  2. Studies show that when you instruct more than 12 people the system suffers. It becomes less intimate, more time is spent on the slower students, or brighter students, management of the class takes longer etc. This is a generalization, as you also

    have to consider the quality of the teacher, students, and lesson plans. My teaching experience indicated that somewhere around twenty students I started to notice problems with each additional student. At this level to spend time with individual students benefited by having some type of assistance. At some point between 20 and 30 you become an instructor rather than teacher. I think in Thailand they train instructors rather than teachers, I have seen teachers with four students instructing rather than teaching. An instructor teaches the students what the student should learn and a teacher assists the individual in learning the subject material.

  3. Costa Rica and Thailand are both lovely places. This is a personnel decision, so not knowing you will make a few comments. Had a lot more problems with theft in

    CR in one week than I have had in Thailand in 10 years.Not that Thailand isn't all that safe, but a little common sense takes you a lot further. I find the Thai's normally

    are opportunists not criminals.How often do you need to return to the States? Once you take care of transportation and board in Thailand you spend what you want to.

    Women and drinking is where most of your money is spent. What type of environment do you need to live in. Costs a lot more to live in Bangkok than Chumphon.

    How much do you need to have Western culture around you? I meet up with people a few times a month, no problem. If you need to live in

    a western type environment going to cost you,and if you can take or leave drinking with Westerners, can live surprisingly cheap. Didn't get to know how the government

    works in CR, but on the surface appeared to be one of the smartest ones in the America's. Thailand can be a pain, but if you dot the I's and Cross the T's, not really significant.

  4. Thailand future is and always has been with China and Japan. Always surprised that no one at the upper levels in Thailand has ever understood this.

    When the Chinese economy rises, one of the first expenditures is on food. China has had problems with water for agriculture for some time now, and

    Thailand is currently having problems, just not as serious, There are large areas that don't really have problems. China and Japan are locked in

    markets and as long as Thailand doesn't screw up politically, the markets are a lot more stable than the west. I am not close enough to the problems

    with research, marketing and community agricultural assistance to the agricultural community that Thailand, has if any, but I am sure Thailand could

    easily double the sales to China and Japan for Agricultural products. If Thailand had a coordinated agricultural industry I am sure they could easily sell

    everything they produce.

  5. In a variety of place in North America and I imagine Europe have community government representatives that are well educated in their fields

    and have good experience that work with the local agricultural people. These people are not only knowledgeable in their own right, but

    form a pipeline from research centers and Universities to solve problems and bring them new procedures and techniques.

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