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Posts posted by timber

  1. Bang Nam Cheud's village chief Suchat Tangsurat said, adding that he suggested this method because "residents have to help themselves before responsible agencies look into it later"

    So if your house is burning down the fire department will come when you have exhausted resources. This will certainly help the budget. When do the responsible agencies look into it?

    Aren't there laws against oil spills? Is Thailand waiting for the people in the conference in Paris to prevent and clean up oil spills? There seems to be a need for attitude adjustment.

  2. My breakfast consists of coconut water, two bananas and a cup of chinese kale made into a smoothie.

    I am in my seventies and since I have been on this diet feel wonderful. May not be as good as Western ]

    Kale but gives me a lot of nutrition, energy etc. Don't think it is far behind and it a better than a lot of

    things. Tastes wonderful.

  3. I had to take history classes in High School. Those classes indicated that Europe is making a lot of mistakes.

    I guess the leaders in Europe didn't have to take the same classes or pay much attention. The Human Race as a

    generalization doesn't learn much from history. We keep making the same mistakes over and over. You

    can't be nice to crazy people with guns. If someone is crazy and going to kill you, what you learned in

    Church has to be placed on the back burner.

  4. Normally the drivers are good. I was refused service to the airport, by the first three taxis unless I

    paid a fixed amount because of delays and traffic. It turned out that there were minimal delays.

    I understand the taxi may not make as much money by going to the airport. A policy problem that

    needs to be taken care of.

  5. I am very troubled by this subject. I come from an environmental conscious background and can not sort out what to do about garbage in Thailand.

    Often I spend half an hour looking for a place to put my garbage in Bangkok. At home I spend a half hour taking garbage to a garbage collection point.

    Thailand is avoiding spending 100 million baht by telling people going to parks, to take it home with them rather than dealing with it themselves. Rather

    than setting up a collection point to sort the garbage and make money off of it. Avoiding a responsibility and accountability. So if I was a normal person

    I would throw it in the forest. If I did what the government wants I would take it home and toss in in the jungle, into the forest, or river and let nature take care

    of it. I don't have garbage collection. Its not that I live in a poor area it is not a priority. What I do is put it in the car and take it to the nearest garbage

    collection point on the way home. I buy as little at the National park as possible, because then I have garbage that I have to find a home for. I see mothers

    taking their children to school tossing bags of garbage in the forest. I see fathers with their children tossing garbage out of the train or car window.

    When I took the train from Hau Mak to Bangkok I observed this happening and along side the tracks was a sea of plastic the entire way. What do I do

    if I am an environmentally conscious person in Thailand, that makes sense. I think it is more important than Thai's and Farangs giving lip service to what

    I see as a priority that can be easily solved with the right mindset.

  6. Some strange views expressed in the article. Oil spills are to be expected so don't get excited. Oil spills are not really effecting the whales because they are quick and smart.

    The rest of the sea life just has to tough it out. They are going to increase the money for finding spills not preventing. Rayong oil spills covered only 11 sq. hectares yet I had

    oil on slicks on my beach south of Chumphon shortly after. I guess a coincidence.. 60,000 baht damage for oil spills and pay for damage. The 60,000 baht is probably less

    than the legitimate cost of getting rid of the oil, and definitely cleaning it up. The smarted people in the world are in a panic over global warming which basically is having no

    respect for our environment. Somehow I think that the person representing Thailand doesn't have respect for the environment.

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