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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. I did see it as such, I knew exactly what you where saying in response to the over the top post and agree with you.
  2. Because some people like purposefully leaving out pertinent info to wind people up. Re the house and condo, I read that as a separate issue in that it was just a mini-brag to highlight that he lives a very comfortable lifestyle here in response to the claim he was replying to.
  3. Not necessarily incorrect, more, lacking in information. Couple of options to make it less "incorect" off the top of my head 1 Regularly take outside trips - 90 days resets every time you enter therefore, quite possible to not to need to do a 90 day report (not so easily done during the height of covid obviously). 2 Be on an elite visa and live in Bangkok - "technically" you don't have to physically do a 90 day report as they do it for you.
  4. Perhaps next visit, take a short trip to a more foreign-friendly area; numerous people have acquired a driving licence on just a visa exempt in Pattaya for example.
  5. No, by Indonesian citizens. You didn't specify "by the government", in which case you'd have to go back further. As to the quote you originally posed the question too, it's just dumb <deleted> redneck BS. Which is why we are in the mess we're in.
  6. https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/bali-bombings
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