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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. You need a re-entry permit. 1000 Bht for single, 3800 for multiple. Available from your local IO or at the airport if flying out. See https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/re-entry-visa-thailand (note, regardless of website name it isn't an official Thai Government website).
  2. There's a difference between idiots with no insurance (that don't have the means to really self insure) and those forced to buy ineffective Thai insurance on top of their existing insurance just because they started on a Non-OA.
  3. @henrik2000 Could try Bella Taxi (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012649485671). She appears to get good write ups on FB (but who knows if genuine or not ????‍♂️). Male and female drivers, can always specify what you want. Off the top of my head can't remember what she charges for DMK but Pattay >< Swampy is 1000 Bht. Can't recommend from personal experience (was using Nam exclusively) but noted her service as a back up during covid as her service seemed well received, was being recommended in FB group and often advertises for new drivers so appears to be growing (or could be replacements?).
  4. Thought the vaccine was only going to be available to foreigners? Once they get their hands on a supply of Pfizer's Covid-19 drug Paxlovid, that's supposed to go to all I believe.
  5. Don't blame the tech, blame the people. The people that are allegedly holding you up are the same type of people that when the last item is bagged suddenly get a startled look on their face and start hunting through pockets/handbags for their wallet/purse. You can also spot them at the airport checking in for a flight ... who'd have thought you'd need to show your passport, if only there was a nice queue to be in moving slowly enough to get your passport etc. in hand before you reached the desk!
  6. From the same website: "China at present brought revenue of 543.707 billion Thai baht in 2019, clearly the most important country for the Thai tourism industry. However, Europeans are not that far behind at 461.478 billion Thai baht. They still bring in more money than the countries of Asean combined (323.780 billion thai baht)."
  7. Q1 - you can get it (single or multi) the same day you renew your permission to stay. They are valid for the length of your permission to stay. Q2 - only until 31 Jan.
  8. don't interrupt the bigoted rants with facts, it's the Christmas season after all.
  9. Some people's experience:
  10. Yes, there's the official (?) "Guardforce" left luggage at arrivals (level 2) and departures (level 4). There's also another mob that claim to be the "The best price for luggage storage at Suvarnabhumi Airport" and look a bit more "upmarket". You can also drop off at hotel/shopping mall in town and then pick up at airport later (days later if required).
  11. Perhaps spend a bit more time. ???? Quote (subsequent post by OP): "Btw, AirBnB wasn't used, but Agoda and Booking.com."
  12. Not every "army" has them, some manage to remember their name and date of birth (although I can't remember seeing any with dob on them?).
  13. "All cops are bastards" unless Sweden has a different version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACAB
  14. Sorry, I was talking about activating the SIM, nothing to do with a bank. Scan the QR code on the SIM packaging > Scan ID > take a mugshot (see https://www.ais.th/one-2-call/howto_activate/en/ video in Thai but you get the gist plus the screenshots explain). The reports I'd seen in the past from foreigners was they did a similar process but via AIS customer service including a video call due to ID issue. Did a quick search but couldn't track one down, pretty sure I read them in one of the Thailand groups and on Lazada (couple of the vendors that pop up selling good deals including SIM). Haven't been looking for about 10 months so that option may have closed in that time. Not going to work with a new SIM in your possession overseas anyway (can't activate if not on the carrier network). The other option I mused over was just getting a friend to activate a SIM and set up roaming and mail it to you. From what you said "... not allowing you to change your phone number unless in person." then that option is dead in the water. Pain in the proverbial with my banks (non-Thai) too, can change everything online apart from phone number, but at least I can do it via a phone call, been more than a decade since I last actually went into a bank branch. The email OTP sounds like the best way to go if you can get that set up, if not, does their offer of sending a new SIM negate the having to turn up in person to change the number at your bank - if not why offer? If so, you could coordinate with your person in Thailand when transferring but would be a bit of a pain. Do your thing via website - OTP send to the phone in Thailand - Thailand forwards code to you - you enter on the website to finalise.
  15. I've seen them in https://www.facebook.com/groups/PattayaCondosForSaleOrRent. Possibly worth posting in there saying you are looking for properties with "owner finance" (seems to be what they call it in Thailand) and maybe get in touch with some of the bigger agents, although they'd obviously want a cut. Here's one from a couple of days ago for example (light on details as always) and another one from Christmas Eve (light on detail where the finance is from).
  16. How large is large? If no luck in Bkk, Siamburi still has some in stock @ 800g allegedly serves 8 (wouldn't have in my house when I was a kid!). https://expatfoodsthailand.com/shop/groceries/desserts/matthew-walker-classic-christmas-pudding-800g/ Not sure about the cost of delivery but if you need some other goods could be an option.
  17. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ratanakorn+market/@12.9043771,100.876772,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x82ad514fec83dd01?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPl8T75pT8AhVf3TgGHTWpCOQQ_BJ6BAhjEAg
  18. There have been reports of foreigners doing it via video link. Whether that has changed or not I have no idea (hence my statement prior).
  19. That pops up quite regularly in FB, not in huge numbers but often enough, so the possibility is there.
  20. I think you need to look at the security options more. None of my banking apps (none Thai) allow/are set to launch without another layer of security. If they could I'd uninstall. Like anything, your phone is only secure as you make it.
  21. Thanks, worth bearing in mind. Plenty of ways for the OP to top up overseas, without even having a Thai bank account. I've used the mob I linked to above a few times before, more recently used a mob called Ding (https://www.ding.com/) via their app and of course can always get a friend to grab a few top ups in 7 and send the code.
  22. Why? The bank doesn't have access to data re SIM all they need is the number added to your account. Sorry, just noticed your edit. That's interesting, what carrier and did they say why?
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