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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Having followed this thread pretty closely, I'm still not sure how to vote.

    I trust 'establishment' opinions about as far as I can throw them, and there seem to be zero facts - just opinions and interpretations of statistics.

    The insults of those who think the UK should remain (only uneducated, stupid people would vote to leave) inclines me to vote to leave as it shows the mindset of those who wish to remain - and that's pretty damning...

    On the other hand, much as I know the EU is corrupt, wasteful of taxpayers money etc. etc. - they have forced the UK to accept some good things that the Brit. govt. would never have accepted, until given no option.

    Personally, I don't care about 'sovereignty', as the Brit. govt. has proven that it is only interested in wealthy interests e.g. the EU wanted to limit bankers' bonuses after the crash, but the Brit govt. said 'no'. Tells you pretty much all you need to know about the Brit. Govt....

    So the question is (to me anyway), how to make the EU less wasteful/corrupt? Perhaps Brexit might achieve this - not because the UK is leaving, but because other countries are likely to follow suit. Perhaps this may finally lead to a better EU which is what I would prefer?

    But at least if you don't agree with the Government you have the option of voting with your feet every 5 years...we don't have that choice with the EU, we get who they decide which is not very democratic

    To make it less wasteful/corrupt would be to make it more accountable for its actions and let the people decide who runs it

  2. Gee, we wonder why the Chinese and the Russians are acting so bold these days?

    Couldn't be because the US has an extremely weak president maybe? whistling.gif

    Sounds like what a bully would do. Pick on the weak. Luckily, this US is much more than just the president.

    But methinks it's kinda like poking a bear with a stick. Be careful...

    Not really, where were NATO and the US when Ukraine was invaded by Russia after saying we will look after you if you don't gets nukes? Sanctions! Putin was laughing himself to sleep

  3. US should stay out of other countries cookie jars if they want to avoid confrontation. This is the same as the Russian flyover of USS Donald Cook in the Baltic sea, I wonder how US would react if Russia would park a Kirov class cruiser 70km from New York...

    Just another opportunity for a US hater to spout off. International waters means just that.

    And international airspace means just that. The Chinese had as much right as anyone to be there albeit a bit too close

  4. He will be on the eu's case soon as the Russians are skint and when the uk stay in the eu our money will go through the roof.the uk are 1/4 to stay in the eu and the pound should rise nicely as its has in the last few days now that the financial world has realised that the uk are likely to stay in.anyway what would Russia want to invest in? A dodgy train plan,old rice? Or land that you can never own.anyway he got a bit of a holiday out of it.

    The UK aren't likely to stay in, just as the aren't likely to come out, what a load of rubbish. No one will know what will happen until the results come out

  5. Of course we are all aware that only one viewpoint means anything and global voices are sticking their nose in where it is not wanted.

    Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg says that a Brexit vote on 23 June could hit UK-EU trade and leave British-based "employees worse off".

    Mr Bloomberg's name also appears on a letter, signed by a number of the major multinationals investing in the UK, warning of Brexit dangers.

    This letter, which features firms such as Airbus, Microsoft, Cisco, Hitachi, Mars, and IBM warns that leaving the EU could "materially affect future investment decisions" by companies such as theirs.

    It goes on to say that "if there is one thing we as investors don't like, it is economic uncertainty", and concludes that "as investors, it is therefore very much in our interest that Britain stays in the EU."



    The yanks have spoken again...must be true then. All the more reason to leave.

  6. We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

    365M what?

    UK net contribution is about 24M GBP per day

    Please supply source.....

    Its still 24M GDP too much. Better spent on our own

    You are of course entitled to your opinion

    But please don't circulate disinformation

    I think you will find I didn't do the original post, so no disinformation from me

  7. We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

    365M what?

    UK net contribution is about 24M GBP per day

    Please supply source.....

    Its still 24M GDP too much. Better spent on our own

    Did you have something specific in mind?

    Yeah, NHS, helping our own homeless, OAP's.....anything but give it away to them

  8. Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

    Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

    Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

    We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

    The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

    It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

    You, sir, have clearly failed to read all the expert advice

    You are still drawing silly conclusions from populist press.

    OK, your choice. But please do not tell us the case for Brexit is proven. It is not. Far from it.

    That would be your opinion.

    As this a TV thread the 78% who have indicated favouring an exit suggests that the case for BREXIT is indeed proven.

    Oh dear, back to statistics again

    The sample is so small as to be meaningless

    To use a TV poll to prove a point is, er, unwise?

    23% of the 78% are non UK nationals. I for one I'm one of them and my reasons is so that we can have more of a say of who can come and retire in my country and as the UK has 800,000 retirees in Spain hence my vote

    Fully understand your point [emoji846]

    Actually my sister and her husband retired to Aragon. Built a house in some village in the middle of nowhere. No other Brits and hardly any Spanish. Wine cheaper than water. Great [emoji846]

    Don't get me wrong Grouse, I have no problem with any nationality coming to live in Spain, just think that there should be a screening process, not different than any country really. Before the EU was created the only Brits coming to retire/live where the wealthy ones and they had prove that they could manage, now it seems the only criteria is watching A Place in the Sun. I have asked the question before but with no reply. How would the Brits like it if they had 800,000 foreigners retiring in Britain with no local language skill and expecting everybody to understand them and then getting offended when they are not understood! There are plenty of Brits that come over and are part of society, the majority are not, they live in compounds and live on a miserable pension and spend the little they have in British establishments whilst at the same time using our roads and beaches without paying any taxes. There has to be a screening process just as the Brits will be demanding if they Brexit. Its funny though when I suggest screening for Brits in Spain the nationalistic Brexiters come out in outrage when its exactly what they are demanding of their borders. Figure that one out!!

    I thought we did have 800,000 foreigners (and more) in the UK. Only they are not retired and spending their own money, the majority are a drain on the DHSS and NHS and No I don't like it

  9. My GF is from Isaan. We have been together 18 months and live in a very modest apartment in BKK. She works in a restaurant every day for a pittance and contributes to the rent and food where she can. She does not want to live in the UK but would like to visit, and we are thinking of moving to her village area to settledown. So as long as this continues to be the trend then I am more than happy and only time will tell.

    You obviously have very little regard for your GF if you allow her to work "in a restaurant every day for a pittance" instead of giving her a better life of staying at home and looking after you. You sir are a disgrace.

    People ready to judge before knowing all the facts

    There is a lot of that here which is a shame because it's a very informative site

    Her choice and we look after each other. She enjoys doing it and it gives her a bit of independence plus we are saving to build a house

    We aren't all made of money

    The point I was making is there are good people out there who don't just want Westeners for their money.

  10. My GF is from Isaan. We have been together 18 months and live in a very modest apartment in BKK. She works in a restaurant every day for a pittance and contributes to the rent and food where she can. She does not want to live in the UK but would like to visit, and we are thinking of moving to her village area to settledown. So as long as this continues to be the trend then I am more than happy and only time will tell.

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