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Posts posted by Caps

  1. What a journey it turned out to be, blocked routes, 80km detour, and 200km off road. The first 15km was on tarmac then it went onto unpaved road/track, the first 67km was covered in 2hours.

    At the 60 km I came to a military style check point, uniform and what looked like a single shot rifle, I wondered where the hell I was going, lots of sign posts in what looked like Chinese or Korean
    The GPS was going mad, at about the 63 km point I came across a mine type area, didn't stop for photos as there were people about.
    I was well in the middle of no where, I now know what Dr Livingstone felt like, but the GPS says still on right road, the route wasn't even on my Laos Paper Map. At about 67km I came across another Military CP which again I passed with no problems.

    15996648880_df49716462_b.jpgIMG_1310 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  2. Day 21 Local Vang Vieng

    Stayed local in Vang Vieng today and went on a bit of a ride, I took a track to the west of the town and just followed it. I eventually ran out of track at a village as I was trying to get round a big hill. so I turned back and took a fork in the road in another village and that took me on a loop. Great scenery and lots to see.

    16171627202_f275bd16b0_b.jpgLocal Vang Veing1 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  3. One More:


    The above is how GBP moved against USD when the Brexit lead was announced:


    For UK expats in Thailand that means that one Pound went from 52.05 to it's current level of 51.29 (average all Thai banks at this moment in time).

    It will rise again in the future which ever way it goes

  4. Well, could stay at home and risk attack at home, or go to Europe and risk attack there. I think people booking travel should go and enjoy but listen to the advice of the State Department and try to avoid potential target areas.

    So if you listen to the State Dept and try to avoid potential target areas, then you might as well stay at home as it covered the majority of places you go when you travel.

    Or you could work on if its your time its your time and go ayway because there ain't nowt you can do about it

  5. It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

    Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

    cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

  6. And your point is?

    You are not interested in news and views?

    So what are you doing here?

    My point is I read it and I am still voting out..

    news and views are good

    as much right as anyone

    I don't think anyone is interested how anyone will vote.

    However we, or at least I, am interested in views and opinions

    Was there something in the article you disagreed with? Applauded? ?

    Nothing particular. Like others, I have my reasons, as I have told you before I read, I watch and ingest the info for both. There is good and bad points for both and there is also a lot of uncertainty for both...unless we all have crystal balls now

  7. I went for Dok Khoun Guesthouse which I got for 200,000kip, when I questioned his price he did say its New Year?! Ummm it finished yesterday?! Not a bad room but had better during my travels. Coords N18.92602 E102.44854.

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    I will stay an extra day and have a bit of a play about in the local area, there are a couple of caves which might be worth a visit.

  8. As I left my food stop there were a group of Malasian riders went past on there big bikes, I latched myself on to the back and was the tailend charlie for about 30Km’s till they went left and I carried on right in a little place called Phoukhoun. But it was nice for awhile to have someone to follow and I was acknowledged by their rider in front more than once.

    Some of the views to be had are fantastic and I am getting close to saying that they are better than the views in Thailand.
    Once I got to Vang Vieng I did the usual and stopped for a drink after a drive through and looked for somewhere to stop for the night.

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  9. I set off at around 0815hrs and I took the 13N, The climbs and the valleys were great and the views wearisome of the best . It was about 150 mile but I took it nice and steady with lots of breaks and the obligatory stop for some food at about 1030hrs.

    I stopped in one of the hill top villages for the Noodle soup of the day which was very nice, I also had a coffee as I was a bit cold, in fact is was quite cold and my hands were starting to get a bit numb

    16137890296_330d5685d0_b.jpgIMG_1243 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  10. Day 19 New Years Eve

    Spent the day just relaxing and wandering around the town.
    New Years Eve was spent with the family who owned the Guesthouse I was stopping in, it was a good night, lots of Laos food and lots of Laos, they made me feel really welcome as we ticked off the hours. It was a good night. There hospitality was great. There was a couple of younger lads there who spoke quite good English which was a bonus for me, and they were into their western music.

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  11. Then went off road, met a guy from Denmark, I forget his name, and we rode a great track, the track started off quite wide and then went into a really narrow close in track, this we followed for a lot of kilometres before coming out in Muang Nan and went our separate ways after a well earned rest and drink in the village. It made a really nice change to ride with someone rather than doing it on your own.

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  12. Kuang Si Waterfall, well worth a visit, cost 2000 Kip to park the bike which was watched by the guy who took the money and it cost 20,000 to visit the falls, worth the money, there is also a bear sanctuary which was good also, there bears were out and about and playing when I was there. Just before the falls there is a Butterfly farm but I did not visit it.

    16145597375_3572e7069f_b.jpgIMG_1146 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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