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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Why we have a yank on the UK top Gear is beyond me! It just does not and will not work, just the same as a Brit on the yank one wouldn't work.

    The USA one doesn't work, full stop. The UK version worked , like it or not, because of Clarkson.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


  2. I there I climbed Phou Si Mountain and visited That Chomsi and got some great views of the surrounding countryside and Luang Prabang. There was also an anti-aircraft gun from the Vietnam War perched on the hill

    15515598963_e6565a1617_b.jpgIMG_1124 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    Another Temple on the main road in town centre

  3. Finally got to Luang Prabang and found the town centre, once there I had a bacon sarnie and a Oreo and banana milkshake whilst trying to get some accommodation. That was to prove a task in its self, i looked on some sites and found some to go see, but everywhere was full, I took me over an hour to find a place, eventually I managed to get myself in to the Seng Phet Guesthouse N19.53340 E102.07946, a nice clean place with aircon, tv, hot water and a nice outside sitting area so you can watch the world go past. The bike was parked outside on the road till the evening then I was bought in to the sitting area at night and the gates are closed. There is also someone on all night.

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    Staying local till after New Years Eve

  4. It was a good ride and I took a leisurely pace stopping at quite a few villages on the way for a drink and a relax. Of course the breakfast stop was done, had a very good noodle soup with some rice and a plate of salad, tasty indeed.

    16127390565_f4a2fdf7a0_b.jpgIMG_1078 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    The route I took was straight up the 4 and I crossed the newish bridge over the Mekong River, then I went back across to try and find the ferry, I went down to the waters edge where you could see vehicles had driven and waited, hoping that one of the boats would come across from the otherside, after waiting for about 20mins I gave up and continued on my journey.
    The road got a bit pole holed in places and there was even places where the road was completely gone. but it kept it interesting.

    15941487929_fdf82fe07f_b.jpgIMG_1061 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  5. Day 16 Sayaboury to Luang Prabang

    Had a nice and relaxed day, I travelled from Sayaboury to Luang Prabang after spending a couple of hours trying to get to the Elephant Conservation outside Sayaboury. I could not find a track to get there, the only place I could find was a boat to take me across the lake but I was not willing to leave the bike overnight. So off I went to Luang Prabang.

    15941651587_90ea709046_b.jpgDay 16 Sayaboury to Luang Prabang by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    16101596796_9ab43d231d_b.jpgDay 16 Sayaboury to Luang Prabang1 by Wayne 66, on Flickr
  6. Look, I really don't want to get into a fight over this!

    Do you understand the difference between de facto and de jure?

    Someone may in fact be a refugee (de facto) but they do not become recognised as a refugee (de jure) until due process is completed. Until then, they are classified as asylum seekers.

    Nothing to get vexed about ?


    Thanks for coming down from the ivory tower and enlightening all of us

  7. The U.K. Joined the Common market in 1973 which after the Lisbon treaty in 2009 morphed into the EU.What does that have to do with the 1940's and speaking German?

    Sorry if it went over your head. You are obviously younger than I am, referring to your grandfather where it would have been my father.

    Would your grandfather really have turned his back on those that came to their aid in an hour of need.

    The Polish armed forces were the 4th largest military body in WW2 and they with many other Europeans helped prevent a European Union in the 1940's. It would have been compulsory membership, single currency and a single language. Many would benefited from free hair cuts and dental checks while others would have had free clothing complete with jackboots.

    Complain about the EU by all means but never forget how the freedom to complain came about.

    There is an old saying,'Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.' You cannot do that from a position of isolation.

    I am well aware of the history of the Second World War thank you.

    My Grandfather and thousands like him were in France as part of the British Expoditionary Force after the events of 1939 when Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany and yes you are correct, they were fighting against a European Union dominated by nazi Germany.

    Actually he had first hand experience of Poland as he was a Prisoner in the stalags there.

    The scenario which you describe is what Brexit is trying to prevent. Can you not see where the EU is a going with their control all attitude, single super state, European army, Federal Police force, European arrest warrant, forming foreign policy etc. they are not about freedom but the exact opposite.

    Reforming the EU whilst inside, yeah, good luck with that

    Once again no one is advocating leaving Europe just the anti democratic EU

    They are even trying to dictate who you can vote for now!

    You only have to look at Juncker's threat to ostracise those governments whose policies he doesn't agree with. The 'rule of law' legislation has already been used against Poland and is threatened against Hungary and Austria. When three of the 28 EU countries face this type of legislative action, one has to question whether the legislation makes sense. As the Polish prime minister said, "This is not the union, not the kind of membership that we have agreed to."

    Juncker is, after all, the failed ex prime minister of the European superstate of Luxembourg which has hardly equipped him with a sense of fair play, and whose appointment as President of the European Commission was firmly opposed by the UK.

  8. https://www.facebook.com/AustraliaLoveItOrLeave/videos/1100674393306140/

    If anyone is wondering what has this to do with the EU,

    Two points-

    1/ as the video points out, those poor countries such as in Africa need to be allowed to export their goods,especially agricultural products to Europe, without being subject to custom tariffs as imposed by the EU. In the event of a Brexit the market for these countries would automatically grow by 70 million.

    2/ as the Video again explains,much better to encourage their elite to remain in their own country, rather to do a Merkel.

    you have a seriously flawed premise or two there - firstly EU actually encourages trade with Africa, secondly, did you seriously think UK would be in a position to allow "free trade" with countries that would seriously undercut their dwindling industries and what do you think we would sell them?

    Immigration is not just caused by economics of Africa (often a legacy of UK colonialism), it is caused by the wars US and their allies start largely to protect oil interests which in turn lead to mass migration of ASYLUM seekers, not immigrants - you really should find out who they are first.....or do they all look the same to you


    Or Refugees even

    At least get the terminology correct.

    They are asylum seekers UNTIL they are accepted as refugees or rejected and sent packing.

    This is an issue that media continually gets incorrect


    1. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
      Which was the point i was making
      a·sy·lum seek·er
      1. a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another.
        "only asylum seekers who are granted refugee status are allowed to work in the country"
  9. https://www.facebook.com/AustraliaLoveItOrLeave/videos/1100674393306140/

    If anyone is wondering what has this to do with the EU,

    Two points-

    1/ as the video points out, those poor countries such as in Africa need to be allowed to export their goods,especially agricultural products to Europe, without being subject to custom tariffs as imposed by the EU. In the event of a Brexit the market for these countries would automatically grow by 70 million.

    2/ as the Video again explains,much better to encourage their elite to remain in their own country, rather to do a Merkel.

    you have a seriously flawed premise or two there - firstly EU actually encourages trade with Africa, secondly, did you seriously think UK would be in a position to allow "free trade" with countries that would seriously undercut their dwindling industries and what do you think we would sell them?

    Immigration is not just caused by economics of Africa (often a legacy of UK colonialism), it is caused by the wars US and their allies start largely to protect oil interests which in turn lead to mass migration of ASYLUM seekers, not immigrants - you really should find out who they are first.....or do they all look the same to you


    Or Refugees even

    At least get the terminology correct.

    They are asylum seekers UNTIL they are accepted as refugees or rejected and sent packing.

    This is an issue that media continually gets incorrect


  10. Got to Sayaboury at about 1430hrs, went to the bank to change some money, sat and had a cold beer with some spicy squid and rice while trying to find some place to sleep.

    I went for a ride round and after trying a couple of places I eventually picked the Makee Guest House N 19.16078 E101.42769, the bike is parked round the side of the building out of the way.

    15932152197_932b4e8dd5_b.jpgIMG_1053 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  11. The 4A was quite a good ride, it stared off quite a big, wide road then as it progressed just after the big Power Station it went on to a narrow road all the way to Sayaboury. It was very enjoyable with some stunning scenery.

    They do however like putting the stone chippings on the corners as I found out, it gave me a bit of a ar*e twitch the first time I came found the bend on to it. I was quite regular and you just got used to it. The villages I passed through high in the hills were great, kids and adults waving as you went through.

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    Early 4A

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    Later on the 4A

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  12. I went straight to the departures window at the passport control and gave then my passport, arrivals card and the copies of the paperwork given to me by the rental people. In return he gave me some paperwork to fill out which was something to do with me being allowed back in with me taking one of there bikes out of the country. One of the guys behind the desk was f\very helpful and came outside to fill it in for me (sorted). Once that was done they stamped me out of the country and then sent me to customs with the other half of the paperwork I had with me. Again they were very helpful in the office and there was no messing about. I was given my customs paperwork, he pointed out that I have to be back in Thailand no later than the 25 Jan 15 or face a fine, and then told have a good trip.

    So armed with my passport, Information of Conveyance letter from Immigration and my Customs form I went down the hill to leave Thailand.
    No problems, I was waved through once they had seen all my paperwork.
    Got to the Laos Border, the guy there looked at all my paperwork and pointed out that they had put the 26 Dec on the Information of Conveyance letter and the correct date in my passport, the 27th
    So I was sent back to the Thai border to get it sorted.
    Back at the Laos Border post, I was this time let through.
    Went to the arrivals office where I had to get a visa on arrival, so after filling in an arrivals card and paying $35 I was given my Laos Visa for 30 days. Next up was customs, Gave them my passport and the Customs paperwork and Information of Conveyance letter from Thailand and in a few minutes I was given a green TIPV and parted with 200 Bht.

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    Laos Customs in the wooden hut

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    The Visa Office, Laos

    That was it all done, off I went to the last Laos Border control point where they checked my paperwork and I was them allowed through. I left a parting gesture of a unopened packet of Oreo biscuits which he was quite happy with.

  13. Day 15 Thung Chang, Thailand to Sayaboury, Laos

    Up and out early so I could get to the border sooner rather than later. The ride from Thung Chang to to the Thailand/Laos border crossing certainly woke me up, it was really cold and covered in mist in the hills, route 101 which took me straight in to the crossing was a nice road with lots of ups and downs with the usual bends and twists.

    15930784398_a70dced457_b.jpgDay 15 Thung Chang to Sayaboury, Laos by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    16116282931_4d7642a45e_b.jpgDay 15 Thung Chang to Sayaboury, Laos1 by Wayne 66, on Flickr
  14. I did my usual ride through the little town to see what was happening , not a lot, as I could not find any place to sleep in Chiang Klang or and good eateries I decided to push on a bit further and I needed fuel and I got a petrol station from the Satnav which was a bout 2 k’s away. After that was a place called Thung Chang which after sitting and having a Mocha Frappe and asking for hotels I managed to get the place where i am now, The Nice Bungalows in Thung Chang....coords N19.41831 E100.87993, not a bad room, got a bed and shower room with the all important Wifi.

    15924274629_0c561f49ca_b.jpgIMG_1025 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    Tomorrow is the short journey to the border and on into Laos, fingers crossed. Going to get there nice and early as I don’t know how long it will take to cross.

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