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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Set off again at about 0745hrs and decide to stop on route for breakfast as per the norm. It was really misty for the first couple of hours and I was forever wiping my goggles so I could see where I was going. Also got to a point where i was thinking I needed some fuel and doing the gravel dirt road and going up and down the hills/mountains was zapping the juice. Came across a construction team who were working on the road (loosely speaking of course) and point at the tank, they looked blank at first then cottoned on, they pointed back the way I had came, Ummmm not a good move going backwards when you need fuel, anyway it was only about 2 k’s back down the road, I didn’t see it the first time due to mist and a lorry.

    Some scenes from the day, although didn't stop much for photos, I was enjoying the road

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  2. Day 4 Tha Song Yang to Mae Hong Son

    Wow what a day, long but great. So much for me saying that the road was going going to be long and boring….far from it. It was a brilliant ride, it was 200 mile of so off twists with a bit of loose stuff thrown in for good measure, it would be worth doing again another time.

    16032477041_b76d414e2c_b.jpgTha Song Yang to Mae Hong Son by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    15414778023_01f6c2a96a_b.jpgTha Song Yang to Mae Hong Son1 by Wayne 66, on Flickr
  3. Brexit.....now do I get filled with infinite wisdom?wink.png

    I doubt it! I was just checking a theory that Brexiteers are all heavily dosed in nostalgia and conscription would be a typical part of that.

    Having said that I'm in the Remain camp and would recommend conscription so maybe my theory isn't that water tight.

    I don't really do nostalgia. I also think that being in the EU has its good points (although in my eyes not many) but the bad points out way the good which is why I am wanting out.

  4. Why is the phrase 'drink driving' is always used when in fact a drink is to take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow as opposed to drunk which is a person affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior?

    Seems to be a Britishism they picked up somewhere along the way...the Brits refer to drunk-driving as "drink driving." Just another example of how they have mangled the English language ?

    you can't really mangle something you spawn wink.png

  5. the road between Mae Sot and Mae hong son is anything BUT boring

    Yes I know that now...but I didn't when I was doing the trip, as you will see on my next post

    Very nice and detailed report. Thanks.

    Have to agree with Phuketrichard, road to Mae Hong Son is one the best biking roads in North Thailand. Enjoy.

    Thanks Scott, and yes I agree with Phuketrichard now biggrin.png

  6. 15840920617_fd9d86b079_b.jpgIMG_0410 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    Eventually made I it to Ban Mae la and decide that I had been and seen and it was time to move on, nowt much happening. So I re-joined the 105 and headed for Tha Song Yang. Only a small town but had a 7/11 and some local eateries. Stopped off in one of the eateries and in my best Thai for hotel I was pointed in the direction of the place where I will lay my head tonight, which is the BP Resort, coords N17.24866° E98.21464°. Nice little bungalows, 400 Bht with aircon…because boy I needed it and the bike is parked right outside, sorted

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    The room for the night

    Popped back into Tha Song Yang for evening meal and now to plan for tomorrow, a long boring route up to Mae Hong Son where I think I am going to stay of a couple of days and do a ride out.

    Up to now I am averaging about 1000 Bht a day, give or take a bit, so about 20 quid, not too bad for fuel, food and bed.
    Still got another 13 days or so before I head in to Laos

  7. Next up was Tak to Ban Mae la, don’t know why I went there? It was up near the Myanmar Border and it gave me a good route to do over the mountains on some more interesting roads, just what the Doctor ordered.

    Saw some great sights/scenery on route and had some good roads to ride on. About 2 thirds in to the 1175 I was in need of a break so I just stopped off at the next little village I came across and went to the little shop, had a cold Nescafe out of a tin and a Red Bull type drink, what a pick me up

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    During the very early stages of the 1175 I saw a big white budda, had to go check it out, although when I got up there I could not find a way to get to the front to take a pic so had to make do with one from a distance but I got the Temple close up instead.
    Even managed to get in a traffic jam of cows and a lone woman trying to keep them in check

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    Went over those mountains in the distance

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    The temple where the White Budda was

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    White Budda in the distanc

  8. Day 3 Sukhothai to Tha Song Yang

    Yet another early start today, was on the road for about for about 0745, stopped off at a petrol station which had a 7/11 shop, got a 6 litre of water and filled up my CamelBak and binned the rest so I could fill it up with petrol. Only got a 7 litre tank and was crossing some big hills today.
    So better to be safe than sorry, as it happens I didn’t need it.
    The route to start off with was pretty long and mundane although the scenery was fine the road was not, then I got on to the 1175, now that was fun

    16024550701_ea8ccccd32_b.jpgDay 3 Sukhothai to Tha Song Yang by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    16001502456_ef74361fa6_b.jpgGoogle Earth Elevation shot by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    I did about 80 odd K’s then decided that I needed food so I stopped in Tak, food was great and cheap. That was the boring bit of the road done also.

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  9. Once I was sorted out and had chilled for a bit it was time to do a bit of sight seeing. I went a visited the Sukhothai Historical Park…coords N17.01816° E99.70673°, it was a really nice place and in my mind well worth a visit. It cost 100 Bht to get in and an extra 20 Bht if you want to ride round on your bike…so guess what?….The bike it was!

    16018253255_6e50157c9e_b.jpgIMG_0313 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    Spent a bit of time talking to this lady using ThaiEnglish and gestures

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  10. Day 2, Phrae to Sukhothai

    Got an early start today, up at 0600 and on the road for 0700 thanks to a bus load of Chinese tourists that were making a noise in the hotel I stayed in as I was close to the dining area I could not help but hear them, never mind it gave me an excuse to get up and get going. Phrae to Sukhothai

    15830873768_452f024cf1_b.jpgScreen Shot 2014-12-14 at 17.13.54 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    It was a good trip and very scenic, I didn’t have breakfast, thought I would get some miles under the belt before I stopped to eat. Riding from one village to the next was good and all the smells of food which was cooking at that time in the morning was making me really peckish. So I decide to pull in, I was also thinking about fuel and lucky the place I decided to pull in to was also selling fuel, so what with the little bit of Thai I have managed to learn and a lot of pointing and gestures I got fuel for the bike and fuel for me….sorted.

    16016943005_b5ceac1f4e_b.jpgIMG_0288 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    Time to hit the road again and get to Sukhothai, on the route I kept stopping to play with the Gopro and try and get used to using the app I have for my iPhone, it allows me the use it wirelessly. I eventully got it to work and took a bit of video on the route.

    The route I took was a mixture of rolling hills and flat rice paddy fields with a few villages (towns) thrown in for good measure, so all in all it was a good journey

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    I got to Sukhothai for lunchtime, about 1200 and stopped at a coffee house with wifi so I could look at Rideasia.net and the HUBB to try and find some recommended digs. Found the Garden house..coords N17.00484 E99.48989, very nice little bungalows, paid 300 Bht with a fan, you could pay extra for aircon…but being a Yorkshire man….

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  11. Day 1 Chiang Mai to Phrae

    Well, had a good if not long day today, although I did more miles than I had planned to do. Scenery was great and I travelled down some narrow roads through a National park. I got to the Ghost Canyon at about 1530hrs so it gave me time to look around before it closed at 1800hrs
    Got to the hotel at about 1830hrs, showerd and out for some food, Hotel not too bad although it was 490 Bht which was more than I intended to pay. The hotel is the Namthong in the middle of Phrae, wouldn't say they were bike friendly as I had to leave it in the carpark with the rest of the cars, they did assure me that there is security on all night, we will see!
    The Canyon was quite good, the rock formation are a bit weird as you can see by the photos below
    Only had about 6 near misses today so thats not too bad for a starter
    You need eyes in the back of your head

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    The route taken from the Garmin Montana 600

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    Ghost Canyon, Phrae
  12. I went to pick up the bike in the evening so I could get it ready for the morning and then I could get an earlyish start
    Its brand new, only of 500km on the clock.......Not a good idea just in case i drop it ...I can see the Baht signs now cheesy.gif
    Got him to swap out the fairing for some older stuff so it won't matter if I scuff it little.
    Took the pics in the place where I got it from.
    Roll on the morning and I am setting off for Phrae on my first leg
    Also got all my paperwork to get into Laos

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  13. Arrived at the Bangkok train station in good time as I need to get my ticket for the return journey back to Bangkok on the night of the 18 Jan 2015, managed to get the same type of compartment I have got for this journey. Whilst at the station I passed the time away talking to folk…as you do! Some German girls, but its been along time since I used any German and a couple from the UK. It was a good time and it passed the time.

    In typical Thai train times we set off late, but only by 20 mins so that was not too bad. The compartment was ok but a little cramped and there was no way to lock the door once you left. Once we set off I went to the restaurant car for some food and it was very nice, ‘seafood spicy platter’ had it with a coke and a smile. No beer allowed on the train due to an incident previous. If you need anymore info on trains in Thailand then I suggest The Man in Seat Sixty-One - the train travel guide...
    as the website to use, its very informative. I went to sleep at about 2230hrs and was awake again at 0230hrs shaking like a rabid dog,sad.gif what with the temperature drop further up north and the aircon in the compartment I was freezing, I could not find a way to turn the aircon off so back on with the trousers and my fleece which I had on me with flying from the UK, problem sorted and eventually awoke again at 0650hrs. Coffee time!

    I am sat on the train still as I am typing this in note form ready to do an update as and when I can, using the time wisely, how long will that last?! Looking out the window the scenery is great and I am looking forward to getting the bike tomorrow and setting off.
    Arrived at Riderscorner, got my room 380Bht for one night with aircon
    Time to chill and sort out the kit ready for tomorrow.

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    Hua Lamphong Station, BKK

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    Japanese Rail carriage and my compartment

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    Rider's Corner Bar & Restaurant - Chiang Mai Bikers Hotel Thailand

  14. This trip was done in Dec 2014 and Jan 2015 and I would share it with likeminded people on here

    Sorting out the trip was not much of a problem as I had a lot of time on my hands whilst working in Iraq
    I booked the bike through Rider's Corner Bar & Restaurant - Chiang Mai Bikers Hotel Thailand they are on email [email protected]. All detail on the site
    Flights were booked direct with Emirates
    My train from BKK to CM was booked through Royal Exclusive Travel - Thailand Travel, Hotel Bangkok, Cambodia Travel and have an email address if anyone wants it. I found them really helpfull and my ticket was waiting for me at my hotel in BKK today

    The bike I have booked is a CRF250 L with a rack on the back. I intend on using straps/bungies to fasten my bergan to the back. I brought all my own riding gear with me as I know I can get on with it. I also brought my own tools as there are non provided. But only taking the basics.

    For photographing and videoing the trip I will be using my Nokia Lumia and my donated Apple 4s ( so I can use locals sim cards as well as keep my UK one going). I have also got the GoPro Hero 4 with I have used before on many occasions (quality I find to be good) but now I have the Apple I can remote operate it also, tried it and it was good.

    I have got the Thailand maps downloaded on my Nokia but can’t get any for Laos. I do have paper maps of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia (in case I go) and I will be taking my Silva compass so there will be a bit of old school navigation.
    Also got myself a Garmin Montana, using it with Free worldwide Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap which I have found to be great detail, time will tell when I am on the road.

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  15. Keep your nose at home, this investigation can be done well enough by Egypt and France. Help if and only if you are asked by Egypt.

    Egypt does not have a good track record on accepting facts of aircraft crashes so may well make up what suits them. Example, they refused to accept the results of one crash being suicide and another they refused to believe to be a terrorist bomb despite the evidence. The US has some of the best aircraft crash investigators in the world but you feel the families don't deserve the best.

    I believe the families deserve the full support of their own countries. IF those countries would like to become better at what they do, then by all means, they should be afforded every right to come and pay to learn from the best. Very tired of the US being looked at as a world charity.

    I am sure the best....UK, Germany and France would not want paying to teach the Egyptians

  16. Keep your nose at home, this investigation can be done well enough by Egypt and France. Help if and only if you are asked by Egypt.

    Egypt does not have a good track record on accepting facts of aircraft crashes so may well make up what suits them. Example, they refused to accept the results of one crash being suicide and another they refused to believe to be a terrorist bomb despite the evidence. The US has some of the best aircraft crash investigators in the world but you feel the families don't deserve the best.

    I am sure the French can cope

  17. The European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker. Another freeloader, who went into Politics at the age of 20 and has never had a job. Oh yes people, yet another one. Has this to say.

    European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker has warned the UK that "deserters won’t be welcomed back with open arms".

    In hard-hitting comments, which have sparked accusations of intimidation among eurosceptics, he said the UK would "have to bear the consequences" if it voted to quit the 28-member bloc.

    In the event of Britain breaking away, it "would be considered a third party and one we won’t suck up to", he added.


    Feeling the heat Juncker ? Are you now having nightmares about your gravy train, not just coming to end, but slamming into the abyss in a fatal crash.

    I would have thought, that you of all people, would understand that Brits really do not take kindly to threats.

    cheesy.gif well done Juncker....what a chopper, its comments like that give me all more reason for us to be OUT

    How come?

    Because I don't like being dictated to or threatened

  18. The European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker. Another freeloader, who went into Politics at the age of 20 and has never had a job. Oh yes people, yet another one. Has this to say.

    European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker has warned the UK that "deserters won’t be welcomed back with open arms".

    In hard-hitting comments, which have sparked accusations of intimidation among eurosceptics, he said the UK would "have to bear the consequences" if it voted to quit the 28-member bloc.

    In the event of Britain breaking away, it "would be considered a third party and one we won’t suck up to", he added.


    Feeling the heat Juncker ? Are you now having nightmares about your gravy train, not just coming to end, but slamming into the abyss in a fatal crash.

    I would have thought, that you of all people, would understand that Brits really do not take kindly to threats.

    cheesy.gif well done Juncker....what a chopper, its comments like that give me all more reason for us to be OUT

  19. Dune countries are either very bad or screwed. As bad as this latest incident (and Iraq in general) is, things would be several times worse if Saddam and his sadist sons were still in power. For that reason, Iraq II war was for a good cause, even if no WMD were found. Note: Saddam had many months to dispose of WMD before the invasion. Remember the daily threats by US and others?

    Having been in the last war and also working over there in the private sector for 3 years (don't do it anymore) Iraq would be better if Saddam was still running the place, yes they were scared of the consequences if they stepped out of line but you didn't get all this violence, IS didn't exist...so how would it be worse. Haha, WMD, it was just an excuse for a large country to try and get its hands on oil and to dispose of someone who didn't conform to what they wanted.

    Turkey has large human rights issues and like killing folk off, so does Saudi but I don't see them being invaded for WMD!!!!

  20. He will be on the eu's case soon as the Russians are skint and when the uk stay in the eu our money will go through the roof.the uk are 1/4 to stay in the eu and the pound should rise nicely as its has in the last few days now that the financial world has realised that the uk are likely to stay in.anyway what would Russia want to invest in? A dodgy train plan,old rice? Or land that you can never own.anyway he got a bit of a holiday out of it.

    The UK aren't likely to stay in, just as the aren't likely to come out, what a load of rubbish. No one will know what will happen until the results come out

    That's why the uk are 1/4 to stay in and 11/4 to leave the EU...it's not a 50/50 thing.i think you want to sit down and have a think about that one before you go gobbing it off I'm posting rubbish.or to make it plain and simple 2 horse race,ones got four legs and ones got 3 legs.my uneducated backward missus that I found in the jungle has got more up top than you.


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