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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Eating 2 strips of bacon daily, reduces your chance of becoming a suicide bomber by 100%.

    You're not the first person to have this thought:

    "'Eating our bacon reduces your chance of being a suicide bomber by 100 per cent': Butcher says he meant no offence with sign he posted in his shop window"



  2. The White Temple or Wat Rong Khun is about 10 K’s south of CR, coords N19.49447 E099.45766

    Again I would recommend this if you are coming to CR. It is quite a new build compared to some of the other Temples in the area but the work that has gone in to it is very good.
    The main hall has a budda in it but you cant take photos inside, and its shoes off before you go in.
    There are also a lot of tourist type shops to look in as well as a very small museum, where at the end you can watch the craftsmen working.

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  3. Day 9 Chiang Rai local

    Stayed local round CR today and visited 2 temples

    The Black House (Temple) or Thawan Duchanee is about 10 K’s north of CR, coords N19.59516 E099.51617
    It is a bizarre temple but well worth a visit. It reminds me of more of an Occult Temple rather than one to worship a Budda. It was very interesting walking around, and you must look at the toilet! A bit strange I know but it was filled with Phalic symbols, brought tears to my eyes just looking!
    I would recommend it anyone visiting the area, and considering its a Sunday it wasn’t very busy.

    15881875210_bc53ac39da_b.jpgIMG_0675 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    The Toilet

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    Phalic Symbols

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  4. Eventully got to CR at around 1500hrs and stopped for a drink and looked for a room. Settled on the Red Rose, they have themed rooms. Awesome, and all for the sum of 500 Bht or 10 GBP. Coords N 19.53601 E 099.49779

    Staying here for at least 2 nights, maybe 3 as there are a couple things I want to do.

    15874959410_3fce75e1f3_b.jpgIMG_0649 by Wayne 66, on Flickr
    The rooms

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  5. Once I got to Fang I had a ride round, because as I was riding in the first impressions were not good…my assumptions were good and it wasn't very good, I only saw one decent hotel and there was not a great deal in the town. I had a decision to make, stay in Fang or carry on to CR

    CR it was, So I travelled about 5 clicks back in the direction I had just come from then turned onto the 108, straight on to a long straight road, I was hoping that this wasn’t it for the next 100 k’s give or take. I wasn’t disappointed, after about 5 K’s the bends started, it was one of the better roads I have been on

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  6. I set off at about 0815hrs towards Fang. The road was up to the usual standard of twists and turns with great scenery. Some of the switchbacks were that sharp my Montana was having a fit and thought I was turning round therefore it was shouting in my ear ‘Recalculating, Recalculating’. There was a lot of mist this morning and it was cold, that clod my hands were going numb. As I climbed higher I came out off the mist and it to the sun, although it was warmer it was still a bit nippy

    As you can see from some of the photos the mist looked like a thick blanket of cotton wool in some place as I was looking down on it

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  7. I have spent a fair bit of time in the Pai Pub, which is about 2 doors down from where I am staying and is where I am sat now doing this report. Music food and internet are great

    The bar is owned by a Aussie guy called Rowan, he has made me feel very welcome and would recommend to anyone. He also does rooms although I only found out after getting mine. He is a biker and easy to get on with.

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    The Pai Pub

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    Nice little 125 Cafe Racer, think he said it cost him about $60

  8. After walking into the Canyon I was getting a bit hot with wearing my bike gear so it was off to Pai Hot Springs, as I pulled up I suddenly became very popular, 3 women accosted me in the car park, not that I minded, they wanted their photo taken with me, its not the first time but it was the first time I got them to return the favour

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    It was really good and once I had spent a bit of time walking around I went in the water for half an hour or so. The water was about 36 degrees C, very relaxing. I looked like a prune when I got out Cost was 200 Bht, Coords from the Montana N19.18432 E098.2856.

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    Allegedly you're not allowed to boil eggs in the water

  9. Day 7 Pai area.

    Set off for a bit of a look round at about 0900hrs.

    16052628471_b59d4364ce_b.jpgDay 7 Pai area by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    On route I passed a Elephant Village on some back road, the village was a Karen Tribe village. I was good to see the Elephants out and about.
    I took a few track on my route but some were dead ends and others were blocked by Elephant tours but it was good to get off road for a bit to have a play.

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  10. Got myself a room, like a little Chalet type thing, quite nice and managed to get it for 400 Bht with a fan a night, staying for two nights. Pichai House, coords from the Montanna N19.21421 E098. 26402.

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    Going to ride local tomorrow as there are lots of things to visit in and around the area, Hot Springs, Waterfalls and Pai Canyon.
    So I should have a good day

  11. Giving the Turks visa free travel is a bad idea, even entertaining them to join Europe is an even worse idea, 90% of the country is classed as been in Asia so they are not even Europeans. 75 million Turks waiting to come in to Europe.....outstanding..Not.

    It would probably be cheaper to put a flotilla of ships across the sea in international waters to stop the migrants/refugees coming over than it would be to strike a deal with Turkey.

  12. Uncertain investors withdraw billions from Europe

    Some US investors are looking at the Europe and thinking its a basket case

    A lot of investors have cut exposure to Europe during the year. There are political concerns, political risks in Spain and Portugal and weakening data.

    Investors are leaving because they are tired of low growth

    Poor economic figures that suggest a eurozone recession is a possibility on top of rising brexit fears

    More reason to leave

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

    • A Single Entry Tourist Visa (SETV).
    • You will be granted 60 days on entry which can be extended by 30 days for 1,900 baht at an immigration office.

    That's a pre-arrival visa right ..so I have to apply before I leave?

    This one?

    2. Tourist (3 months validity/Up to 60 days/Single) £25

    • At the end of the 90 days you can do a border hop (not all borders) and immediately re-enter using visa exempt entry. This will give you 30 days which can also be extended by 30 days if required.

    Do you know which border is best if based in Bangkok?

    The last visa border hop I made was to PoiPet, one of the bigger crossings. Went in a mini van from the visa company early in the morning, had lunch at the casino at the Cambodian border. One hour later picked up the papers and back in the van and back to Bangkok.

    Is there anywhere on the site to get more info on the PoiPet option


  13. As far as "border hop"....since your in bkk, just jump on cheap flight. Beats long time in a bus. Being UK you could also put hcmc on the list. Visa exempt for you. Even stay couple of days and chill.

    I looked at the HCMC option but for the OP I think it will be too late for him to use, unless they extend the rights (they might have already done it) but when I last checked, about 4 weeks ago, the Visa free waiver ends on the 30th June 2016 for UK folk

  14. From there I came back into Mae Hong Son and visited Wat Phrathat Doi Kong Mu (Temple on the hill in Mae Hong Son). There was a great view from up there over looking Mae Hong Son and the Airport

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    Back to the room and out to the bar I was in last night for a well earned Beer

    Some other pics from the day

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    Its not complete without a selfie

  15. Day 5 Mae Hong Son to Ban Rak Thai, staying local

    Decided to stay local to Mae Hong Son today and visit a village I had planned to do and what people on here had said go visit. So off I went...
    Thought I might get a lay in but the Cockerels were making a right racket at 0600 this morning...not amusedcheesy.gif

    16041088792_6d5fca3f7b_b.jpgDay 5 Mae Hong Son to Ban Rak Thai by Wayne 66, on Flickr
    It was a good climb, glad i was on the bike rofl.gif

    But it was still around 1000hrs when I set off, I just chilled in my 5* accommodation till then.facepalm.gif
    It was a good ride to the village of Ban Rak Thai which I a village of Chinese Decendents I think and they grow and do their own tea, very nice it was too, I tried the Ging Sing and the morning tea, all free which was nice, also had some grub. I purposely didn't order any rice but it came with it any way
    But it was very nice, I had Yunnan style fried pork done in Chinese herbs and honey

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    Tea and roasted almonds, Ging Sing on left

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    Good Food

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    The village market area

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    Were I had food
  16. Breakfast came about 1000 at a place called Sobmoei, food was the usual, fried rice with pork and veg, 'I will soon look like a bit of rice’, but hey if you eating local!

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    Breakfast spot

    The scenery was great, the road awesome, and after a couple more stops to refuel the bike and me I finally got the MHS at about 1415hrs
    Found a coffee house with wifi, sat with a Expresso Frappe and looked for a place to stay.
    Found the Friends House, coords..N19.30019° E97.96727°, talk about basic haha but at least its a bed, 300 Bht for the night, 6 quid so can’t grumble. helpsmilie.gif

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    The room for a couple of nights rolleyes2.gif

    Probably going to stop a couple of days and do a ride out, want to visit Ban Rak Thai and some other places

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