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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 3 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    A relatively tiny group of extremist fundamentalist zealots trying to create a worldwide clash of civilizations which would be impossible on their own, however they're being greatly aided by those who stoke division and hate on both sides... thus fueling ever more extremists/terrorists and nut jobs doing these heinous acts.

    So we should all just sit back and have a beer and let the tiny group of extremist fundamentalists in a large amount of countries on the plant just do what they need to do then hope they will get bored and just stop!  

    Pull the other one...its got bells on 

  2. 1 minute ago, impulse said:


    The colonial powers were able to hold on to the US, Canada, NZ, OZ and most of Europe.  We bankrupted ourselves fighting each other for the rest of the world, and abandoned them to their fate after pillaging their valuables, drawing up nonsensical borders and getting rid of anyone we thought was a threat to keeping the critical resources and gun money flowing west.


    So that condones what they do...have done, in their countries and to each other?  

    Maybe the Muslim huggers should go into  the middle of Mosul old city or Raqqa or even get on a train in the UK and go to the hardened area of Bradford. London and Birmingham and see if all the love is reciprocated.     

  3. 2 minutes ago, impulse said:

      Read my post #50.

    Like I said, don't go on about the West so called interfering.  Unless you think we should have just sat back and watched all the atrocities going on in the world and in what kind of countries were all these atrocities happening before we interfered?  Not much it going on in the UK, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Europe...but loads of it going on in Afghan, Syria and Iraq...Ummmmm, I wonder what the common denominator is? 


  4. 2 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Because it's still going on?

    What exactly is still going on?  Except of course the problems involving muslims in nearly every single country on the planet where they infest. 

    Again don't mention the West and Iraq etc, because the West has nothing to do with South Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and some of the African countries.  They just can't help them selves.  

    This attack was a When and not an If 



  5. 30 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Sure they can.  There have been peaceful Muslim communities all over the west for decades, centuries even.


    Ask yourself what's going on in the world that has upset the apple cart.



    Why do people have to bring up what happened centuries ago, we are all supposed to be in a more civilised world now...centuries ago we didn't know better.  If you start mentioning recent things like Iraq, Afghan, Syria and the West interfering then I suppose you think we just should have sat back and watch as certain ethnic groups were systematically slaughtered, oppressed and abused?  We can't have it all ways.  Mind you if the West had just sat back a watch this going on it would have given certain people something else to f***ing whine about.


    No sympathy for what has just happened, quite surprised it has not happened sooner.

  6. What is the difference in putting the laptop as part of the checked in baggage and taking it with you in to the cabin?  You would assume that if the terrorist is clever enough to make the bomb in the first place then they are clever enough to remotely detonate it no matter where it is on the plane.  Or are they hoping that the remainder of the luggage soaks up the blast.


  7. There should be no Sharia Law in any Western Country, no ifs, no buts.  The only Law should be the Law of the country you are in.  If you don't like it and want Sharia Law then by all means sling your hook to some Islamicstan country and have it, and while your at it take some of these tree huggers and lets love a muslim/islamist groups with you so they can try and set up their western laws in your country.....but that would never happen....whys is that I wonder?


    I know a lot of muslims/islamists are now bred locally and not imported anymore but all those who do come and claim persecution etc and seek to live in a normal western country where they have rights etc...why would you then want to change it to be like the country you just left????  

  8. 1 hour ago, nasanews said:

    In that case may I ask you who's job is it to put food on the table?

    That would depend on what kind of civilisation you come from, whether you are from a western type democratic country where women are supposed to be equal.  Or whether you are from a still in the dark ages country and don't really value women at all.  Long gone are the days in normal society where men are supposed to put food on the table and the women stay in the house.

  9. This thread is turning into a military reminiscence exercise, love it! A common theme seems to be the black humour so widespread amongst our armed forces, actually, I think in many cases it is a defence mechanism, better to laugh off a situation than to dwell on the consequences.
    I recall one occasion when as SNCO I/C a barrack block, getting a phone call from the SWO asking me to allow access to 2 rooms because the inhabitants had just met an untimely end. The lads in question were MT mechanics, one senior and a raw junior. Their job was to conduct a test drive in a Unimog with the senior “teaching” the junior the ropes. The Unimog by the way is an incredible vehicle, loads of power, high up and easily controllable, down side, hit the brakes hard at speed and the front dips quite alarmingly. So, the senior gets the vehicle up to speed and stamps on the brakes, nose drops and the vehicle summersaults landing on its roof, occupants didn’t stand a chance. How many of you remember the Kwik Fit advert on TV with the slogan “You can’t get faster than a Kwik Fit Fitter”, (remember the tune?). Within half an hour, the slogan, which became viral, and had become “You can’t get flatter than an MT fitter”. Sick or what?!
    By the way, I loved compo sausages and for the uninformed, baby’s heads were the compo steak and kidney pies, all served up in a mess tin heated over a hexamine stove, where the blocks ran out before the meal was cooked. By the way, anyone still have their “Combat Can Openers”?

    Oh yeah, now your talking, babies heads were one of my favourite, chicken curry too, but I think apart from the sausages my all time number one has got to be the bacon grill out of the old tinned individual 24 hr rat packs.
    Not got a tin opener though lol, but I do still have my set of diggers which I still use when I am out touring on my motorcycle

    Sent from my iPhone whilst having a cold beer
  10. Just now, Flustered said:

    Don't start us off... Today's kids will never know what it was like to try and eat "possessed peas or possessed cheese" And for something completely inedible....Compo Sausages.


    Loved the rice pudding and steak/kidney.

    Yes but the minced beef was like cat vomit :cheesy:

  11. Going back to the Thread Title.


    Being in the Army made we walk upright and be proud.  It also made me to be able to stand on my own two feet and move on in life whatever is thrown at you.

    Also on the plus side I clean, wash and iron with the best of them and I am not to bad at cooking too...must be all those years with menu A lol.   I still miss the 10 man rat pack sausages

  12. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    If the military is such a great environment for personal growth as many seem to suggest  why then the suicide rate among active personal is more than twise than that in the general population 


    and after discharge significantly higher than that of the general population?


    The list would probably be long....but that is not the thread....is it?

    If you want to start another thread then feel free then we can all be on a downer and the suicide rates just might go up:coffee1:

  13. I was in the British Army (Infantry) for 22 years. '84' to '06'.  Loved it.  Yes you have good and bad days but the vast majority were good, been all over the world and been involved in some conflicts.

    I would do it all in a blink of an eye and I would also stay in the same job.  What I missed the most is the camaraderie and the constant  P!55 taking with the very dry wit.  Hence I am now in where I am now, its just like being back in.

    It was the best thing I did with my life and gave me good life skills which are still helping me now.

    What I will say is that I think that the US military look after their Retired/Vets better that the British Army does.

    It is nice having the pension coming in and knowing that I have a reasonable amount in the bank before I even get out of bed.  4.5 years left then hopefully I can finally retire properly...finger crossed.

    I have also found that even though I have been left for 11 years now I still have the horrible dry wit which does not go down too well with Civvies and that I do not suffer fools, incompetence or laziness lightly 

    On the bullying side of things, it can happen anywhere in any environment.  But in my early days it was nothing a Kangaroo couldn't sort out, (those who know will know)

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